package stdune

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Relative path relative to the root tracked by the type system.

Represented as: either the root, or a '/' separated list of components other that ".", ".." and not containing a '/'.

type 'w t
val hash : 'w t -> int
val to_string : 'w t -> string
val of_string : string -> 'w t
val parse_string_exn : loc:Stdune__.Loc0.t -> string -> 'w t
val compare : 'w t -> 'w t -> Ordering.t

a directory is smaller than its descendants

val to_dyn : 'w t -> Dyn.t
val extension : 'w t -> string
val set_extension : 'w t -> ext:string -> 'w t

set_extension path ~ext replaces extension of path by ext

val map_extension : 'W t -> f:(string -> string) -> 'W t

map_extension path ~f replaces extension of path by f extension

val split_extension : 'w t -> 'w t * string
val basename : 'w t -> Filename.t
val extend_basename : 'w t -> suffix:Filename.t -> 'w t
module Fix_root (Root : sig ... end) : sig ... end
val relative : ?error_loc:Stdune__.Loc0.t -> 'w t -> string -> 'w t
val to_string_maybe_quoted : 'w t -> string
val is_descendant : 'w t -> of_:'w t -> bool
val is_root : 'w t -> bool
val parent_exn : 'w t -> 'w t
val parent : 'w t -> 'w t option
val explode : 'w t -> Filename.t list
val root : 'w t
val append : 'w t -> Stdune__.Path_intf.Unspecified.w t -> 'w t
val descendant : 'w t -> of_:'w t -> Stdune__.Path_intf.Unspecified.w t option
val reach : 'w t -> from:'w t -> string
val split_first_component : 'w t -> (Filename.t * Stdune__.Path_intf.Unspecified.w t) option
module L : sig ... end