package async_extra

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Monadic concurrency library


Dune Dependency






  • Removed the following modules from Async_extra:

    • Cpu_usage

    • Dynamic_port_writer

    • File_tail

    • Persistent_singleton

    • Persistent_connection_intf

    • Sequencer_table (available at: )

    • Tcp_file

    • Unpack_sequence

    • Versioned_typed_tcp


  • Add the ability to specify the local source port to Async_extra.Tcp.

  • Name the non-t arguments to Error.tag and similar functions to allow easier partial application.

  • Name the non-t arguments to Error.tag and similar functions to allow easier partial application.

  • Switched from:

    (** This signature is deliberately empty. *)


    (*_ This signature is deliberately empty. *)

    This causes the comment to not appear in documentation. We did not use:

    (* This signature is deliberately empty. *)

    because single-star comments, (* *), will be disallowed in signatures. We plan to disallow single-star comments to force the use of (** *) to indicate a doc comment and (*_ *) to indicate a non-doc comment.

  • Update Async.Std.Schedule to allow use of Time_source.t other than wall_clock ().

    Time_source is a new abstraction for time progression that provides Clock and functionality driven by a time source other than the wall-clock. This can be useful for offline playback of historical events.

    Schedule was updatedso it can be used in these kinds of historical playback situations.

  • Add functions to make it easy to start a tcp server that only listens on localhost The intention of this change is to make it both easy to bind to localhost and to make it clear in the mli that you bind to any with on_port.

  • Allow passing in a socket to the tcp functions so that you can set socket options before a connection is established

  • Make async_extra unit tests pass in 32bit

  • Improve errors on exceptions raised inside Command.async'.

    A trivial use of Command.async' that raises:


    (((pid 7781) (thread_id 0)) ((human_readable 2016-04-22T19:11:26-0400) (int63_ns_since_epoch 1461366686545371364)) "unhandled exception in Async scheduler" ("unhandled exception" (( ((exn (Failure "as;dfkj")) (backtrace ("Raised at file "", line 30, characters 22-33" "Called from file "", line 14, characters 63-68" "Called from file "", line 160, characters 6-47" "")) (monitor (((name main) (here ()) (id 1) (has_seen_error true) (is_detached false)))))) ((pid 7781) (thread_id 0)))))


    $ ./a.exe ( ((exn (Failure "as;dfkj")) (backtrace ("Raised at file "", line 30, characters 22-33" "Called from file "", line 214, characters 42-51" "Called from file "", line 160, characters 6-47" "")) (monitor (((name Async.Std.Deferred.Or_error.try_with) (here ()) (id 2) (has_seen_error true) (is_detached true))))))

    After with ~extract_exn:true:

    $ ./a.exe (Failure "as;dfkj")

    The default can be changed for a project this way:

    module Command = struct include Command let async' = async' ~extract_exn:true let async_or_error' = async_or_error' ~extract_exn:true end

  • Added module Async.Std.Require_explicit_time_source, so that one can require code to be explicit about what time source is used and not unintentionally use the wall clock. The idiom is to do:

    open! Require_explicit_time_source

    or, in an

    include Require_explicit_time_source

  • Don't wait for the full retry_delay before detecting close.


  • Rename Async.Std.Schedule.every_{enter,tag_change} to Async.Std.Schedule.every_{enter,tag_change}_without_pushback and introduce Async.Std.Schedule.every_{enter,tag_change} with pushback behavior.

    The resulting functions are analogous to Pipe.iter_without_pushback and Pipe.iter.

  • Replaced Persistent_rpc_client with a successor Persistent_connection for maintaining persistent connections to all manner of services, not just rpc servers.

  • Make Bus.pipe1_exn take a Source_position.t to be more consistent with first_exn and iter_exn. This also shows better debug sexps on Bus when multiple pipes are subscribed to the bus.


N.B. some changes happening for this release are not listed in this changelog since they appear only as a consequence of changes in core or async_kernel.

  • When Transfer.Writer.send* raises, send an error to the client.

  • Add a new rpc that enables a "push" rather than a "poll" model.

  • Switched to PPX.

