package clim

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

The Object-Oriented CLI definition

method arg : 'a. ('a, final) arg -> ('a -> unit) -> unit

arg a k adds the argument specification a to the CLI and calls k on its final value.

method set : 'a. ('a, final) arg -> 'a ref -> unit

set a r adds the argument specification a to the CLI and sets the reference with its final value.

method virtual entrypoint : unit -> 'r

Entrypoint definition.

method man_xrefs : Cmdliner.Manpage.xref list

Inherted Cmdliner definitions.

method man : Cmdliner.Manpage.block list
method envs : Cmdliner.Term.env_info list
method doc : string
method version : string option
method name : string
method run : 'r

Runs the entrypoint according to the CLI definition.