package ocamlformat

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Maps with a list of values attached to a key. This is an extension of the Map module, so these are compatible with Map.mem, etc.

type ('key, 'value, 'cmp) t = ('key, 'value Ocamlformat_stdlib.list, 'cmp) Ocamlformat_stdlib.Map.t
module M (K : sig ... end) : sig ... end
val update_multi : ('key, 'value, 'cmp) t -> src:'key -> dst:'key -> f: ('value Ocamlformat_stdlib.list -> 'value Ocamlformat_stdlib.list -> 'value Ocamlformat_stdlib.list) -> ('key, 'value, 'cmp) t
val change_multi : ('key, 'value, 'cmp) t -> 'key -> 'value Ocamlformat_stdlib.list -> ('key, 'value, 'cmp) t
val partition_multi : ('key, 'value, 'cmp) t -> src:'key -> dst:'key -> f:('value -> Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool) -> ('key, 'value, 'cmp) t

Split the values of key src with f, the values satisfying f are moved to key dst while the others remain associated to key src.

val filter : ('key, 'value, 'cmp) t -> f:('value -> Ocamlformat_stdlib.bool) -> ('key, 'value, 'cmp) t
val to_list : (_, 'value, _) t -> 'value Ocamlformat_stdlib.list