  • For connected UDP sockets, expose send in the same fashion as sendto.

  • Tcp.Server is documented to refuse excess connections beyond max_connections + max_pending_connections, but it treats them as pending connections in our standard OS configuration. In fact, research indicates that the documented behavior is nearly impossible to obtain directly and consistently from listen.

    Clarify the name and role of the backlog argument to listen and rename and update documentation for max_pending_connections to clarify what it actually does, in light of some research:

    `listen` does not generally respect the backlog argument as an
    upper limit, but as a lower limit (mod `tcp_max_syn_backlog`) and,
    with `tcp_abort_on_overflow=0`, `listen` will ignore excess
    connections rather than actively refusing them.
    (With `syncookies=1`, this can look like an indefinite backlog.)

    Existing, working code can substitute max_pending_connections -> backlog and move on. The behavior is not changed.

    When possible, consider architecting applications so the server can simply accept and close excess connections, rather than relying on the listen backlog to return an active indication to the client that they won't be serviced. To make sure the client receives an RST rather than an orderly shutdown, you can set the linger time to 0 before closing the socket. (Added to unit tests.)

    Direct Tcp.Server support for this paradigm is left for future work.

  • Make Rpc_low_latency_transport treat disconnections as eof, like Async_unix.Reader does.

  • Add an implementation of Mvars to Async

  • Allow custom handling of missed async_rpc heartbeats.

  • adds a configuration limit on the number of tokens that can be in-flight

  • Replace an #include <sys/errno.h> by #include <errno.h>.

    Fixes janestreet/async_extra#4

  • Added Tcp.Server.sexp_of_t

  • Adds Rpc.Pipe_rpc.dispatch_iter, plus a bunch of additional types to support it. The main reason for this is to reduce space usage: Pipe_rpc.dispatch followed by Pipe.iter_without_pushback consumes ~105 words in the steady state (i.e., when no messages are coming in) while dispatch_iter consumes ~15. I'm sure dispatch can be improved a lot, but a pipe by itself is 46 words, so it can't possibly become as small as dispatch_iter.

    Both cases can be made smaller by making Connection.response_handler a GADT instead of a closure. I plan to do this later.

    One annoying property of the interface is that the only way to cancel a subscription is to use Pipe_rpc.abort, which has a terrible interface. The logical way to improve the interface is to return a record of a Pipe_rpc.t, a Connection.t, and a Query_id.t, which allocates an additional few words. I'd kind of like to do this but it seems counter to the goal of reducing space usage.

  • Added Tcp.Server.listening_on_address, so that one can get the address a server is listening on, as compared with listening_on, which just returns the port.

  • Marked Command.async_basic as deprecated using the appropriate ocaml attribute.



  • Extend the interface of Persistent_rpc_client to make the "address" type - previously fixed as Host_and_port.t - abstract. This is helpful for integrating with libraries that have a different notion of an address, e.g. rpc_discovery_lib.

  • Typed_tcp mutated a Hashtbl while iterating over it when closing.

  • Added Async.Bus.first_exn, which takes a bus and a function, and returns a deferred that becomes determined when the first event is published to the bus for which the function returns Some.

    This function is useful to reduce boilerplate for dealing with unsubscription.

  • Reduced the number of threads required by tests in:


  • Added to the error message Bus.subscribe_exn called after first write the source-code position of the caller, in case there isn't a backtrace, to make the source of the problem clearer, and to avoid confusion with other source-code positions of subscribers already in the bus.

  • Added to Bus.first_exn a Source_code_position.t argument, so that in the event of subscription failure, we can see who caused the subscription to the bus.

  • Added to Tcp.Server.close an optional argument:

    ?close_existing_connections : bool

    This closes the sockets of all existing connections.

  • Annotate errors returned by the async-rpc library with the name of the RPC for which the error was returned (if it's an rpc-level error) and a description of the remote side of the connection (the ip:host if connected via a network socket).

  • Improved Async.Udp.bind's error message when it fails to mcast_join a multicast group.

  • Change ~callback to ~f throughout the Bus interface


  • Added Limiter module.

    Implements an async aware throttling rate limiter on top of Core.Limiter.

