package irmin-containers

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

The linked list implementation of log. Due to the linked property, two versions of the log share their common predecessor. As it is a linked data structure, a content addressable store is required. Along with that, a method to obtain timestamps, a hash for the content addressable store and the type of values stored must also be provided.

module type S = sig ... end

Signature of Linked_log

module Make (Backend : Irmin.KV_maker) (C : sig ... end) (T : Time.S) (H : Irmin.Hash.S) (V : Irmin.Type.S) () : S with type value = V.t

Make returns a mergeable linked log using the backend and other parameters as specified by the user.

module FS (C : sig ... end) (V : Irmin.Type.S) () : S with type value = V.t

Linked log instantiated using the FS backend provided by Irmin_fs_unix, timestamp method Time.Unix and hash Irmin.Hash.SHA1

module Mem (C : sig ... end) (V : Irmin.Type.S) () : S with type value = V.t

Linked log instantiated using the in-memory backend provided by Irmin_mem, timestamp method Time.Unix and hash Irmin.Hash.SHA1