Module type
Class type
This module defines the builtins that are defined by Dolmen.
Builtins are particularly used in typed expressions see Dolmen.Std.Expr, in order to give more information about constants which have builtin semantics.
Users are encouraged to match builtins rather than specific symbols when inspecting typed expressions, as this basically allows to match on the semantics of an identifier rather than matching on the syntaxic value of an identifier. For instance, equality can take an arbitrary number of arguments, and thus in order to have well-typed terms, each arity of equality gives rise to a different symbol (because the symbol's type depends on the arity desired), but all these symbols have the Equal builtin.
In the following we will use pseudo-code to describe the arity and actual type associated to builtins. These will follow ocaml's notation for types with an additional syntax using dots for arbitrary arity. Some examples:
ttype is a type constant
ttype -> ttype is a type constructor (e.g. list)
int is a constant of type int
float -> int is a unary function
'a. 'a -> 'a is a polymorphic unary function
'a. 'a -> ... -> Prop describes a family of functions that take a type and then an arbitrary number of arguments of that type, and return a proposition (this is for instance the type of equality).
Additionally, due to some languages having overloaded operators, and in order to not have too verbose names, some of these builtins may have overloaded signtures, such as comparisons on numbers which can operate on integers, rationals, or reals. Note that arbitrary arity operators (well family of operators) can be also be seen as overloaded operators. Overloaded types (particularly for numbers) are written:
{a=(Int|Rational|Real)} a -> a -> Prop, where the notable difference with polymorphic functions is that functions of this type does not take a type argument.
Coercion: 'a 'b. 'a -> 'b: Coercion/cast operator, i.e. allows to cast values of some type to another type. This is a polymorphic operator that takes two type arguments a and b, a value of type a, and returns a value of type b. The interpretation/semantics of this cast can remain up to the user. This operator is currently mainly used to cast numeric types when this transormation is exact (i.e. an integer casted into a rational, which is always possible and exact, or the cast of a rational into an integer, as long as the cast is guarded by a clause verifying the rational is an integer).
In_interval (b1, b2): Int -> Int -> Int -> Prop: Tests whether or not an interger is in an interval, b1 (resp. b2) determines if the interval is open on the lower bound (resp. upper bound).
warning: It is an Alt-Ergo semantic trigger that should only be allowed inside theories.
| Maps_to
Maps_to: 'term_var -> 'term -> 'term: Used in semantic triggers for floating point arithmetic. See alt-ergo/src/preludes/fpa-theory-2017-01-04-16h00.ae.
warning: It is an Alt-Ergo semantic trigger that should only be allowed inside theories.
Int: ttype the type for signed integers of arbitrary precision.
| Integerof string
Integer s: Int: integer litteral. The string s should be the decimal representation of an integer with arbitrary precision (hence the use of strings rather than the limited precision int).
| Rat
Rat: ttype the type for signed rationals.
| Rationalof string
Rational s: Rational: rational litteral. The string s should be the decimal representation of a rational (see the various languages spec for more information).
| Real
Real: ttype the type for signed reals.
| Decimalof string
Decimal s: Real: real litterals. The string s should be a floating point representatoin of a real. Not however that reals here means the mathematical abstract notion of real numbers, including irrational, non-algebric numbers, and is thus not restricted to floating point numbers, although these are the only litterals supported.
| Lt
Lt: {a=(Int|Rational|Real)} a -> a -> Prop: strict comparison (less than) on numbers (whether integers, rationals, or reals).
| Leq
Leq:{a=(Int|Rational|Real)} a -> a -> Prop: large comparison (less or equal than) on numbers (whether integers, rationals, or reals).
| Gt
Gt:{a=(Int|Rational|Real)} a -> a -> Prop: strict comparison (greater than) on numbers (whether integers, rationals, or reals).
| Geq
Geq:{a=(Int|Rational|Real)} a -> a -> Prop: large comparison (greater or equal than) on numbers (whether integers, rationals, or reals).
| Minus
Minus:{a=(Int|Rational|Real)} a -> a: arithmetic unary negation/minus on numbers (whether integers, rationals, or reals).
| Add
Add:{a=(Int|Rational|Real)} a -> a -> a: arithmetic addition on numbers (whether integers, rationals, or reals).
| Sub
Sub:{a=(Int|Rational|Real)} a -> a -> a: arithmetic substraction on numbers (whether integers, rationals, or reals).
| Mul
Mul:{a=(Int|Rational|Real)} a -> a -> a: arithmetic multiplication on numbers (whether integers, rationals, or reals).
| Pow
Pow:{a=(Int|Rational|Real)} a -> a -> a: arithmetic exponentiation on numbers (whether integers, rationals, or reals).
