package owl

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

owl 0.1.0


This package provides the following libraries (via ocamlobjinfo):



  • Owl_const This module is extended from gsl-ocaml by including SI system. CGS < MKS < SI. Read wikipedia on CGS and SI system for more details.
  • Owl_types Define the types shared by various modules
  • Ffi_bindings
  • Ffi_generated
  • Owl_foreign
  • Owl_pretty Generic matrix printing functions.
  • Owl_utils Helper functions used in the library
  • Owl_stats Statistics module
  • Owl_dense_real Real dense matrix module
  • Owl_dense_complex Complex dense matrix module: this module supports operations on dense matrices of complex numbers. The complex number has a record type of {re = float; im = float}.
  • Owl_dense Dense matrix module
  • Owl_fft Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs) : this module implements some basic FFT operations. Most of them are similar to the same funcitons in Matlab, and you will find it very easy to use in case you are familiar with Matlab.
  • Owl_linalg Linalg module
  • Owl_maths Mathematics module
  • Owl_plot Plot module The input to a plot function is supposed to be a row-based matrix.
  • Owl_optimise Machine learning library Note: C layout row-major matrix
  • Owl_regression Regression module
  • Owl_sparse_complex Complex sparse matrix: this module supports the operations on sparse matrices of complex numbers. Becuase GSL does not support complex sparse matrices, herein I provided a pure OCaml implementation.
  • Owl_sparse_real Sparse real matrix: this module supports the operations on sparse matrices of real numbers. The module is partly built atop of GSL fucntions. Because GSL only has limited support for sparse matrices. There are some hacks and workarounds in the code.
  • Owl_sparse Sparse matrix module
  • Owl Make alias of the modules in Owl for your convenience.
  • Owl_toplevel Install Toplevel Printers