package mirage-fs-unix

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


This is a pass-through Mirage filesystem to an underlying Unix directory. The interface is intended to support eventual privilege separation (e.g. via the Casper daemon in FreeBSD 11).

The current version supports the Mirage_fs.S and Mirage_fs_lwt.S signatures defined in the mirage-fs package.



Published: 09 Nov 2018


mirage-fs-unix -- passthrough filesystem for MirageOS on Unix

This is a pass-through Mirage filesystem to an underlying Unix directory. The interface is intended to support eventual privilege separation (e.g. via the Casper daemon in FreeBSD 11).

The current version supports the Mirage_fs.S and Mirage_fs_lwt.S signatures defined in the mirage-fs package.

Dependencies (7)

  1. lwt
  2. mirage-fs-lwt >= "1.0.0"
  3. mirage-kv-lwt >= "1.0.0" & < "2.0.0"
  4. cstruct-lwt < "3.4.0"
  5. cstruct >= "3.2.0" & < "3.4.0"
  6. ocaml >= "4.04.2"
  7. jbuilder >= "1.0+beta7"

Dev Dependencies (4)

  1. ptime with-test
  2. alcotest with-test & >= "0.7.1" & < "1.4.0"
  3. mirage-clock-unix with-test & >= "1.2.0" & < "3.0.0"
  4. rresult with-test

Used by (4)

  1. git = "1.3.0" | = "1.4.10" | >= "1.7.0" & < "1.10.0"
  2. git-mirage < "2.1.1"
  3. mirage-www >= "1.0.0"
  4. tftp