  • Generalized Persistent_rpc_client to supports RPC connection types with additional information besides the Rpc.Connection.t itself.

    For instance: Persistent_rpc_client.Versioned has Versioned_rpc.Connection_with_menu.t as its connection type.

  • Changed the Persistent_rpc_client.Make functor to not erase the type conn from its output module's signature.

    This way, the output of Make can be fed to functors or functions that expect a module matching Persistent_rpc_client.S.

  • Moved Log from Async_extra to Async_unix, so that the scheduler can refer to it.

  • Fixed a bug where Persistent_rpc_client.close would hang waiting for a connection to close.


  • Added to Log a better mechanism for catching and handling background errors, via set_on_error and an on_error argument to create.

  • Added Log.get_output : t -> Output.t list.

  • Changed Monitor.try_with so that errors after the initial return are written to the global error log, rather than ignored.

  • Added Monitor.try_with_or_error and try_with_join_or_error.

    try_with_or_error is intended to someday be renamed as try_with. It also omits some of try_with's optional arguments: run and rest. Different from try_with, try_with_or_error uses ~run:`Now, which we now believe is a more sensible behavior.

  • Fixed a bug in Versioned_typed_tcp that causes spurious and repeated reconnects when user-level code disconnects.

  • Added Tcp.Server.create_sock, to create TCP servers that don't use Reader and Writer.

  • Changed Log.Level.arg to accept lowercase, uppercase, and capitalized words.

  • Replaced Unpack_sequence.unpack* functions with unpack_into_pipe and unpack_iter, for reduced allocation.

      module Unpack_from : sig
        type t =
        | Pipe   of string Pipe.Reader.t
        | Reader of Reader.t
      val unpack_into_pipe
        :  from  : Unpack_from.t
        -> using : ('a, 'b) Unpack_buffer.t
        -> 'a Pipe.Reader.t * ('a, 'b) Unpack_result.t Deferred.t
      val unpack_iter
        :  from  : Unpack_from.t
        -> using : ('a, 'b) Unpack_buffer.t
        -> f     : ('a -> unit)
        -> ('a, 'b) Unpack_iter_result.t Deferred.t
  • Added to Log support for user-defined rotation schemes.

  • Added Log.is_closed.

  • Moved Async_extra.Rpc to its own library, Async_kernel_rpc, and abstracted its transport layer.

    Async_kernel_rpc depends only on Async_kernel. This allows Async_rpc to be used in javascript or to try transports tuned for different use cases. Versioned_rpc was moved to Async_rpc_kernel as well.

    Async_extra still provides an Rpc module with the Unix-dependent part:

    • the Rpc.Transport module is augmented with Async_unix.{Reader,Writer} based transports

    • the Rpc.Connection module is augmented with helpers for TCP based connections

  • In sexp-formatted Log messages, output the sexp on a single line rather than in multi-line "hum"an format.

    This makes it possible to, among other things, easily grep such logs.

  • Fixed a (very small) space leak in Persistent_rpc_client.

    The fix was to use Deferred.choose and Deferred.choice instead of Deferred.any and >>|. The old implementation added a callback to the t.close_started ivar every time the connection transitioned from connected to disconnected.

  • Added Persistent_rpc_client.create_generic, which is like create, but generic in the function used to connect.

  • Fixed a race condition in the Versioned_typed_tcp interface that caused a worker to miss a Connect message if the box is under high load.

    Query_client.create is called from Worker_impl.create in a different async cycle than the following call to Query_client.listen (really, Tail.collect under the hood) which is made from

    When the load on the box is heavy (many workers starting and connecting at the same time), the OS might take away the CPU from the worker process between the two async cycles. The TCP socket gets connected while the process is still waiting for its turn, and eventually, when it's the worker's turn to grab the CPU, Async scheduler might process the TCP event earlier than

  • Improved Udp.ready_iter to avoid intermediate exceptions by using Syscall_result.

    UDP loops use that, so will benefit.

    Adjust the implementation slightly as well: made the inner loop always exit on EAGAIN/EWOULDBLOCK to wait until ready, and give other Async jobs a chance to run after EAGAIN/EWOULDBLOCK in the outer loop.


