package tyxml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
TyXML is a library for building statically correct HTML5 and SVG documents


Dune Dependency






TyXML allows you to build HTML5 and SVG trees whose validity is ensured by the typechecker. It provides a printer for said XML trees, along with a ppx syntax extension. Finally it also provides a functorial interface to choose your XML datastructure. It's part of the ocsigen project and is used in js_of_ocaml and eliom.

Published: 31 Oct 2016



TyXML is a library for building statically correct HTML5 and SVG documents:

open Tyxml
let to_ocaml = Html.(a ~a:[a_href ""] [pcdata "OCaml!"])

Tyxml can also be used with the standard HTML syntax, using the PPX:

open Tyxml
let%html to_ocaml = "<a href=''>OCaml!</a>"

TyXML provides a set of combinators. These combinators use the OCaml type system to ensure the validity of the generated document. They are used in various libraries, such as Eliom and Js_of_ocaml.

The documentation can be consulted on the TyXML website. Examples are available in the examples directory.


TyXML is available in OPAM:

opam install tyxml

To install the PPX:

opam install tyxml-ppx

Dependencies (6)

  1. re >= "1.5.0"
  2. base-bytes
  3. uutf <= "0.9.4"
  4. ocamlbuild build
  5. ocamlfind build
  6. ocaml >= "4.02" & < "5.0"

Dev Dependencies (1)

  1. alcotest with-test

Conflicts (1)

  1. ppx_tools < "5.0"