package daypack-lib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type sched_req_id = int64
type sched_req = sched_req_id * sched_req_data
and sched_req_data = sched_req_data_unit list
type sched_req_record = sched_req_id * sched_req_record_data
and sched_req_record_data_unit = (Task.task_seg, int64, Time_slot.t) Sched_req_data_unit_skeleton.t
and sched_req_record_data = sched_req_record_data_unit list
val flexibility_score_of_sched_req_record : sched_req_record -> float
val sort_sched_req_record_list_by_flexibility_score : sched_req_record list -> sched_req_record list
val start_and_end_exc_bound_of_sched_req_or_record : (sched_req_id * ('a * int64, int64, Time_slot.t) Sched_req_data_unit_skeleton.t list) -> (int64 * int64) option
val sched_req_or_record_before_time : int64 -> (sched_req_id * ('a * int64, int64, Time_slot.t) Sched_req_data_unit_skeleton.t list) -> bool
val sched_req_or_record_after_time : int64 -> (sched_req_id * ('a * int64, int64, Time_slot.t) Sched_req_data_unit_skeleton.t list) -> bool
val sched_req_or_record_fully_within_time_slot : start:int64 -> end_exc:int64 -> (sched_req_id * ('a * int64, int64, Time_slot.t) Sched_req_data_unit_skeleton.t list) -> bool
val sched_req_or_record_starting_within_time_slot : start:int64 -> end_exc:int64 -> (sched_req_id * ('a * int64, int64, Time_slot.t) Sched_req_data_unit_skeleton.t list) -> bool
val sched_req_or_record_ending_within_time_slot : start:int64 -> end_exc:int64 -> (sched_req_id * ('a * int64, int64, Time_slot.t) Sched_req_data_unit_skeleton.t list) -> bool
module Check : sig ... end
module Serialize : sig ... end
module Deserialize : sig ... end
module To_string : sig ... end
module Print : sig ... end