package lwt

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Promises and event-driven I/O


Dune Dependency






A promise is a value that may become determined in the future.

Lwt provides typed, composable promises. Promises that are resolved by I/O are resolved by Lwt in parallel.

Meanwhile, OCaml code, including code creating and waiting on promises, runs in a single thread by default. This reduces the need for locks or other synchronization primitives. Code can be run in parallel on an opt-in basis.

Published: 26 Nov 2021



Lwt is a concurrent programming library for OCaml. It provides a single data type: the promise, which is a value that will become determined in the future. Creating a promise spawns a computation. When that computation is I/O, Lwt runs it in parallel with your OCaml code.

OCaml code, including creating and waiting on promises, is run in a single thread by default, so you don't have to worry about locking or preemption. You can detach code to be run in separate threads on an opt-in basis.

Here is a simplistic Lwt program which requests the Google front page, and fails if the request is not completed in five seconds:

open Lwt.Syntax

let () =
  let request =
    let* addresses = Lwt_unix.getaddrinfo "" "80" [] in
    let google = Lwt_unix.((List.hd addresses).ai_addr) in

    Lwt_io.(with_connection google (fun (incoming, outgoing) ->
      let* () = write outgoing "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n" in
      let* () = write outgoing "Connection: close\r\n\r\n" in
      let* response = read incoming in
      Lwt.return (Some response)))

  let timeout =
    let* () = Lwt_unix.sleep 5. in
    Lwt.return None

  match (Lwt.pick [request; timeout]) with
  | Some response -> print_string response
  | None -> prerr_endline "Request timed out"; exit 1

(* ocamlfind opt -package lwt.unix -linkpkg && ./a.out *)

In the program, functions such as Lwt_io.write create promises. The let* ... in construct is used to wait for a promise to become determined; the code after in is scheduled to run in a "callback." Lwt.pick races promises against each other, and behaves as the first one to complete. forces the whole promise-computation network to be executed. All the visible OCaml code is run in a single thread, but Lwt internally uses a combination of worker threads and non-blocking file descriptors to resolve in parallel the promises that do I/O.


Lwt compiles to native code on Linux, macOS, Windows, and other systems. It's also routinely compiled to JavaScript for the front end and Node by js_of_ocaml.

In Lwt,

  • The core library Lwt provides promises...

  • ...and a few pure-OCaml helpers, such as promise-friendly mutexes, condition variables, and mvars.

  • There is a big Unix binding, Lwt_unix that binds almost every Unix system call. A higher-level module Lwt_io provides nice I/O channels.

  • Lwt_process is for subprocess handling.

  • Lwt_preemptive spawns system threads.

  • The PPX syntax allows using all of the above without going crazy!

  • There are also some other helpers, such as Lwt_react for reactive programming. See the table of contents on the linked manual pages!


  1. Use your system package manager to install a development libev package. It is often called libev-dev or libev-devel.

  2. opam install conf-libev lwt


We are currently working on improving the Lwt documentation (drastically; we are rewriting the manual). In the meantime:

  • The current manual can be found here.

  • Mirage has a nicely-written Lwt tutorial.

  • An example of a simple server written in Lwt.

  • Concurrent Programming with Lwt is a nice source of Lwt examples. They are translations of code from the excellent Real World OCaml, but are just as useful if you are not reading the book.

Note: much of the current manual refers to 'a Lwt.t as "lightweight threads" or just "threads." This will be fixed in the new manual. 'a Lwt.t is a promise, and has nothing to do with system or preemptive threads.


Open an issue, visit Discord chat, ask on, or on Stack Overflow.

Release announcements are made in /r/ocaml, and on Watching the repo for "Releases only" is also an option.


  • contains tips for working on the code, such as how to check the code out, how review works, etc. There is also a high-level outline of the code base.

  • Ask us anything, whether it's about working on Lwt, or any question at all about it :)

  • The documentation always needs proofreading and fixes.

  • You are welcome to pick up any other issue, review a PR, add your opinion, etc.

  • Any feedback is welcome, including how to make contributing easier!

