package opam-state

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Defines the types holding global, repository and switch states

Client state

Phantom types to indicate the locking state of a state, and allow or not on-disk operations.

Note that each state load is itself locking enough to return a consistent state: a read lock is only needed when the consistency of the actions depend on the fact that the given state doesn't change during the run (e.g. an update that depends on it). In particular, all query commands don't need a read lock.

Subtyping is by guarantees given on the operations allowed, rw giving the most and being the smallest type, so that it is safe to coerce (rw t :> ro t).

type rw = [
  1. | `Lock_write

Phantom type for readwrite-locked state (ensures that there are no concurrent reads or writes)

type ro = [
  1. | `Lock_read
  2. | rw

Type for read-locked state (ensures that there are no concurrent writes)

type unlocked = [
  1. | `Lock_none
  2. | ro

Type for unlocked state (single file reads should still be ok)

type +'a lock = [< unlocked Lock_write ] as 'a

The super-type for all lock types

type gt_variables = (OpamTypes.variable_contents option Lazy.t * string) OpamVariable.Map.t

Type of global state global variables

type gt_changes = {
  1. gtc_repo : bool;
  2. gtc_switch : bool;
type +'lock global_state = {
  1. global_lock : OpamSystem.lock;
  2. root : OpamPath.t;

    The global opam root path (caution: this is stored here but some code may rely on OpamStateConfig.root_dir ; in other words, multiple root handling isn't really supported at the moment)

  3. config : OpamFile.Config.t;

    The main configuration file. A note of caution: this corresponds to the configuration as loaded from the file: to get the current options, which may be overridden through the command-line or environment, see OpamStateConfig

  4. global_variables : gt_variables;

    A map of variables that have been defined globally, e.g. through `.opam/config`. They may need evaluation so are stored as lazy values. The extra string is the supplied variable documentation

  5. global_state_to_upgrade : gt_changes;

    If the global config was upgraded on-the-fly, indicates if the either the repo or switch config require the global config to be written (i.e. a hard upgrade to the global config)

} constraint 'lock = 'lock lock

Global state corresponding to an opam root and its configuration

type +'lock repos_state = {
  1. repos_lock : OpamSystem.lock;
  2. repos_global : unlocked global_state;
  3. repositories : OpamTypes.repository OpamTypes.repository_name_map;

    The list of repositories

  4. repos_definitions : OpamFile.Repo.t OpamTypes.repository_name_map;

    The contents of each repo's repo file

  5. repo_opams : OpamFile.OPAM.t OpamTypes.package_map OpamTypes.repository_name_map;

    All opam files that can be found in the configured repositories

  6. repos_tmp : (OpamRepositoryName.t, OpamFilename.Dir.t Lazy.t) Hashtbl.t;

    Temporary directories containing the uncompressed contents of the repositories

} constraint 'lock = 'lock lock

State corresponding to the repo/ subdir: all available packages and metadata, for each repository.

type +'lock switch_state = {
  1. switch_lock : OpamSystem.lock;
  2. switch_global : unlocked global_state;
  3. switch_repos : unlocked repos_state;
  4. switch : OpamTypes.switch;

    The current active switch

  5. switch_invariant : OpamTypes.formula;

    Defines the "base" of the switch, e.g. what compiler is desired

  6. compiler_packages : OpamTypes.package_set;

    The packages that form the base of the current compiler. Normally equal to the subset of installed packages matching the invariant defined in switch_config

  7. switch_config : OpamFile.Switch_config.t;

    The configuration file for this switch

  8. repos_package_index : OpamFile.OPAM.t OpamTypes.package_map;

    Metadata of all packages that could be found in the configured repositories (ignoring installed or pinned packages)

  9. opams : OpamFile.OPAM.t OpamTypes.package_map;

    The metadata of all packages, gathered from repo, local cache and pinning overlays. This includes URL and descr data (even if they were originally in separate files), as well as the original metadata directory (that can be used to retrieve the files/ subdir)

  10. conf_files : OpamFile.Dot_config.t OpamTypes.name_map;

    The opam-config of installed packages (from ".opam-switch/config/pkgname.config")

  11. packages : OpamTypes.package_set;

    The set of all known packages

  12. sys_packages : OpamTypes.sys_pkg_status OpamTypes.package_map Lazy.t;

    Map of package and their system dependencies packages status. Only initialised for otherwise available packages

  13. available_packages : OpamTypes.package_set Lazy.t;

    The set of available packages, filtered by their available: field

  14. pinned : OpamTypes.package_set;

    The set of pinned packages (their metadata, including pinning target, is in opams)

  15. installed : OpamTypes.package_set;

    The set of all installed packages

  16. installed_opams : OpamFile.OPAM.t OpamTypes.package_map;

    The cached metadata of installed packages (may differ from the metadata that is in opams for updated packages)

  17. installed_roots : OpamTypes.package_set;

    The set of packages explicitly installed by the user. Some of them may happen not to be installed at some point, but this indicates that the user would like them installed.

  18. reinstall : OpamTypes.package_set Lazy.t;

    The set of packages which need to be reinstalled

  19. invalidated : OpamTypes.package_set Lazy.t;

    The set of packages which are installed but no longer valid, e.g. because of removed system dependencies. Only packages which are unavailable end up in this set, they are otherwise put in reinstall.

} constraint 'lock = 'lock lock

State of a given switch: options, available and installed packages, etc.

type provenance = [
  1. | `Env

    Environment variable

  2. | `Command_line

    Command line

  3. | `Default

    Default value


Command-line setting provenance

Pinned opam files informations

type 'url _topin_opamfile = {
  1. pin_file : OpamFile.OPAM.t OpamFile.t;
  2. pin_locked : string option;
  3. pin_subpath : OpamTypes.subpath option;
  4. pin_url : 'url;
type ('name, 'url) _topin_name_and_opamfile = {
  1. pin_name : 'name;
  2. pin : 'url _topin_opamfile;
type name_and_file = (, unit) _topin_name_and_opamfile
type nameopt_and_file = ( option, unit) _topin_name_and_opamfile
type nameopt_and_file_w_url = ( option, OpamTypes.url) _topin_name_and_opamfile
type pinned_opam = {
  1. pinned_name :;
  2. pinned_version : OpamTypes.version option;
  3. pinned_opam : OpamFile.OPAM.t option;
  4. pinned_subpath : OpamTypes.subpath option;
  5. pinned_url : OpamTypes.url;

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