package octez-libs
include Evaluations.Evaluations_sig
with type scalar = scalar
with type domain = Domain_unsafe.t
with type polynomial = Polynomial_unsafe.t
type scalar = scalar
type polynomial = Polynomial_unsafe.t
init size f degree
initializes an evaluation of a polynomial of the given degree
of_array (d, e)
creates a value of type t
from the evaluation representation of a polynomial e
of degree d
, i.e, it converts an OCaml array to a C array
val string_of_eval : t -> string
string_of_eval e
returns the string representation of evaluation e
type domain = Domain_unsafe.t
val zero : t
returns the evaluation representation of the zero polynomial
val is_zero : t -> bool
is_zero p
checks whether a polynomial p
is the zero polynomial
val degree : t -> int
returns the degree of a polynomial. Returns -1
for the zero polynomial
val length : t -> int
length e
returns the size of domain where a polynomial is evaluated, or equally, the size of a C array where evaluation e
is stored
val create : int -> t
create len
returns the evaluation representation of a zero polynomial of size len
copy ?res a
returns a copy of evaluation a
. The function writes the result in res
if res
has the correct size and allocates a new array for the result otherwise
get_inplace p i res
copies the i
-th element of a given array p
in res
computes muliplication of a polynomial by a blst_fr element
val mul_c :
?res:t ->
evaluations:t list ->
?composition_gx:(int list * int) ->
?powers:int list ->
unit ->
computes p₁(gᶜ₁·x)ᵐ₁·p₂(gᶜ₂·x)ᵐ₂·…·pₖ(gᶜₖ·x)ᵐₖ
, where
pᵢ = List.nth evaluations i
mᵢ = List.nth powers i
cᵢ = List.nth (fst composition_gx) i
n = snd composition_gx
is the order of generator, i.e.,gⁿ = 1
The function writes the result in res
if res
has the correct size (= min (size pᵢ)) and allocates a new array for the result otherwise
Note: res
and pᵢ
are disjoint
val linear_c :
?res:t ->
evaluations:t list ->
?linear_coeffs:scalar list ->
?composition_gx:(int list * int) ->
?add_constant:scalar ->
unit ->
computes λ₁·p₁(gᶜ₁·x) + λ₂·p₂(gᶜ₂·x) + … + λₖ·pₖ(gᶜₖ·x) + add_constant
, where
pᵢ = List.nth evaluations i
λᵢ = List.nth linear_coeffs i
cᵢ = List.nth (fst composition_gx) i
n = snd composition_gx
is the order of generator, i.e.,gⁿ = 1
The function writes the result in res
if res
has the correct size (= min (size pᵢ)) and allocates a new array for the result otherwise
Note: res
and pᵢ
are disjoint
linear_with_powers p s
computes ∑ᵢ sⁱ·p.(i)
. This function is more efficient than linear
+ powers
for evaluations of the same size
add ?res a b
computes polynomial addition of a
and b
. The function writes the result in res
if res
has the correct size (= min (size (a, b))) and allocates a new array for the result otherwise
Note: res
can be equal to either a
or b
equal a b
checks whether a polynomial a
is equal to a polynomial b
Note: equal
is defined as restrictive equality, i.e., the same polynomial evaluated on different domains are said to be different
val evaluation_fft : domain -> polynomial -> t
evaluation_fft domain p
converts the coefficient representation of a polynomial p
to the evaluation representation. domain
can be obtained using
- size of domain must be a power of two
- degree of polynomial must be strictly less than the size of domain
val interpolation_fft : domain -> t -> polynomial
interpolation_fft domain p
converts the evaluation representation of a polynomial p
to the coefficient representation. domain
can be obtained using
- size of domain must be a power of two
- size of a polynomial must be equal to size of domain
val interpolation_fft2 : domain -> scalar array -> polynomial
val dft : domain -> polynomial -> t
dft domain polynomial
converts the coefficient representation of a polynomial p
to the evaluation representation. domain
can be obtained using
Computes the discrete Fourier transform in time O(n^2) where n = size domain
size domain
to divide Bls12_381.Fr.order - 1size domain != 2^k
degree polynomial < size domain
val idft : domain -> t -> polynomial
idft domain t
converts the evaluation representation of a polynomial p
to the coefficient representation. domain
can be obtained using
Computes the inverse discrete Fourier transform in time O(n^2) where n = size domain
size domain
to divide Bls12_381.Fr.order - 1size domain != 2^k
size domain = size t
val evaluation_fft_prime_factor_algorithm :
domain1:domain ->
domain2:domain ->
polynomial ->
evaluation_fft_prime_factor_algorithm domain1 domain2 p
converts the coefficient representation of a polynomial p
to the evaluation representation. domain
can be obtained using
. See the Prime-factor FFT algorithm.
size domain1 * size domain2
to divide Bls12_381.Fr.order - 1size domain1
andsize domain2
to be coprime- if for some k
size domain1 != 2^k
thensize domain1 <= 2^10
- if for some k
size domain2 != 2^k
thensize domain2 <= 2^10
degree polynomial < size domain1 * size domain2
val interpolation_fft_prime_factor_algorithm :
domain1:domain ->
domain2:domain ->
t ->
interpolation_fft_prime_factor_algorithm domain1 domain2 t
converts the evaluation representation of a polynomial p
to the coefficient representation. domain
can be obtained using
. See the Prime-factor FFT algorithm.
size domain1 * size domain2
to divide Bls12_381.Fr.order - 1size domain1
andsize domain2
to be coprime- if for some k
size domain1 != 2^k
thensize domain1 <= 2^10
- if for some k
size domain2 != 2^k
thensize domain2 <= 2^10
size t = size domain1 * size domain2
val to_carray :
t ->
to_carray t
converts t
from type t
to type Fr_carray.t
Note: to_carray t
doesn't create a copy of t