package ezjs_idb

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Types : sig ... end
type mode =
type direction =
  1. | NEXT
  2. | PREV
type db_options = {
  1. key_path : string option;
  2. auto_increment : bool option;
type db_upgrade = {
  1. old_version : int;
  2. new_version : int;
type index_options = {
  1. unique : bool option;
  2. multi_entry : bool option;
  3. locale : bool option;
module type Tr_sig = sig ... end
val str_of_mode : mode -> Ezjs_min.js_string Ezjs_min.t
val str_of_direction : direction -> Ezjs_min.js_string Ezjs_min.t
val result : < result : < get : 'res.. > Js_of_ocaml.Js.gen_prop.. > Js_of_ocaml.Js.t -> 'res0
val wrap : ?error: (< onerror : < set : ('b, 'c -> unit) Ezjs_min.meth_callback Ezjs_min.AOpt.t -> unit.. > Js_of_ocaml.Js.gen_prop ; onsuccess : < set : ('d, 'e -> 'f) Ezjs_min.meth_callback Ezjs_min.AOpt.t -> unit.. > Js_of_ocaml.Js.gen_prop ; result : < get : 'g.. > Js_of_ocaml.Js.gen_prop.. > as 'a Js_of_ocaml.Js.t -> unit) -> ?callback:('h -> 'i) -> 'a Js_of_ocaml.Js.t Stdlib.Lazy.t -> unit
val wrapf : ?error: (< onerror : < set : ('b, 'c -> unit) Ezjs_min.meth_callback Ezjs_min.AOpt.t -> unit.. > Js_of_ocaml.Js.gen_prop ; onsuccess : < set : ('d, 'e -> 'f) Ezjs_min.meth_callback Ezjs_min.AOpt.t -> unit.. > Js_of_ocaml.Js.gen_prop ; result : < get : 'g.. > Js_of_ocaml.Js.gen_prop.. > as 'a Js_of_ocaml.Js.t -> unit) -> ?callback:('h -> 'i) -> ('j -> 'k) -> 'a Js_of_ocaml.Js.t Stdlib.Lazy.t -> unit
val openDB : ?upgrade:(Types.iDBDatabase Ezjs_min.t -> db_upgrade -> unit) -> ?error: (Types.iDBDatabase Ezjs_min.t Types.iDBOpenDBRequest Js_of_ocaml.Js.t -> unit) -> ?version:int -> string -> (Types.iDBDatabase Ezjs_min.t -> unit) -> unit
val create_db_options : db_options -> Types.create_db_options Ezjs_min.t
val create_store : ?options:db_options -> Types.iDBDatabase Ezjs_min.t -> string -> 'a Js_of_ocaml__Js.t
val get_store : ?mode:mode -> Types.iDBDatabase Ezjs_min.t -> string -> ('a, 'b) Types.iDBObjectStore Ezjs_min.t
module Store (K : Tr_sig) (D : Tr_sig) : sig ... end
module NoTr (S : sig ... end) : Tr_sig with type t = S.t and type js = S.t
module IntTr : Tr_sig with type js = int and type t = int
module StringTr : Tr_sig with type js = Ezjs_min.js_string Ezjs_min.t and type t = string
module NumberTr : Tr_sig with type js = Ezjs_min.number Ezjs_min.t and type t = float
module DateTr : Tr_sig with type js = Ezjs_min.t and type t = string