package caisar

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t = {
  1. tensor_name : string option;
  2. quant_parameter_tensor_names : StringStringEntryProto.t list;

    <key, value> pairs to annotate tensor specified by <tensor_name> above. The keys used in the mapping below must be pre-defined in ONNX spec. For example, for 8-bit linear quantization case, 'SCALE_TENSOR', 'ZERO_POINT_TENSOR' will be pre-defined as quantization parameter keys.

val make : ?tensor_name:string -> ?quant_parameter_tensor_names:StringStringEntryProto.t list -> unit -> t

Helper function to generate a message using default values

Serialize the message to binary format

Deserialize from binary format

Serialize to Json (compatible with Yojson.Basic.t)

Deserialize from Json (compatible with Yojson.Basic.t)

val name : unit -> string

Fully qualified protobuf name of this message


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