| Div
Div:{a=(Rational|Real)} a -> a -> a: arithmetic exact division on numbers (rationals, or reals, but **not** integers).
| Div_e
Div_e:{a=(Int|Rational|Real)} a -> a -> a: arithmetic integer euclidian quotient (whether integers, rationals, or reals). If D is positive then Div_e (N,D) is the floor (in the type of N and D) of the real division N/D, and if D is negative then Div_e (N,D) is the ceiling of N/D.
| Div_t
Div_t:{a=(Int|Rational|Real)} a -> a -> a: arithmetic integer truncated quotient (whether integers, rationals, or reals). Div_t (N,D) is the truncation of the real division N/D.
| Div_f
Div_f:{a=(Int|Rational|Real)} a -> a -> a: arithmetic integer floor quotient (whether integers, rationals, or reals). Div_t (N,D) is the floor of the real division N/D.
| Modulo_e
Modulo_e:{a=(Int|Rational|Real)} a -> a -> a: arithmetic integer euclidian remainder (whether integers, rationals, or reals). It is defined by the following equation: Div_e (N, D) * D + Modulo(N, D) = N.
| Modulo_t
Modulo_t:{a=(Int|Rational|Real)} a -> a -> a: arithmetic integer truncated remainder (whether integers, rationals, or reals). It is defined by the following equation: Div_t (N, D) * D + Modulo_t(N, D) = N.
| Modulo_f
Modulo_f:{a=(Int|Rational|Real)} a -> a -> a: arithmetic integer floor remainder (whether integers, rationals, or reals). It is defined by the following equation: Div_f (N, D) * D + Modulo_f(N, D) = N.
| Abs
Abs: Int -> Int: absolute value on integers.
| Divisible
Divisible: Int -> Int -> Prop: divisibility predicate on integers. Smtlib restricts applications of this predicate to have a litteral integer for the divisor/second argument.
| Is_int
Is_int:{a=(Int|Rational|Real)} a -> Prop: integer predicate for numbers: is the given number an integer.
| Is_rat
Is_rat:{a=(Int|Rational|Real)} a -> Prop: rational predicate for numbers: is the given number an rational.
| Floor
Floor:{a=(Int|Rational|Real)} a -> a: floor function on numbers, defined in tptp as the largest integer not greater than the argument.
| Floor_to_int
Floor_to_int:{a=(Rational|Real)} a -> Int: floor and conversion to integers in a single funciton. Should return the greatest integer i such that the rational or real intepretation of i is less than, or equal to, the argument.
| Ceiling
Ceiling:{a=(Int|Rational|Real)} a -> a: ceiling function on numbers, defined in tptp as the smallest integer not less than the argument.
| Truncate
Truncate:{a=(Int|Rational|Real)} a -> a: ceiling function on numbers, defined in tptp as the nearest integer value with magnitude not greater than the absolute value of the argument.
| Round
Round:{a=(Int|Rational|Real)} a -> a: rounding function on numbers, defined in tptp as the nearest intger to the argument; when the argument is halfway between two integers, the nearest even integer to the argument.
Array: ttype -> ttype -> ttype: the type constructor for polymorphic functional arrays. An (src, dst) Array is an array from expressions of type src to expressions of type dst. Typically, such arrays are immutables.
| Store
Store: 'a 'b. ('a, 'b) Array -> 'a -> 'b -> ('a, 'b) Array: store operation on arrays. Returns a new array with the key bound to the given value (shadowing the previous value associated to the key).
| Select
Select: 'a 'b. ('a, 'b) Array -> 'a -> 'b: select operation on arrays. Returns the value associated to the given key. Typically, functional arrays are complete, i.e. all keys are mapped to a value.
Bitv_shl(n): Bitv(n) -> Bitv(n) -> Bitv(n): shift left (equivalent to multiplication by 2^x where x is the value of the second argument).
| Bitv_lshrof int
Bitv_lshr(n): Bitv(n) -> Bitv(n) -> Bitv(n): logical shift right (equivalent to unsigned division by 2^x, where x is the value of the second argument).
| Bitv_ashrof int
Bitv_ashr(n): Bitv(n) -> Bitv(n) -> Bitv(n): Arithmetic shift right, like logical shift right except that the most significant bits of the result always copy the most significant bit of the first argument.
