package inquire

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val pervasives_compare : 'a -> 'a -> int
exception Interrupt
type action =
  1. | Edit of LTerm_edit.action
  2. | Interrupt_or_delete_next_char
  3. | Complete
  4. | Complete_bar_next
  5. | Complete_bar_prev
  6. | Complete_bar_first
  7. | Complete_bar_last
  8. | Complete_bar
  9. | History_prev
  10. | History_next
  11. | History_search_prev
  12. | History_search_next
  13. | Accept
  14. | Clear_screen
  15. | Break
  16. | Suspend
  17. | Edit_with_external_editor
val doc_of_action : action -> string
val actions : (action * string) list
val actions_to_names : (action * string) array
val names_to_actions : (action * string) array
val action_of_name : string -> action
val name_of_action : action -> string
type 'a loop_result =
  1. | Result of 'a
  2. | ContinueLoop of LTerm_key.t list
type 'a loop_status =
  1. | Ev of LTerm_event.t
  2. | Loop_result of 'a
  3. | Interrupted of exn