Libraries to use with Lwt

Dependencies (10)

  1. seq
  2. result
  3. ocplib-endian
  4. ocaml-syntax-shims
  5. ocaml >= "4.08.0"
  6. ocaml (>= "4.02.0" & "os" != "win32 " | >= "4.06.0") & < "5.0"
  7. mmap >= "1.1.0" & "os" != "win32"
  8. dune-configurator
  9. dune >= "1.8.0"
  10. cppo build & >= "1.1.0"

Dev Dependencies (1)

  1. ocamlfind dev & >= "1.7.3-1"

  1. 0install >= "2.15.1"
  2. aches-lwt
  3. albatross
  4. alcotest-lwt
  5. alcotest-mirage
  6. ambient-context-lwt
  7. amqp-client >= "0.9.0" & < "1.0.2" | >= "1.1.0"
  8. amqp-client-lwt >= "2.0.1"
  9. angstrom-lwt-unix
  10. anthill
  11. anycache-lwt
  12. arakoon < "1.8.6" | >= "1.8.8"
  13. archi-lwt
  14. arp >= "2.3.1"
  15. arp-mirage >= "2.2.1"
  16. awa-lwt
  17. awa-mirage
  18. aws-lwt
  19. aws-s3-lwt
  20. awsm-lwt
  21. azure-cosmos-db
  22. baardskeerder
  23. balancer
  24. bap < "1.0.0"
  25. bap-server < "0.2.0"
  26. bastet_lwt
  27. bimage-lwt
  28. biocaml = "0.4.0"
  29. bistro >= "0.4.0"
  30. brozip
  31. builder
  32. builder-web
  33. bun >= "0.3.3"
  34. c3
  35. calculon
  36. caldav
  37. camltc = "0.9.5" | >= ""
  38. canary
  39. capnp-rpc-lwt < "1.2.3"
  40. capnp-rpc-unix >= "0.9.0" & < "1.2.3"
  41. caqti-lwt >= "0.11.0"
  42. caqti-mirage
  43. carton
  44. carton-git < "0.7.2"
  45. carton-lwt
  46. cf-lwt
  47. chamelon
  48. chamelon-unix
  49. chamo >= "3.0"
  50. channel
  51. charrua-client >= "1.3.0"
  52. charrua-client-lwt
  53. charrua-client-mirage
  54. charrua-core < "0.3"
  55. charrua-unix >= "0.3" & != "0.10"
  56. clz
  57. cmdtui-lambda-term
  58. coclobas
  59. cohttp-curl-lwt
  60. cohttp-lwt
  61. cohttp-lwt-jsoo
  62. cohttp-lwt-unix >= "1.1.1"
  63. cohttp-lwt-unix-nossl
  64. cohttp-lwt-unix-ssl
  65. cohttp-mirage
  66. cohttp-server-lwt-unix
  67. comby
  68. comby-semantic
  69. conan-lwt
  70. conduit-lwt
  71. conduit-lwt-unix
  72. cowabloga >= "0.2.2"
  73. crunch >= "2.0.0"
  74. cstruct-lwt
  75. csv-lwt
  76. csvprovider
  77. ctypes >= "0.15.0" & < "0.21.1"
  78. ctypes-foreign >= "0.21.1"
  79. current < "0.6.4"
  80. current_docker < "0.6.4"
  81. current_examples < "0.6.4"
  82. current_git < "0.6.4"
  83. current_github < "0.6.4"
  84. current_gitlab < "0.6.4"
  85. current_ocluster < "0.2"
  86. current_rpc >= "0.4" & < "0.6.4"
  87. current_slack < "0.6.4"
  88. current_web < "0.6.4"
  89. DkSDKFFIOCaml_Std
  90. dap
  91. data-encoding < "0.1.1"
  92. datakit
  93. datakit-bridge-github
  94. datakit-bridge-local-git
  95. datakit-ci
  96. datakit-client >= "0.11.0"
  97. datakit-github
  98. datakit-server
  99. devkit >= "1.2"
  100. dht < "0.2.0"
  101. distributed-lwt
  102. dkim-bin >= "0.6.0"
  103. dkim-mirage
  104. dlm
  105. dns >= "0.19.1" & < "0.20.1"
  106. dns-certify
  107. dns-cli >= "4.6.3"
  108. dns-client < "7.0.0"
  109. dns-client-lwt
  110. dns-client-mirage
  111. dns-forward >= "0.9.0"
