package ocamldap

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Functions which resemble the command line tools which many users are familar with, useful in the interactive environment

val ldapsearch : ?s:Ldap_types.search_scope -> ?a:string list -> ?b:string -> ?d:string -> ?w:string -> h:string -> string -> Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry list

connect to the specified host and perform a search.

  • parameter h

    The ldapurl which names the host and port to connect to

  • parameter d

    The dn of the object you with to bind as, default anonymous

  • parameter w

    The credentials of the object you wish to bind as, default anonymous

  • parameter s

    The scope of the search, default `SUBTREE

  • parameter b

    The base of the search The final argument is the search filter

val ldapmodify : h:string -> d:string -> w:string -> (string * (Ldap_types.modify_optype * string * string list) list) list -> unit

connect to the specified host and perform one or more modifications.

  • parameter h

    The ldapurl which names the host and port to connect to

  • parameter d

    The dn of the object you with to bind as, default anonymous

  • parameter w

    The credentials of the object you wish to bind as, default anonymous The final argument is a list of (dn, modification) pairs which you want to apply

val ldapadd : h:string -> d:string -> w:string -> Ldap_ooclient.ldapentry list -> unit

connect to the specified host and add the specified objects.

  • parameter h

    The ldapurl which names the host and port to connect to

  • parameter d

    The dn of the object you with to bind as, default anonymous

  • parameter w

    The credentials of the object you wish to bind as, default anonymous The final argument is a list of objects you wish to add