package calendar

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Common operations for all time representations.

  • since 2.0 (this signature was before inlined in interface of Time).


type t

Type of a time.

type field = [
  1. | `Hour
  2. | `Minute
  3. | `Second

The different fields of a time.


type second

Type of a second.

  • since 2.0 (was an integer in previous versions).
module Second : Second with type t = second

Second implementation


val make : int -> int -> second -> t

make hour minute second makes the time hour-minute-second.

val lmake : ?hour:int -> ?minute:int -> ?second:second -> unit -> t

Labelled version of make. The default value is 0 for each argument.

  • since 1.05
val now : unit -> t

The current time based on Time_Zone.current ().

val midnight : unit -> t

midnight () is midnight (expressed in the current time zone). So, it has always the same behaviour as make 0 0 0.

val midday : unit -> t

midday () is midday (expressed in the current time zone). So, it has always the same behaviour as make 12 0 0.


val convert : t -> Time_Zone.t -> Time_Zone.t -> t

convert t t1 t2 converts the time t expressed in the time zone t1 to the same time expressed in the time zone t2. @example convert (make 20 0 0) (Time_Zone.GMT_Plus 2) (Time_Zone.GMT_Plus 4) returns the time 22-0-0.

val from_gmt : t -> t

from_gmt t is equivalent to convert t Time_Zone.GMT (Time_Zone.current ()).

val to_gmt : t -> t

to_gmt t is equivalent to convert t (Time_Zone.current ()) Time_Zone.GMT.

val normalize : t -> t * int

normalize t returns t such that hour t belongs to [0; 24[. The second component of the result is the number of days needed by the modification. @example normalize (make 22 0 0) returns the time 22-0-0 and 0, normalize (make 73 0 0) returns the time 1-0-0 and 3 and normalize (make (-73) 0 0) returns the time 23-0-0 and (-4).


val hour : t -> int

Hour. @example hour (make 20 0 0) returns 20.

val minute : t -> int

Minute. @example minute (make 20 10 0) returns 10.

val second : t -> second

Second. @example second (make 20 10 5) returns 5.

val to_seconds : t -> second

Number of seconds of a time. @example to_seconds (make 1 2 3) returns 3600 + 120 + 3 = 3723.

val to_minutes : t -> float

Number of minutes of a time. The resulting fractional part represents seconds. @example to_minutes (make 1 2 3) returns 60+2+0.05 = 62.05.

val to_hours : t -> float

Number of hours of a time. The resulting fractional part represents minutes and seconds. @example to_hours (make 1 3 0) returns 1 + 0.05 = 1.05.

Times are comparable

val equal : t -> t -> bool

Equality function between two times.

  • since 1.09.0
val compare : t -> t -> int

Comparison function between two times.

val hash : t -> int

Hash function for times.

  • since 2.0

Boolean operations on times

val is_pm : t -> bool

Return true is the time is before midday in the current time zone; false otherwise. @example both is_pm (make 10 0 0) and is_pm (make 34 0 0) return true.

val is_am : t -> bool

Return true is the time is after midday in the current time zone; false otherwise. @example both is_am (make 20 0 0) and is_am (make 44 0 0) return true.


val from_seconds : second -> t

Inverse of to_seconds.

val from_minutes : float -> t

Inverse of to_minutes.

val from_hours : float -> t

Inverse of to_hours.


module Period : sig ... end

A period is the number of seconds between two times.

Arithmetic operations on times and periods

val add : t -> 'a Period.period -> t

app t p returns t + p. @example add (make 20 0 0) (Period.minute 70) returns the time 21:10:0.

val sub : t -> t -> 'a Period.period

sub t1 t2 returns the period between t1 and t2.

val rem : t -> 'a Period.period -> t

rem t p is equivalent to add t (Period.opp p).

val next : t -> field -> t

next t f returns the time corresponding to the next specified field. @example next (make 20 3 31) `Minute returns the time 20:04:31. (i.e. one minute later).

val prev : t -> field -> t

prev t f returns the time corresponding to the previous specified field. @example prev (make 20 3 31) `Second returns the time 20:03:30 (i.e. one second ago).


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