  • Changed Log to not eagerly run the rotation loop when an Output.Rotating_file is created.

  • Changed Log.Output.combine to write log outputs in sequence rather than parallel, to give the correct semantics when the same output is included multiple times in Log.create.

    This fixed a test that was failing in lib_test/

  • Remove Log.Rotation.t_of_sexp.

  • Made Command.async* functions flush stdout and stderr before calling shutdown, to avoid timeouts causing data to be dropped.

    For now, we're making this change in Command rather than Writer. Writer already has at_shutdown handlers. We've observed that they don't behave well for command-line programs w.r.t. stderr. So, the thinking of this feature is to try out a different at_shutdown behavior, just for Command executables and just for stdout and stderr. If it works out, maybe we move it into Writer proper. Putting the change in Command for now reduces the scope of what is affected by the experiment, and hopefully correlates well with where the change is likely to help.

  • In Rpc, catch exceptions raised by blocking-RPC implementations.

  • Added functionality to Versioned_typed_tcp.Repeater.

    Added to create an argument is_client_allowed : Client_name.t -> bool.

    Added to start an argument:

    on_connecting_error  : (client_name    : Client_name.t
                            -> server_name : Server_name.t
                            -> Error.t -> unit)
  • Fixed a race in Versioned_typed_tcp in which a message can be dropped between Server.create and Server.listen

  • Simplified the implementation of Rpc.

    Rpc has an internal Response_handler module, which is just a record containing a response-handling function and an already_removed boolean field. It turns out that this is unnecessary: already_removed is set to true when the function returns remove`, but if it returns remove` then it will also be removed from a hash table, and we only call the function immediately after looking it up in that hash table.

    This wasn't always pointless: this function used to return deferred values and run inside a throttle. The simplification is only possible because we made it synchronous a while ago.

  • Added Tcp.Server.num_connections function.

  • Added creation functions for Versioned_rpc menus, for use in clients of an RPC proxy.

    In Menu:

    val create : Implementation.Description.t list -> t

    In Connection_with_menu: val create_directly : Connection.t -> Menu.t -> t

    These are for use in clients of an RPC proxy, which can't use the regular menu mechanism since they each need to have many menus (one for each potential target) but should only need to have one connection (to the proxy).

  • Added to Rpc expert submodules, Implementations.Expert and Rpc.Expert, with low-level access for implementing a proxy that can handle queries without knowing their names, types, etc. in advance.

  • Renamed Rpc.Implementation.Description as Rpc.Description.

  • Added Rpc.{Rpc,Pipe_rpc,State_rpc}.description accessor functions.

  • Added Rpc.Implementation.descriptions, which returns all RPCs in an Rpc.Implementations.t. This was needed for the rpc_discovery library: given an Implementations.t we want to advertise at

    prefix/<rpc_name>/<rpc_version>/host_and_port = <host_and_port>
  • Added combinators to Rpc.Implementations: lift, add, add_exn.


  • Modernized code style in Async_extra.

    This was mostly whitespace changes, plus deletions of unneeded module paths.

  • Added with sexp_of to Tcp.Where_to_listen for debugging.

  • In Versioned_typed_tcp, check that the writer on the other side is not closed in the Pass_on case.

  • Added a new way to implement an RPC, where the implementation doesn't return a deferred.

    This "blocking" rpc implementation guarantees that the rpc will in fact be fully dispatched by the time the implementation returns.

    This can be used to skip the deserialization of the query, and instead operate directly in the message contents as received.

    Also, fixed a bug in which the query handler (and therefore the connection state) was being called before the internal async rpc handshake was finished.

  • Added an optional job_tag argument to Sequencer_table.enqueue, to display for debugging.

  • Added an optional argument to TCP-connection functions to control the local interface used to connect.

    To implement this this, extended Tcp.connect to work on a bound socket.

  • Added with compare to Process.Output.t.

  • Added Process.Output.Stable module.

  • Exposed concrete rpc in Versioned_rpc.Both_convert.

  • Changed Cpu_usage to take its first sample after waiting, rather than immediately.

