package http-lwt-client

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
A simple HTTP client using http/af, h2, and lwt


Dune Dependency






Published: 11 Sep 2021


Http-lwt-client -- simple HTTP client using http/af, h2, and lwt

A simple HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2.0 client supporting HTTP and HTTPS. It follows redirects (up to a given limit). Its dependency cone is small, and does not include any wrappers or frameworks.

Additionally, a sample binary hurl is provided that exposes most of the functionality as a command line program.

Other HTTP clients developed in OCaml include ofetch (minimal OCaml stdlib-only), piaf (HTTP 1 and HTTP 2 support), cohttp (a functorised HTTP client and server library), curly (a wrapper around curl), paf-le-chien (a MirageOS layer for HTTP/AF and H2) - but they didn't fit our needs.

This is distributed under the 3 clause BSD license, some code is inherited from the HTTP/AF project (src/http_lwt_unix.{ml,mli} - as noted in that file).

Dependencies (15)

  1. h2 >= "0.8.0" & < "0.9.0"
  2. happy-eyeballs-lwt
  3. bos
  4. fmt
  5. ca-certs
  6. tls >= "0.14.0" & < "0.16.0"
  7. httpaf >= "0.7.0"
  8. faraday-lwt-unix
  9. base64 >= "3.1.0"
  10. rresult
  11. lwt
  12. logs
  13. cmdliner
  14. dune >= "2.0.0"
  15. ocaml >= "4.08.0"

Dev Dependencies


Used by (6)

  1. albatross >= "1.3.0" & < "1.5.3"
  2. builder < "0.3.2"
  3. docker_hub < "0.1.1"
  4. equinoxe < "0.2.0"
  5. equinoxe-hlc
  6. terminus-hlc

Conflicts (1)

  1. result < "1.5"