package dose3-extra

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Version = Dose_versioning.Debian
type range = [
  1. | `Hi of string
  2. | `In of string * string
  3. | `Lo of string
  4. | `Eq of string
val string_of_range : [< `Eq of string | `Hi of string | `In of string * string | `Lo of string ] -> string
val range : ?bottom:bool -> string list -> [> `Eq of string | `Hi of string | `In of string * string | `Lo of string ] list
val discriminant : ?bottom:bool -> ?highest:bool -> ([> `Eq of string | `Hi of string | `In of string * string | `Lo of string ] as 'a -> 'b -> 'c) -> string list -> 'b list -> ('d * 'e list) list

discriminants ?bottom ?ascending evalsel vl constraints returns the discriminants of the versions vl w.r.t. the constraints, using evalsel to determine whether a a version satisfy a constraint. For each discriminant, a canonical representative is given, as well as the list of all other equivalent versions.

  • parameter bottom

    set to true includes a version strictly smaller than all vl

  • parameter highest

    chooses the highest version as representative, if set to true, and the lowest otherwise.

val add_unique : ('a, ('b, unit) ExtLib.Hashtbl.t) ExtLib.Hashtbl.t -> 'c -> 'd -> unit
val conj_iter : ('a, (([> `Eq | `Geq | `Gt | `Leq | `Lt | `Neq ] * 'b) option, unit) ExtLib.Hashtbl.t) ExtLib.Hashtbl.t -> (('c * 'd) * (string * 'e) option) list -> unit
val cnf_iter : ('a, (([> `Eq | `Geq | `Gt | `Leq | `Lt | `Neq ] * 'b) option, unit) ExtLib.Hashtbl.t) ExtLib.Hashtbl.t -> (('a * 'c) * (string * 'b) option) list list -> unit
val constraints : < breaks : (('a * 'b) * (string * string) option) list ; conflicts : (('c * 'd) * (string * string) option) list ; depends : (('e * 'f) * (string * string) option) list list ; pre_depends : (('g * 'h) * (string * string) option) list list ; provides : (('i * 'j) * (string * string) option) list.. > list -> ('k, ([> `Eq | `Geq | `Gt | `Leq | `Lt | `Neq ] * string) list) ExtLib.Hashtbl.t

constraints universe returns a map between package names and an ordered list of constraints where the package name is mentioned

val all_constraints : ('a, 'b list) ExtLib.Hashtbl.t -> 'c -> 'b list
val align : string -> [ `Eq of string | `Hi of string | `In of string * string | `Lo of string ] -> [ `Eq of string | `Hi of string | `In of string * string | `Lo of string ]
val all_versions : ('a * 'b) list -> 'c list
val migrate : < version : string.. > as 'a list -> [ `Eq of string | `Hi of string | `In of string * string | `Lo of string ] -> (('b * [ `Eq of string | `Hi of string | `In of string * string | `Lo of string ]) * [ `Eq of string | `Hi of string | `In of string * string | `Lo of string ]) list
val extract_epochs : string list -> string list
val add_normalize : string list -> string list
val add_epochs : string list -> string list -> string list
val all_ver_constr : ('a, ('b * string) list) ExtLib.Hashtbl.t -> < name : 'c ; version : string.. > list -> string list * ('b * string) list

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