    This fixes a problem where the first sample could be NAN or Inf.

  • Made Log buffer-age be unlimited, to avoid exceptions when log writes are blocked for long periods.

  • Improved Log.t_of_sexp's error message.

  • Changed Rpc.Connection.client and with_client to raise some errors which had been dropped during RPC dispatch.

    Previously, errors dispatching Rpc.Rpc.t's were handled correctly and returned or raised by the relevant dispatch functions. However, errors that occurred in the middle of handling a Rpc.Pipe_rpc.t or Rpc.State_rpc.t were swallowed. This is because they happen after the dispatch functions have returned, and the dispatch interface doesn't allow for errors to occur in the middle of the pipe -- they must be raised to the monitor in effect when the Rpc.Connection.t is created. Errors could be raised to the effective monitor at the dispatch call, but the failure causes the entire connection to go into error, so the connection's monitor seems more appropriate. These errors weren't propagated to the caller because client and with_client both used Monitor.try_with without rest handling, causing /any/ errors caused while handling the connection (after the Connection.t has been returned to the user) to be dropped.

  • In Rpc, exposed some optional parameters from the Tcp module: ?max_pending_connections and ?buffer_age_limit.


  • In Log, exposed the raw message.

  • Changed Rpc creators' connection_state to be a function that takes the connection and returns the state.

    This makes it possible for the connection state to actually get a handle on the connection itself, which simplifies a number of idioms for using RPC. In particular, it makes it easier to respond with an RPC back to a client over client's own connection.

  • Fixed some nondeterministically failing tests.

  • In Log, made logs discard messages when their output list is empty.

    Also, removed redundant tracking of current level.

  • Moved Udp.bind_to_interface_exn to Unix module in async_unix.

  • Added Versioned_typed_tcp.Repeater.

    Repeater is used in the cases where we want to inspect and possibly alter the flow between a client and a server without having to change either the client or the server or the protocol between them.


  • Changed Persistent_rpc_client.connected to avoid returning a connection that is closed at the time it was called.

  • Optimized Rpc.implement so that if a server's implementation returns a determined deferred, then the output is immediately serialized and written out for the client.

    This reduces memory consumption, improves throughput and latency. Measurements with the pipe_rpc_test program showed that a server went from processing 600_000 msg/sec, to 2_200_000 msg/sec before pegging the CPU.

  • Changed Log's output processor's batch size from 1_000 to 100.

  • Added Persistent_rpc_client.close and close_finished.

  • In Rpc.Connection.client and with_client, used the handshake_timeout as the timeout passed to Tcp.connect.

    handshake_timeout was previously used only for the Rpc module's handshake timeout.

  • Changed Rpc.create's on_unknown_rpc argument, renaming \Ignoreas`Close_connection, and requiring `Callto return`Close_connectionor`Continue`.

    \Ignore` was renamed because it was a poor name, since in fact it closed the connection.

    Added a \Continue` option, whic allows one to keep the connection open.

    Changed \Callto return`Continueor`Close_connection, where the old unitreturn value meant`Close_connection`.

  • In Versioned_typed_tcp, enabled the use of "credentials" in the "Hello" message.

    Propagate credentials to the user code when it arrives on the wire.


  • Added to Versioned_rpc a non-functor interface.

  • Added Log.level, which returns the last level passed to set_level.

  • Enabled Async-RPC pushback in the Tcp_file protocol.


  • Removed lazy from the core of Log.

  • Made Log.Message.t have a stable bin_io.

    The Stable.V1 is the current serialization scheme, and Stable.V0 is the serialization scheme in 111.18.00 and before, which is needed to talk to older systems.

  • Changed Rpc to return Connection_closed if a connection ends before a response makes it to the caller.

    Previously, the dispatch output was never determined.

    Also, removed an unused field in one of the internal data structures of Async RPC.

  • In Versioned_rpc, added version:int argument to implement_multi functions.

  • In Versioned_rpc, the Pipe_rpc.Make functors now return an additional output functor.

