package pyml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val of_indexed_structure : (int -> Object.t) -> (int -> Object.t -> unit) -> int -> Object.t

Py.Array.of_indexed_structure getter setter length returns a Python array-like structure a of length length, such that reading a[i] returns getter i and a[i] = v calls setter i v. To make the array-like structure read-only, raise an exception in setter.

val of_array : ('a -> Object.t) -> (Object.t -> 'a) -> 'a array -> Object.t

Py.Array.of_array getter setter array returns a Python array-like structure accessing the elements of array via getter and setter. To make the array-like structure read-only, raise an exception in setter.

val numpy_api : unit -> Object.t

Returns the object which contains the entry points to the Numpy API. It is used internally by the following functions and by the Numpy module.

val pyarray_type : unit -> Object.t

Returns the type of Numpy arrays.

numpy a returns a Numpy array that shares the same contents than the OCaml array a. The array is passed in place (without copy) which relies on the unboxed representation of floatarray : Python programs can change the contents of the array and the changes are visible in the OCaml array. Note that the Numpy module provides a more general interface between Numpy arrays and OCaml bigarrays.

val numpy_get_array : Object.t -> Stdcompat.floatarray

numpy_get_array a returns the OCaml array from which the Numpy array a has been converted from. Note that this function fails if a has not been obtained by calling the numpy function above. If you need to convert an arbitrary Numpy array to OCaml, you should use bigarrays and the Numpy module.