package capnp-rpc

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

The type of messages sent by this endpoint.

module QuestionId : sig ... end
module AnswerId : sig ... end
module ImportId : sig ... end
module ExportId : sig ... end
type message_target = [
  1. | `ReceiverAnswer of QuestionId.t * Core_types.Wire.Path.t
  2. | `ReceiverHosted of ImportId.t
type desc = [
  1. | `None
  2. | `ReceiverAnswer of QuestionId.t * Core_types.Wire.Path.t
  3. | `ReceiverHosted of ImportId.t
  4. | `SenderHosted of ExportId.t
  5. | `SenderPromise of ExportId.t
  6. | `ThirdPartyHosted of third_party_desc
val pp_desc : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> [< `Local of < pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit.. > | `None | `ReceiverAnswer of QuestionId.t * Core_types.Wire.Path.t | `ReceiverHosted of ImportId.t | `SenderHosted of ExportId.t | `SenderPromise of ExportId.t | `ThirdPartyHosted of 'a ] -> unit
type send_results_to = [
  1. | `Caller
  2. | `ThirdParty of Network_types.recipient_id
  3. | `Yourself
type return = [
  1. | `AcceptFromThirdParty
  2. | `Cancelled
  3. | `Exception of Exception.t
  4. | `Results of Core_types.Wire.Response.t * desc RO_array.t
  5. | `ResultsSentElsewhere
  6. | `TakeFromOtherQuestion of QuestionId.t
type disembargo_request = [
  1. | `Loopback of message_target * EmbargoId.t
val pp_return : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> [< `AcceptFromThirdParty | `Cancelled | `Exception of Exception.t | `Results of 'a * [< `Local of < pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit.. > | `None | `ReceiverAnswer of QuestionId.t * Core_types.Wire.Path.t | `ReceiverHosted of ImportId.t | `SenderHosted of ExportId.t | `SenderPromise of ExportId.t | `ThirdPartyHosted of 'b ] RO_array.t | `ResultsSentElsewhere | `TakeFromOtherQuestion of QuestionId.t ] -> unit
val pp_disembargo_request : disembargo_request Fmt.t
type t = [
  1. | `Abort of Exception.t
  2. | `Bootstrap of QuestionId.t * string
  3. | `Call of QuestionId.t * message_target * Core_types.Wire.Request.t * desc RO_array.t * send_results_to
  4. | `Disembargo_reply of message_target * EmbargoId.t
  5. | `Disembargo_request of disembargo_request
  6. | `Finish of QuestionId.t * bool
  7. | `Release of ImportId.t * int
  8. | `Resolve of ExportId.t * (desc, Exception.t) Stdlib.result
  9. | `Return of AnswerId.t * return * bool

A message sent over the network.

val with_qid_tag : Logs.Tag.set -> t -> Logs.Tag.set
val pp_results_to : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> [< `Caller | `ThirdParty of 'a | `Yourself ] -> unit
val pp_recv : (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Core_types.Wire.Request.t -> unit) -> t Fmt.t

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