    Register' is like Register but has in its input module:

    val response_of_model :
      Model.response Queue.t -> response Queue.t Deferred.t

    rather than

    val response_of_model : Model.response -> response

    This is analogous to' and

  • Added to Log a V2 stable format and better readers for time-varying formats.

  • In Log, added an optional ?time:Time.t argument to allow callers to pass in the logged time of an event rather than relying on ().


  • Added Sexp_hum Log.Output.format, which is useful for making logs more human readable.

  • Added with compare to Rpc.Implementation.Description.


  • Added module Persistent_rpc_client, an RPC client that attempts to reconnect when the connection is lost, until a new connection is established.

  • Significantly sped up the Rpc module by removing Bigstring serialization.

    Performance of the two implementations was tested by building a simple client/server executable that would count major cycles. Sending 100 byte messages at a rate of 50k/second shows (on both sides of the RPC):


    • ~160 major cycles in 30s

    • CPU usage around 60%


    • ~10 major cycles in 30s

    • CPU usage <= 2%

  • Enabled a version of Pipe_rpc and State_rpc where the consumer can pushback on the producer if it can't consume the contents of the pipe fast enough.

  • Added Log.Level.arg : Log.Level.t Command.Spec.Arg_type.t for defining command lines that accept (and autocomplete) log levels.

  • Added Command.async_or_error and renamed Command.async_basic to Command.async, leaving async_basic a deprecated alias for the new name.

    Command.async_or_error is similar to Command.basic and Command.async, but accepts a unit Or_error.t Deferred.t type.

  • Added Persistent_rpc_connection.current_connection, so that one can detect whether one is currently connected.

    val current_connection : t -> Rpc.Connection.t option


  • For Typed_tcp.create, added a Client_id.t argument to the auth callback.


  • Made Log more fair with respect to other Async jobs, by working on fixed-length groups of incoming log messages.

    Previously, Log had processed everything available. The change gives other Async jobs more of a chance to run.


  • Added Log.Message.add_tags, which extends a message with a list of key-value pairs.

      val add_tags : t -> (string * string) list -> t


  • Added ?on_wouldblock:(unit -> unit) callback to Udp.recvmmsg_loop and recvmmsg_no_sources_loop.

  • For functions that create Rpc connections, added optional arguments: ?max_message_size:int and ?handshake_timeout:Time.Span.t.

    These arguments were already available to Connection.create, but are now uniformly available to all functions that create connections.


  • Add ?max_connections:int argument to Rpc.Connection.serve.

    max_connections is passed to Tcp.Server.create, and limits the number of connections that an Rpc server will accept.

  • Improved Log.Rotation:

    • Made Log.Rotation.t abstract; use create rather than an explicit record.

    • Added a `Dated naming_scheme.

    • Add Log.Rotation.default, for getting a sensible default rotation scheme.

    • Added an optional (but discouraged) option to symlink the latest log file.

    • Every log rotation scheme has an associated Time.Zone.t.

    • Changed the internal representation of Log.Rotation.t, but t_of_sexp is backwards compatible, so existing config files will continue to work.

  • Changed Udp.bind_any to use Socket.bind ~reuseaddr:false, to ensure a unique port.

  • Added Tcp.Server.listening_socket, which returns the socket the server is listening on.

    Changed Tcp.Server so that if the listening socket is closed, the server is closed.

  • Added to Udp.Config.t a max_ready : int field to prevent UDP receive loops from starving other async jobs.

  • Improved File_tail to cut the number of fstat calls in half.

    File_tail uses a stat loop to monitor a file and continue reading it as it grows. We had made two fstat invocations per loop iteration, using Async.Std.Unix.with_file which constructs an Fd.t and therefore does it own fstat. Switching to Core.Std.Unix.with_file with eliminated the extra fstat.


  • Added Cpu_usage.Sampler for directly sampling CPU usage.

  • Fixed Log.rotate to never raise.

  • Fixed two bugs in Log rotation.

    • Log rotation had used the wrong date when checking whether it should rotate.

    • Made Rotation.keep = \At_least` delete the oldest, rather than the newest, logs.


  • Replaced Tcp_file.serve's ~port:int argument with Tcp.Where_to_listen.inet.


