package goblint

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type


module H : Goblint_lib.Prelude.Hashtbl.S with type key = S.v


include sig ... end
module GU = Goblintutil
val stack_d : int Prelude.ref
val full_trace : bool
val start_c : int
val max_c : int Prelude.ref
val max_var : S.Var.t option Prelude.ref
val histo : int H.t
val increase : S.Var.t -> unit
val start_event : unit -> unit
val stop_event : unit -> unit
val new_var_event : S.Var.t -> unit
val get_var_event : S.Var.t -> unit
val eval_rhs_event : S.Var.t -> unit
val update_var_event : S.Var.t -> S.Dom.t -> S.Dom.t -> unit
val print_solver_stats : (unit -> unit) Prelude.ref
val ncontexts : int Prelude.ref
val print_context_stats : 'a H.t -> unit
val stats_csv : unit BatIO.output option
val write_csv : string list -> unit BatIO.output -> unit
val print_stats : 'a -> unit
val h_find_default : 'a H.t -> H.key -> 'b -> 'c
val solveWithStart : (H.key -> S.Dom.t -> S.Dom.t -> S.Dom.t) -> (S.Dom.t H.t * S.Dom.t H.t) -> (H.key * S.Dom.t) list -> H.key list -> S.Dom.t H.t * S.Dom.t H.t
val solve : (H.key -> S.Dom.t -> S.Dom.t -> S.Dom.t) -> (H.key * S.Dom.t) list -> H.key list -> S.Dom.t H.t

the solve function