package ppx_test

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
class extend_package : object ... end
val with_ref : 'a ref -> (unit -> 'b) -> (unit -> 'c) -> 'd
val current_structure_or_signature : [ `Sig of Ppxlib.signature | `Str of Ppxlib.structure ] option ref
val _with_current_structure_or_signature : [ `Sig of Ppxlib.signature | `Str of Ppxlib.structure ] -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
module Current_module_path : sig ... end
val attr_module_path : ?loc:Ppxlib.Ast.location -> Astlib.Longident.t -> Ppxlib.attribute
val get_module_path_from_attr : Ppxlib.attribute -> Ppxlib.longident option
val get_module_path_from_attrs : Ppxlib.attribute list -> Ppxlib.longident option * Ppxlib.attribute list
class extend_module_path_tracking : object ... end
type test_type =
  1. | Unit
  2. | Bool
  3. | Fail
val drop_tests : bool ref
val warn_dupes : bool ref
val top_name : Ppxlib.longident option ref
val return_type : Ppxlib.longident -> test_type
val add_top_name : Ppxlib.longident -> Ppxlib.longident
module Tests : sig ... end
val tests : Tests.t ref
val add_test : Ppxlib.Ast.location -> Ppxlib.longident -> unit
class extend_let_test : object ... end
val make_mapper : unit -> extend_let_test
val parse_as_lident : Ppxlib.Ast.label -> Ppxlib.Ast.longident option
val opts : (string * Arg.spec * string) list