package tyxml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Underlying XML data-structure

The type variables in elt and attrib are know as phantom types. The implementation, defined here, is actually monomorphic.

In particular, tyxml doesn't impose any overhead over the underlying representation. The tot and toelt functions allows to convert between the typed and the untyped representation without any cost.

Note that some implementation may not be iterable or printable, such as the Dom representation exposed by js_of_ocaml.

module W : Xml_wrap.T
type 'a wrap = 'a W.t
type 'a list_wrap = 'a W.tlist
type uri
val string_of_uri : (uri, string) W.ft
val uri_of_string : (string, uri) W.ft
type aname = string
type event_handler
type mouse_event_handler
type keyboard_event_handler
type touch_event_handler
type attrib
val float_attrib : aname -> float wrap -> attrib
val int_attrib : aname -> int wrap -> attrib
val string_attrib : aname -> string wrap -> attrib
val space_sep_attrib : aname -> string list wrap -> attrib
val comma_sep_attrib : aname -> string list wrap -> attrib
val event_handler_attrib : aname -> event_handler -> attrib
val mouse_event_handler_attrib : aname -> mouse_event_handler -> attrib
val keyboard_event_handler_attrib : aname -> keyboard_event_handler -> attrib
val touch_event_handler_attrib : aname -> touch_event_handler -> attrib
val uri_attrib : aname -> uri wrap -> attrib
val uris_attrib : aname -> uri list wrap -> attrib
type elt
type ename = string
val empty : unit -> elt
val comment : string -> elt
val pcdata : string wrap -> elt
val encodedpcdata : string wrap -> elt
val entity : string -> elt
val leaf : ?a:attrib list -> ename -> elt
val node : ?a:attrib list -> ename -> elt list_wrap -> elt
val cdata : string -> elt
val cdata_script : string -> elt
val cdata_style : string -> elt

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