package secp256k1

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


This library wrap the secp256k1 EC(DSA) library into an OCaml library. At the moment only a subset of functionalities are available:

  • Context: create, clone, destroy, randomize
  • Elliptic curve: public key creation
  • ECDSA: verify, sign

All exchanged data (pubkey, signature, seckey) are represented as hex strings.

Published: 18 Feb 2018


libsecp256k1 wrapper for OCaml

This library wrap the secp256k1 EC(DSA) library into an OCaml library. At the moment only a subset of functionalities are available:

  • Context: create, clone, destroy, randomize

  • Elliptic curve: public key creation

  • ECDSA: verify, sign, recover

All exchanged data (pubkey, signature, seckey) are represented as hex strings.


You can improve this wrapper by submitting a pull request.

Thanks to all contributors:

  • Vincent Bernardoff

  • Yoichi Hirai


BTC: 13TRVwiqLMveg9aPAmZgcAix5ogKVgpe4T

Dependencies (7)

  1. base-bigarray
  2. conf-secp256k1
  3. configurator build & >= "v0.9.1"
  4. stdio build & >= "v0.9.0"
  5. base build & >= "v0.9.2"
  6. jbuilder >= "1.0+beta9"
  7. ocaml < "5.0"

Dev Dependencies (2)

  1. ounit with-test & >= "2.0.7"
  2. hex with-test & >= "1.1.1"

Used by (2)

  1. bip32 >= "0.2"
  2. ledgerwallet-tezos >= "0.2.1"