RoundingMode: ttype: type for enumerated type of rounding modes.
| RoundNearestTiesToEven
RoundNearestTiesToEven : RoundingMode:
| RoundNearestTiesToAway
RoundNearestTiesToAway : RoundingMode:
| RoundTowardPositive
RoundTowardPositive : RoundingMode
| RoundTowardNegative
RoundTowardNegative : RoundingMode
| RoundTowardZero
RoundTowardZero : RoundingMode
| Floatof int * int
Float(e,s): ttype: type constructor for floating point of exponent of size e and significand of size s (hidden bit included). Those size are greater than 1
| Fpof int * int
Fp(e, s): Bitv(1) -> Bitv(e) -> Bitv(s-1) -> Fp(e,s): bitvector literal. The IEEE-format is used for the conversion sb^se^ss. All the NaN are converted to the same value.
Str_at: String -> Int -> String: Singleton string containing a character at given position or empty string when position is out of range. The leftmost position is 0.
| Str_to_code
Str_to_code: String -> Int: Str_to_code s is the code point of the only character of s, if s is a singleton string; otherwise, it is -1.
| Str_of_code
Str_of_code: Int -> String: Str_of_code n is the singleton string whose only character is code point n if n is in the range 0, 196607; otherwise, it is the empty string.
| Str_is_digit
Str_is_digit: String -> Prop: Digit check Str.is_digit s is true iff s consists of a single character which is a decimal digit, that is, a code point in the range 0x0030 ... 0x0039.
| Str_to_int
Str_to_int: String -> Int: Conversion to integers Str.to_int s with s consisting of digits (in the sense of str.is_digit) evaluates to the positive integer denoted by s when seen as a number in base 10 (possibly with leading zeros). It evaluates to -1 if s is empty or contains non-digits.
| Str_of_int
Str_of_int : Int -> String: Conversion from integers. Str.from_int n with n non-negative is the corresponding string in decimal notation, with no leading zeros. If n < 0, it is the empty string.
Str_sub: String -> Int -> Int -> String: Str_sub s i n evaluates to the longest (unscattered) substring of s of length at most n starting at position i. It evaluates to the empty string if n is negative or i is not in the interval 0,l-1 where l is the length of s.
| Str_index_of
Str_index_of: String -> String -> Int -> Int: Index of first occurrence of second string in first one starting at the position specified by the third argument. Str_index_of s t i, with 0 <= i <= |s| is the position of the first occurrence of t in s at or after position i, if any. Otherwise, it is -1. Note that the result is i whenever i is within the range 0, |s| and t is empty.
| Str_replace
Str_replace: String -> String -> String -> String: Replace Str_replace s t t' is the string obtained by replacing the first occurrence of t in s, if any, by t'. Note that if t is empty, the result is to prepend t' to s; also, if t does not occur in s then the result is s.
| Str_replace_all
Str_replace_all: String -> String -> String -> String: Str_replace_all s t t’ is s if t is the empty string. Otherwise, it is the string obtained from s by replacing all occurrences of t in s by t’, starting with the first occurrence and proceeding in left-to-right order.
| Str_replace_re
Str_replace_re: String -> String_RegLan -> String -> String: Str_replace_re s r t is the string obtained by replacing the shortest leftmost non-empty match of r in s, if any, by t. Note that if t is empty, the result is to prepend t to s.
| Str_replace_re_all
Str_replace_re_all: String -> String_RegLan -> String -> String: Str_replace_re_all s r t is the string obtained by replacing, left-to right, each shortest *non-empty* match of r in s by t.
| Str_is_prefix
Str_is_prefix: String -> String -> Prop: Prefix check Str_is_prefix s t is true iff s is a prefix of t.
| Str_is_suffix
Str_is_suffix: String -> String -> Prop: Suffix check Str_is_suffix s t is true iff s is a suffix of t.
| Str_contains
Str_contains: String -> String -> Prop: Inclusion check Str_contains s t is true iff s contains t.
String_RegLan: ttype: type constructor for Regular languages over strings.
| Re_empty
Re_empty: String_RegLan: the empty language.
| Re_all
Re_all: String_RegLan: the language of all strings.
| Re_allchar
Re_allchar: String_RegLan: the language of all singleton strings.
| Re_of_string
Re_of_string: String -> String_RegLan: the singleton language with a single string.
| Re_range
Re_range: String -> String -> String_RegLan: Language range Re_range s1 s2 is the set of all *singleton* strings s such that Str_lexicographic_large s1 s s2 provided s1 and s1 are singleton. Otherwise, it is the empty language.
| Re_concat
Re_concat: String_RegLan -> String_RegLan -> String_RegLan: language concatenation.
| Re_union
Re_union: String_RegLan -> String_RegLan -> String_RegLan: language union.
| Re_inter
Re_inter: String_RegLan -> String_RegLan -> String_RegLan: language intersection.