package plebeia

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

3 Version control

1 Commit entry

This module defines the data type for the commit entry.

How it is loaded/saved to the disk is defined in Commit_tree and Commit_db.Store.

3 Version control

type t = {
  1. parent : Commit_hash.t option;
  2. index : Index.t;

    Index of the Plebeia tree root node in storage_context.

    If the commit is a dummy, field index is set to

  3. hash : Commit_hash.t;

    Context hash

  4. info : Index.t;

    Index of the Info.t in storage_conetxt.

val is_genesis : t -> bool

Returns true if the entry is a genesis: no parent

val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val compare : t -> t -> int

Comparison by index field

val compute_hash : (module Plebeia__.Hashfunc_intf.S) -> parent:Commit_hash.t option -> Hash.Prefix.t -> Commit_hash.t

Hash computation for a new commit entry

val make : (module Plebeia__.Hashfunc_intf.S) -> parent:Commit_hash.t option -> index:Index.t -> info:Index.t -> ?hash_override:Commit_hash.t -> Hash.Prefix.t -> t

Make a new commit entry.

If hash_override is set, hash of the new entry is overridden by it, instead of computing from parent and the given Hash.Prefix.t.