  112. dns-forward-lwt-unix
  113. dns-lwt
  114. dns-mirage
  115. dns-resolver
  116. dns-server
  117. dns-stub
  118. dnssd
  119. docker_hub
  120. docteur
  121. docteur-solo5
  122. docteur-unix
  123. doi2bib
  124. dream
  125. dream-httpaf
  126. dream-pure
  127. dream-serve
  128. dropbox
  129. dune-rpc-lwt < "3.15.0"
  130. dune_watch
  131. earlybird
  132. elasticsearch-cli >= "0.4"
  133. equinoxe
  134. eris-lwt
  135. ethernet
  136. ez_api
  137. ezcurl-lwt
  138. ezirmin
  139. ezjs_min < "0.2"
  140. ezjsonm >= "0.4.2" & < "0.5.0"
  141. ezjsonm-lwt
  142. ezresto
  143. ezresto-directory >= "0.5"
  144. faraday-lwt
  145. faraday-lwt-unix >= "0.6.0"
  146. fat-filesystem >= "0.12.0"
  147. fiber-lwt
  148. flowtype >= "0.72.0"
  149. frenetic < "2.0.0"
  150. fsevents-lwt
  151. fswatch_lwt
  152. fuseau-lwt
  153. gamepad
  154. gdb
  155. gdbprofiler >= "0.3"
  156. git != "1.4.3" & != "1.7.2"
  157. git-cohttp
  158. git-cohttp-mirage
  159. git-cohttp-unix
  160. git-mirage >= "3.0.0"
  161. git-paf
  162. git-unix = "1.11.1" | >= "3.0.0" & < "3.10.0"
  163. github
  164. github-hooks < "0.2.0" | >= "0.4.0"
  165. github-unix >= "4.4.0"
  166. gitlab-unix
  167. gluten-lwt
  168. gluten-lwt-unix < "0.4.0"
  169. gluten-mirage < "0.4.0"
  170. graphql-lwt
  171. gremlin
  172. grpc-lwt
  173. gufo
  174. h2-lwt
  175. h2-lwt-unix < "0.10.0"
  176. h2-mirage
  177. happy-eyeballs-lwt
  178. happy-eyeballs-mirage
  179. hardcaml < "1.1.0"
  180. hardcaml-examples >= "0.3.0"
  181. hardcaml-framework
  182. hiredis != "0.4"
  183. hl_yaml
  184. hockmd
  185. horned_worm < "0.3.1"
  186. http-lwt-client
  187. http-mirage-client
  188. http-multipart-formdata >= "2.0.0" & < "3.0.0"
  189. http2https
  190. httpaf-lwt-unix
  191. httpun-lwt
  192. httpun-mirage
  193. hvsock >= "1.0.2"
  194. i3ipc >= "0.1.4"
  195. imaplet-lwt
  196. influxdb-lwt
  197. inotify >= "2.4"
  198. inquire < "0.3.0"
  199. interface-prime-lwt
  200. iocaml < "0.4.6"
  201. iocaml-kernel >= "0.4.3" & < "0.4.6"
  202. iocamljs-kernel
  203. ip2location
  204. ip2locationio
  205. ipv6-multicast-lwt
  206. irc-client-lwt
  207. irc-client-lwt-ssl
  208. irc-client-tls
  209. irmin < "0.9.6" | = "0.9.10" | >= "0.11.0"
  210. irmin-bench
  211. irmin-chunk
  212. irmin-cli
  213. irmin-containers
  214. irmin-fs >= "2.3.0"
  215. irmin-git >= "2.3.0"
  216. irmin-graphql >= "2.3.0"
  217. irmin-http >= "2.3.0"
  218. irmin-indexeddb
  219. irmin-layers
  220. irmin-mem >= "2.3.0"
  221. irmin-mirage-git >= "2.3.0"
  222. irmin-mirage-graphql >= "2.3.0"
  223. irmin-pack
  224. irmin-server
  225. irmin-test >= "2.3.0"
  226. irmin-unix >= "2.3.0"
  227. irmin-watcher >= "0.3.0"
  228. jerboa
  229. jitsu
  230. joolog
  231. jose < "0.9.0"
  232. js_of_ocaml < "2.5"
  233. js_of_ocaml-lwt >= "3.5.0"
  234. jsoo_broadcastchannel
  235. jsoo_router
  236. jsoo_storage
  237. jupyter >= "2.3.0"
