package geojson

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


type json = json

A type to represt JSON values.

module Position : sig ... end
module Point : sig ... end
module MultiPoint : sig ... end
module LineString : sig ... end
module MultiLineString : sig ... end
module Polygon : sig ... end
module MultiPolygon : sig ... end
type geometry =
  1. | Point of Point.t
  2. | MultiPoint of MultiPoint.t
  3. | LineString of LineString.t
  4. | MultiLineString of MultiLineString.t
  5. | Polygon of Polygon.t
  6. | MultiPolygon of MultiPolygon.t
  7. | Collection of t list
and t
val foreign_members : t -> (string * json) list

foreign_members t will extract name/value pair of a foreign member from t (a GeoJSON object)

val geometry : t -> geometry

geometry t will extract the underlying geometry.

val v : ?foreign_members:(string * json) list -> geometry -> t