package hack_parallel

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

* Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *

type init_settings = {
  1. scuba_table_name : string;
  2. log_out : Unix.file_descr;

    File descriptors for the logger daemon's stdout.

  3. log_err : Unix.file_descr;

    File descriptors for the logger daemon's stderr.

type init_mode =
  1. | Event_logger_fake

    Sends everything to /dev/null.

  2. | Event_logger_real of init_settings
val init : ?log_pid:'a -> ?init_id:'b -> 'c -> 'd -> unit
val set_init_type : 'a -> unit
val log_if_initialized : 'a -> unit
val master_exception : 'a -> unit
val worker_exception : 'a -> unit
val sharedmem_gc_ran : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> unit
val sharedmem_init_done : 'a -> unit
val sharedmem_failed_anonymous_memfd_init : 'a -> unit
val sharedmem_failed_to_use_shm_dir : shm_dir:'a -> reason:'b -> unit
val sharedmem_less_than_minimum_available : shm_dir:'a -> shm_min_avail:'b -> avail:'c -> unit
val find_done : time_taken:'a -> name:'b -> unit
val log_gc_stats : unit -> unit
val flush : 'a -> unit
val watchman_error : 'a -> unit
val watchman_warning : 'a -> unit
val watchman_died_caught : 'a -> unit
val watchman_uncaught_failure : 'a -> unit
val watchman_connection_reestablished : 'a -> unit
val watchman_connection_reestablishment_failed : 'a -> unit
val watchman_timeout : 'a -> unit
val dfind_ready : 'a -> 'b -> unit