  238. jupyter-kernel >= "0.4"
  239. kafka >= "0.3" & < "0.5"
  240. kafka_lwt
  241. kappa-library
  242. ke >= "0.5"
  243. ketrew >= "3.2.0"
  244. kinetic-client < "0.0.3" | >= "0.0.9"
  245. kubecaml
  246. lablqml < "0.6"
  247. lambda-runtime
  248. lambda-term >= "1.13"
  249. lambda_streams_lwt
  250. launchd
  251. ldp
  252. learn-ocaml >= "0.13.0"
  253. learn-ocaml-client >= "0.13.0"
  254. letsencrypt
  255. letsencrypt-app
  256. letsencrypt-dns
  257. letters
  258. libres3
  259. links != "0.9"
  260. linol-lwt
  261. llama
  262. lru_cache < "v0.16.0"
  263. lwt-binio < "0.2.0"
  264. lwt-canceler
  265. lwt-dllist
  266. lwt-exit
  267. lwt-parallel >= "1.0.0"
  268. lwt-pipe
  269. lwt-pipeline
  270. lwt-watcher
  271. lwt-zmq < "1.0.0"
  272. lwt_camlp4
  273. lwt_domain < "0.3.0"
  274. lwt_eio < "0.4"
  275. lwt_glib >= "1.0.1"
  276. lwt_log >= "1.1.0"
  277. lwt_ppx
  278. lwt_ppx_let
  279. lwt_react >= "1.0.1"
  280. lwt_ssl >= "1.0.1"
  281. mariadb < "0.5.1"
  282. markup = "0.7.6"
  283. markup-lwt
  284. mdx
  285. mechaml
  286. memtrace-mirage
  287. metrics-influx
  288. metrics-lwt
  289. metrics-mirage
  290. metrics-unix
  291. mimic
  292. mindstorm-lwt
  293. mirage >= "0.4.1" & != "0.6.1" & < "0.8.0" | >= "0.10.0" & < "2.7.0"
  294. mirage-block < "1.0.0" | >= "2.0.0"
  295. mirage-block-ccm
  296. mirage-block-combinators
  297. mirage-block-lwt
  298. mirage-block-ramdisk
  299. mirage-block-solo5
  300. mirage-block-unix < "2.3.0" | = "2.8.2" | >= "2.13.0"
  301. mirage-block-xen
  302. mirage-bootvar-solo5 >= "0.2.0"
  303. mirage-bootvar-unix
  304. mirage-bootvar-xen >= "0.4.0"
  305. mirage-channel >= "4.0.0"
  306. mirage-channel-lwt
  307. mirage-clock-freestanding < "3.0.0"
  308. mirage-clock-lwt
  309. mirage-clock-unix >= "1.3.0" & < "3.0.0"
  310. mirage-console >= "3.0.0"
  311. mirage-console-lwt
  312. mirage-console-solo5 >= "0.2.0"
  313. mirage-console-unix >= "2.2.1"
  314. mirage-console-xen >= "5.0.0"
  315. mirage-console-xen-backend
  316. mirage-console-xen-cli
  317. mirage-crypto-entropy
  318. mirage-crypto-rng >= "0.7.0" & < "0.11.0"
  319. mirage-crypto-rng-lwt
  320. mirage-crypto-rng-mirage >= "0.8.8"
  321. mirage-device >= "2.0.0"
  322. mirage-dns < "3.0.0"
  323. mirage-entropy
  324. mirage-flow >= "1.0.3" & < "1.2.0" | >= "2.0.0"
  325. mirage-flow-combinators
  326. mirage-flow-lwt
  327. mirage-flow-rawlink
  328. mirage-flow-unix >= "1.3.0"
  329. mirage-fs >= "3.0.0"
  330. mirage-fs-lwt
  331. mirage-fs-unix < "1.1.1" | >= "1.3.0"
  332. mirage-http
  333. mirage-http-unix
  334. mirage-http-xen
  335. mirage-kv >= "3.0.0"
  336. mirage-kv-lwt
  337. mirage-kv-unix < "3.0.1"
  338. mirage-logs != "0.3.0"
  339. mirage-nat < "3.0.0"
  340. mirage-net >= "3.0.1"
  341. mirage-net-fd
  342. mirage-net-lwt
  343. mirage-net-macosx
  344. mirage-net-solo5
  345. mirage-net-unix >= "2.2.0"