  • Changed Cpu_usage to use Core.Percent instead of float where appropriate.

  • Made Bus.unsubscribe check that the subscriber is subscribed to the given bus.

  • Made Log.t support with sexp_of.

  • Fixed Tcp.on_port 0 to return the port actually being listened on, like Tcp.on_port_chosen_by_os.

    Previously, a serverlistening on Tcp.on_port 0 would have its Tcp.Server.listening_on as 0, which of course is not the port the server is listening on.


  • Added Udp.recvmmsg_no_sources_loop, a specialization of recvmmsg_loop for improved performance.

    This improvement was driven by profiling at high message rates.


  • Added module Bus, which is an intraprocess "broadcast" communication mechanism.

  • Added Tcp.to_inet_address and to_unix_address.

  • Added Tcp.to_socket which creates a Tcp.where_to_connect from a Socket.Address.Inet.t.

  • Module Weak_hashtbl is now implemented as a wrapper around Core.Weak_hashtbl.

    No intended change in behavior.


  • Added module Cpu_usage, which publishes CPU-usage statistics for the running process.

  • Fixed Sequencer_table.enqueue so that there is no deferred between finding the state and calling the user function.


  • Added with sexp to Log.Output.machine_readable_format and format.


  • Added ?abort:unit Deferred.t argument to Lock_file.waiting_create, Lock_file.Nfs.waiting_create and critical_section.


  • Fixed a time-based race condition in Log rotation.


  • Fixed Log.Blocking so that when async is running it writes the message in syslog before failing with an exception.


  • Added to Udp.Config the ability to stop early, via stop : unit Deferred.t.


  • In Rpc, exposed accessors for binary protocol values.

    For example, this allows one to write a wrapper for Pipe_rpc that allows for the easy re cording and replaying of values the come over the pipe.


  • Added module Async.Udp, aimed at high-performance UDP applications.

  • Added module Lock_file.Nfs, which wraps the functions in Core.Std.Lock_file.Nfs.


  • Change Log.Global to by default send all output, including `Info, to stderr.

    Replaced Log.Output.screen with Log.Output.stderr. There is now also and Log.Output.stdout.


  • Added Dynamic_port_writer.

    Dynamic_port_writer solves the problem of communicating a dynamically selected tcp port from a child process to its parent.


  • Fixed an error message in Versioned_rpc that was swapping which versions were supported by the caller and the callee.


  • Added function Versioned_typed_tcp.Client.shutdown.

  • Added new module Sequencer_table, which is a table of Throttle.Sequencer's indexed by keys.


  • Made the Caller_converts interface in Versioned_rpc use the Connection_with_menu idea introduced in Both_convert.


  • Added function Versioned_typed_tcp.Client.flushed : t -> [ Flushed | Pending of Time.t Deferred.t ].

    This exposes whether the underlying Writer.t has been flushed.


  • Added an option to Async.Log.Rotation to include the date in logfile names.

    This is mostly for archiving purposes.

  • Made Versioned_rpc.Callee_converts.Pipe_rpc.implement_multi agree with Rpc.Pipe_rpc.implement on the type of pipe rpc implementations.

  • Improved the performance of Versioned_typed_tcp.

    Avoided creating deferreds while reading the incoming messages.


  • In Rpc.client and Rpc.with_client, allowed the client to implement the rpcs.

    Added a new optional argument: ?implementations:_ Client_implementations.t.

  • Added new module Versioned_rpc.Both_convert to allow the caller and callee to independently upgrade to a new rpc.

    This is a new flavor of Versioned_rpc in which both sides do some type coercions.


  • Made explicit the equivalence between type Async.Command.t and type Core.Command.t.


  • Exposed a version function in Pipe_rpc and State_rpc.


  • Fixed a race condition in Pipe_rpc and State_rpc. This race could cause an exception to be raised on connection closing.


  • Added module Async.Command This is Core.Command with additional async functions. In particular it contains a function async_basic that is exactly the same as Core.Command.basic, except that the function it wraps returns unit Deferred.t, instead of unit. async_basic will also start the async scheduler before the wrapped function is run, and will stop the scheduler when the wrapped function returns.


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