package cowabloga

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Wiki management: entries, ATOM feeds, etc.

type body =
  1. | File of string
  2. | Html of Cow.Html.t
type entry = {
  1. updated :;
  2. author :;
  3. subject : string;
  4. body : body;
val html_of_author : -> Cow.Html.t
val atom_date : -> int * Date.month * int * int * int
val short_html_of_date : -> Cow.Xml.t
val body_of_entry : Atom_feed.t -> entry -> Cow.Html.t Lwt.t
val compare_dates : entry -> entry -> int
val html_of_entry : Atom_feed.t -> entry -> Cow.Html.t Lwt.t
val html_of_index : Atom_feed.t -> Cow.Html.t Lwt.t
val html_of_recent_updates : Atom_feed.t -> entry list -> Cow.Html.t
val html_of_page : content:Cow.Html.t Lwt.t -> sidebar:Cow.Html.t -> Cow.Html.t Lwt.t
val cmp_ent : entry -> entry -> int
val atom_entry_of_ent : Atom_feed.t -> entry -> Cow.Atom.entry Lwt.t
val to_atom : feed:Atom_feed.t -> entries:entry list -> Cow.Atom.feed Lwt.t