package easy_logging

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


  1. Centralize all logs to a single file
  2. Dynamic level modification

  3. Defining your own Handlers

  4. file_handler_defaults

Centralize all logs to a single file

All messages of level at least Warning will be written to centralize.log, while all logs of A and B will be written to their own file, and messages of level at least info will be printed on the terminal.

open Easy_logging

let loggerA = Logging.make_logger "A" Debug
                [Cli Info;File ("A.log", Debug);
                 File ("problems.log", Warning)]
and loggerB = Logging.make_logger "B" Debug
                [Cli Info;File ("B.log", Debug);
                 File ("problems.log", Warning)] 

Dynamic level modification

Of a Logging module


 open Easy_logging
let loggerA = Logging.make_logger "MyApp.A" Warning (Cli Debug) 


open Easy_logging
if Sys.argv.(1) = "debug"
   Logging.set_level "MyApp" Debug;

At the call to Logging.set_level, the level of loggerA is set to Debug (because it's name begins with MyApp).

Of a handler

let h = Default_handlers.make (Cli Debug) in
let logger = Logging.make_logger "handlerTest" Debug [] in
logger#add_handler h;
logger#debug "this message is displayed";
Default_handlers.set_level h Info;
logger#debug "this message is not displayed"

Defining your own Handlers

Another kind of handler

This handler add messages to a list ref given at handler creation.

 module MyHandlers =
    type t = string -> unit
    type tag = unit
    type log_item = {
        level : Easy_logging__.Easy_logging_types.level;
        logger_name : string;
        msg : string;
        tags : tag list
    type log_formatter = log_item -> string

    type desc = string list ref

    let apply h (item : log_item) = h item.msg
    let make (_internal : desc) =
      fun s -> _internal := s::!_internal

let l = ref [];;
let mylogger = MyLogging.make_logger "mylogger" Debug [l];;
mylogger#info "this is a message";
val l : string list ref = {contents = ["this is a message"]}

Tagged handlers

This handler handles tags passed with a log message:

module TaggedHandlers =
    type tag =
      | Time
      | Value of int

    type log_item = {
        level : Easy_logging__.Easy_logging_types.level;
        logger_name : string;
        msg : string;
        tags : tag list
    type t = log_item -> unit
    type log_formatter = log_item -> string

    type desc = unit

    let apply h (item : log_item) = h item

    let rec tags_to_string tags =
      let open Unix in
      match tags with

      | Time :: tags' -> 
         let {tm_sec; tm_min; tm_hour;
   	      tm_mday; tm_mon;  _; } :tm
           = time () |> gmtime
         let s = 
           Printf.sprintf "%d/%d %d:%d:%d"
             (tm_mday+1) (tm_mon+1) tm_hour tm_min tm_sec
         s :: tags_to_string tags'
      | Value n :: tags' ->
         ( "[Val: "^(string_of_int n)^"]" ) :: tags_to_string tags'

      | [] -> []
    let make () =
      fun item ->
      let tags_s = List.fold_left
                   (fun a b -> a ^ " " ^ b)
                   "" (tags_to_string item.tags) in
      tags_s ^ " " ^ item.msg
    |> print_endline

module TagsLogging = MakeLogging(TaggedHandlers);;

let logger = TagsLogging.make_logger "tagged" Debug [()];;
logger#info ~tags:[Time; Value 4] "log message with tags";
23/3 18:33:3 [Val: 4] log message with tags

Modifying the file handlers defaults

module H = Default_handlers
let defaults : H.file_handler_defaults_t = {
    logs_folder= "test/";
    truncate= false;
H.set_file_handler_defaults defaults;;
module TestLogging = MakeLogging(H)
let logger = TestLogging.make_logger
               "test" Debug [File ("test", Debug)];; 
logger#info "this is a message";