  346. mirage-net-xen
  347. mirage-os-shim >= "3.0.0"
  348. mirage-profile
  349. mirage-protocols >= "4.0.0" & < "8.0.0"
  350. mirage-protocols-lwt
  351. mirage-qubes < "0.2" | >= "0.4" & < "0.9.4"
  352. mirage-qubes-ipv4 < "0.9.4"
  353. mirage-random-stdlib >= "0.1.0"
  354. mirage-runtime >= "3.7.0"
  355. mirage-solo5
  356. mirage-stack >= "2.0.0" & < "4.0.0"
  357. mirage-stack-lwt
  358. mirage-time >= "2.0.0"
  359. mirage-time-lwt
  360. mirage-time-unix
  361. mirage-types-lwt < "3.7.1"
  362. mirage-unix >= "3.0.0"
  363. mirage-vnetif
  364. mirage-vnetif-stack
  365. mirage-www >= "1.1.0"
  366. mirage-xen
  367. mirror
  368. monorobot
  369. moonpool-lwt
  370. mqtt = "0.0.2"
  371. mrmime >= "0.5.0"
  372. multipart-form-data >= "0.2.0"
  373. multipart_form >= "0.2.0" & < "0.4.0"
  374. multipart_form-cohttp-lwt < "0.6.0"
  375. multipart_form-lwt
  376. mwt
  377. naboris
  378. nanomsg
  379. nbd = "2.1.1" | >= "4.0.3"
  380. nbd-tool
  381. nbd-unix
  382. netchannel
  383. nocrypto >= "0.5.4"
  384. nottui-lwt
  385. nproc
  386. nsq >= "0.4.0"
  387. obrowser
  388. obuilder < "0.5"
  389. obus >= "1.2.1"
  390. ocaml-variants >= "4.00.1+mirage-unix" & < "4.00.1+open-types"
  391. ocluster < "0.2"
  392. ocluster-api < "0.2"
  393. ocplib-concur
  394. ocplib-resto
  395. ocsigen-start >= "4.1.0" & < "4.7.0"
  396. ocsigenserver >= "2.10"
  397. ocsipersist
  398. ocsipersist-dbm
  399. ocsipersist-lib
  400. ocsipersist-pgsql
  401. ocsipersist-sqlite
  402. odoc >= "2.0.0" & < "2.1.0"
  403. oframl
  404. ojquery
  405. ojs-base
  406. ojs_base
  407. omigrate
  408. oneffs
  409. opam-compiler < "0.2.0"
  410. opam-sync-github-prs
  411. openflow < "0.2.0"
  412. opentelemetry-client-cohttp-lwt
  413. opentelemetry-cohttp-lwt >= "0.4"
  414. opentelemetry-lwt
  415. opium >= "0.11.0" & != "0.16.0"
  416. opium-graphql
  417. opium_kernel
  418. opomodoro
  419. order-i3-xfce
  420. ordma >= "0.0.3"
  421. osc-lwt
  422. oskel >= "0.3.0"
  423. ounit-lwt < "2.2.0"
  424. ounit2-lwt
  425. owork
  426. ox < "1.1.0"
  427. ozulip
  428. paf
  429. paf-cohttp
  430. pcap-format >= "0.3.3" & < "0.5.0"
  431. petrol
  432. pgx_lwt
  433. pgx_lwt_mirage
  434. pgx_lwt_unix < "2.0"
  435. piaf
  436. plebeia >= "2.0.0"
  437. plist-xml-lwt
  438. plotkicadsch >= "0.4.0"
  439. ppx_defer >= "0.4.0"
  440. ppx_deriving_rpc
  441. ppx_json_types
  442. ppx_netblob
  443. ppx_rapper_lwt
  444. ppx_sqlexpr
  445. proc-smaps
  446. prof_spacetime
  447. prometheus
  448. prometheus-app
  449. promise_jsoo_lwt
  450. protocol-9p >= "0.10.0"
  451. protocol-9p-unix
  452. qcow >= "0.8.1"
  453. qcow-format < "0.3"
  454. qcow-tool
  455. qfs = "0.5" | >= "0.7"
  456. quests
  457. rawlink >= "1.0" & < "2.1"
  458. rawlink-lwt
  459. rdf_json_ld < "1.0.0"
  460. rdf_lwt < "1.0.0"
  461. redis-lwt
  462. reparse-lwt
  463. reparse-lwt-unix
