package omigrate

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val with_driver : f: ((module Driver.S) -> Connection.conninfo -> ('a, [ `Unknown_driver of string | `Bad_uri of string | `Invalid_source of string ]) Lwt_result.t) -> string -> ('b, [ `Unknown_driver of string | `Bad_uri of string | `Invalid_source of string ]) Lwt_result.t
val db_versions : database:string -> (int64 list, [ `Unknown_driver of string | `Bad_uri of string | `Invalid_source of string ]) Lwt_result.t
val source_versions : source:string -> (Migration.t list, [ `Unknown_driver of string | `Bad_uri of string | `Invalid_source of string ]) Stdlib.result
val up : source:string -> database:string -> (unit, [ `Unknown_driver of string | `Bad_uri of string | `Invalid_source of string ]) Lwt_result.t
val down : source:string -> database:string -> (unit, [ `Unknown_driver of string | `Bad_uri of string | `Invalid_source of string ]) Lwt_result.t
val create : database:string -> (unit, [ `Unknown_driver of string | `Bad_uri of string | `Invalid_source of string ]) Lwt_result.t
val drop : database:string -> (unit, [ `Unknown_driver of string | `Bad_uri of string | `Invalid_source of string ]) Lwt_result.t
module Error : sig ... end
module Migration : sig ... end
module Driver : sig ... end
module Connection : sig ... end