package metapp

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Counter : sig ... end
val extension_of_index : int -> Parsetree.extension
val array_get : Parsetree.expression -> int -> Parsetree.expression
val string_list_of_payload : Parsetree.payload -> string list
module Options : sig ... end
type instruction =
  1. | Expression of Parsetree.expression
  2. | Definition of Parsetree.structure Location.loc
val get_expression : instruction -> Parsetree.expression
module AccuTypes : sig ... end
module type MetapointsMapperS = functor (Metapoint : Metapp_api.MetapointS) -> sig ... end
val metapoint_mapper : (module MetapointsMapperS) -> Ast_mapper.mapper
val context_var : string
val fill_var : string
val metapoints_field : string
val loc_field : string
val subquotations_field : string
val field_get : Parsetree.expression -> string -> Parsetree.expression
val context_get : string -> Parsetree.expression
val metapp_api : Longident.t
val extract_subquotations : MutableQuotations.t -> Ast_mapper.mapper
val extract_metapoints : unit -> Ast_mapper.mapper * (unit -> AccuTypes.escape)
val transform : Ast_mapper.mapper -> (Ast_mapper.mapper -> 'a Metapp_preutils.mapper_item) -> 'a -> 'a
val mapper : Ast_mapper.mapper
val rewriter : 'a -> 'b -> Ast_mapper.mapper