  464. resource-pooling >= "0.3.2"
  465. resp
  466. resp-mirage >= "0.10.0"
  467. resp-unix >= "0.10.0"
  468. resto
  469. resto-cohttp-client >= "0.4"
  470. resto-cohttp-self-serving-client
  471. resto-cohttp-server >= "0.4"
  472. resto-directory >= "0.4"
  473. riak
  474. ringo-lwt
  475. river
  476. rock
  477. rpc >= "1.5.1" & < "7.1.0"
  478. rpclib-js
  479. rpclib-lwt
  480. SZXX < "4.0.0"
  481. sanddb
  482. scgi
  483. sendmail-lwt
  484. serial
  485. session-cohttp-lwt
  486. session-cookie-lwt
  487. session-postgresql-lwt >= "0.4.1"
  488. sessions
  489. shared-block-ring < "2.3.0" | >= "3.0.0"
  490. shared-memory-ring >= "1.2.0" & < "2.0.0"
  491. shared-memory-ring-lwt
  492. sihl < "0.2.0"
  493. slack
  494. slacko
  495. slipshow
  496. socket-daemon < "0.3.0"
  497. speed
  498. spin < "0.8.0"
  499. spotify-web-api < "0.2.1"
  500. sqlexpr = "0.7.1" | >= "0.9.0"
  501. statsd-client
  502. stk
  503. stog >= "0.16.0" & < "1.0.0"
  504. syguslib-utils
  505. syndic >= "1.4" & < "1.6.0"
  506. tar-format >= "0.4.1"
  507. tar-mirage < "2.2.0"
  508. tar-unix
  509. tcpip >= "3.1.1" & < "3.4.1" | >= "4.1.0"
  510. teash
  511. telegraml
  512. terminus
  513. tezos-base >= "13.0" & < "15.0"
  514. tezos-clic >= "13.0" & < "15.0"
  515. tezos-crypto >= "13.0" & < "15.0"
  516. tezos-error-monad >= "8.0" & < "9.0" | >= "13.0" & < "15.0"
  517. tezos-lwt-result-stdlib >= "9.0" & < "15.0"
  518. tezos-p2p >= "11.0" & < "13.0"
  519. tezos-protocol-compiler >= "13.0"
  520. tezos-protocol-environment >= "13.0" & < "15.0"
  521. tezos-proxy-server
  522. tezos-stdlib < "15.0"
  523. tezos-stdlib-unix < "9.0" | >= "13.0" & < "15.0"
  524. tezos-test-helpers >= "12.0" & < "15.0"
  525. tezt < "3.0.0"
  526. tftp
  527. themoviedb
  528. tidy_email
  529. tls = "0.10.1" | >= "0.10.6" & < "0.16.0"
  530. tls-lwt < "0.17.4"
  531. tls-mirage
  532. transmission-rpc
  533. tube >= "4.3.0"
  534. tuntap >= "1.0.0" & < "1.7.0" | >= "2.0.0"
  535. typerex-lldb
  536. u2f
  537. uring
  538. uspf
  539. uspf-lwt
  540. utop >= "1.4.0"
  541. uwt >= "0.3.0"
  542. vchan >= "0.9.7" & < "2.0.0" | >= "2.0.3"
  543. vchan-unix
  544. vchan-xen
  545. vercel
  546. vhd-format >= "0.7.0" & < "0.8.0"
  547. vhd-format-lwt >= "0.12.0"
  548. vhd-tool < "0.12.0"
  549. vmnet >= "1.3.2"
  550. vpnkit >= "0.2.0"
  551. vue-jsoo < "0.3"
  552. wayland < "2.0"
  553. webauthn
  554. websocket < "2.3"
  555. xe-unikernel-upload
  556. xen-api-client < "0.9.14"
  557. xen-block-driver
  558. xen-evtchn < "1.0.6" | >= "2.0.0"
  559. xen-evtchn-unix
  560. xen-gnt >= "2.2.3"
  561. xen-gnt-unix >= "4.0.2"
  562. xenctrl < "0.9.29" | >= "0.9.32"
  563. xenstore >= "1.3.0"
  564. xenstore_transport >= "1.0.0"
  565. xentropyd
  566. yocaml_git
  567. yocaml_unix
  568. yurt < "0.3"
  569. zmq-lwt

Conflicts (1)

  1. ocaml-variants = "4.02.1+BER"

Innovation. Community. Security.