package ocamlgraph

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Delaunay triangulation.

module type CCC = sig ... end

Delaunay triangulation is available for any CCC system in the sense of Knuth's ``Axioms and Hulls''

module type Triangulation = sig ... end

The result of triangulation is an abstract value of type triangulation. Then one can iterate over all edges of the triangulation.

module Make (S : CCC) : Triangulation with module S = S

Generic Delaunay triangulation

module IntPoints : CCC with type point = int * int

Points with integer coordinates

module Int : Triangulation with module S = IntPoints

Delaunay triangulation with integer coordinates

module FloatPoints : CCC with type point = float * float

Points with floating point coordinates

module Float : Triangulation with module S = FloatPoints

Delaunay triangulation with floating point coordinates