package async_unix

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Monadic concurrency library


Dune Dependency






  • Switched if-then-else style from:

    if test then begin E1; E2; end else begin E3; E4; end


    if test then ( E1; E2) else ( E3; E4);

    This style puts keywords at the start of lines and closing delimiters at the end. And makes it lighter-weight to be more consistent about using the delimiters.

  • Switched Async_unix from >>= and >>| to let%bind and let%map, where appropriate.

  • Fixed a race in Thread_safe.block_on_async that allowed Async code to run without the scheduler starting. There is important initialization that happens when the scheduler starts, like handling SIGPIPE.

  • Added Scheduler.make_async_unusable.

  • Fixed a bug in Thread_safe.block_on_async_exn.

    The bug was that the execution context wasn't restored to the main execution context in the main thread after returning from the call to Thread_safe.block_on_async. This leads to main-thread code running in some random execution context. If that code then raises, all hell can break loose due to exceptions being sent to random monitors.

  • Make the Check_buffer_age edge-triggered; the exception is send to the writer's monitor only when the state changes from not-backed-up to backed-up.

  • Currently whether phys_equal Writer.stdout Writer.stderr when running inline tests depends on a few factors:

    • whether the test is run by jenga or from the terminal

    • when was Writer.{stdout,stderr} first forced: inside a test or not

    This makes tests flaky and is confusing for users. This feature makes sure that we always have the equality of writers when running inline tests.

  • Changed Async.Process.collect_output_and_wait to not force close on the process' stdin. Maybe the process is just slow to consume its input. An external process working for 5s is not uncommon or unreasonable at all and should be allowed.

  • Added convenience functions for reading and writing bin_prot via Reader/Writer:

    Writer.save_bin_prot Reader.load_bin_prot Reader.load_bin_prot_exn

  • Fixed a bug in Async's Shutdown.shutdown, which did not run at-shutdown handlers in a try-with, and behaved badly (did not shutdown) if an at-shutdown handler raised.

  • Moves the Time_source unit tests from async_unix/src/ to async/test/ converting them to expect tests.

  • Make write_gen fail "gracefully" when ~length or ~blit_to_bigstring raise.

  • Make write_gen fail "gracefully" when ~length or ~blit_to_bigstring raise.

  • Fix a problem with Writer.write_gen.

    Context: The write_gen function creates generic writing functions based on a blit_to_bigstring function. The blit function writes arbitrary portions of the input's binary representation into a bigstring.

    Problem: The current documentation claims that "If it is difficult to write only part of a value, one can choose to not support ?pos and ?len." However, even if ~pos and ~len are never supplied, the implementation may choose to split the given value between two write buffers, thus requiring the user of write_gen to provide a blit function that writes only part of a value.

    Solution: Add a function write_gen_whole that never splits a value, at the cost of potentially wasting write buffer space. Correct the documentation to refer users to the new function, instead of the suggestion "to not support ?pos and ?len."

  • Reordered labeled arguments in some Writer code.

  • We occasionally need to pass stdin to a process, and right now it's verbose to do because all of a sudden you can't use run_lines_exn and friends. Passing all of stdin upfront is oftentimes enough.

  • writer0 allocates a large chunk of memory at top level as a buffer for write_sexp_internal. Make this lazy for callers that don't writer sexps, and reduce the initial size of the buffer.

  • Added module Async.Std.Require_explicit_time_source, so that one can require code to be explicit about what time source is used and not unintentionally use the wall clock. The idiom is to do:

    open! Require_explicit_time_source

    or, in an

    include Require_explicit_time_source


  • expose a function to get the number of jobs that async has run since Scheduler.go

  • In Log change sexp to be immediate rather than lazy.

    This changes the behavior the sexp function. I've gone through the entire tree rewriting sexp to create_s, attempting to follow these guidelines:

    • If the logging is clearly intended to always happen (error logging, transaction log logging, etc.) I translated the call unguarded.

    • If the logging was already guarded with an if statetment I translated the call unguarded.

    • Otherwise, I added a call to Log.would_log as a guarding if. This duplicates the behavior of sexp, which would avoid the sexp conversion if the log message was never going to be logged.

  • Writer.with_file_atomic checks if destination file exists and then stats it to get existing permissions. File can go away before the call to stat, which would make the with_file_atomic to error out, which seems harsh. I think it is better to continue on in this case. Besides, Async.file_exists is essentially just another stat, so we might as well just do the stat without checking whether file exists or not.

  • Moved various let%test's in Async_unix library into their own module. I'd like the let%test's to be in files that depend on Std, so that they can pick up a top-level side effect that Std does, specifically the assignment of Monitor.try_with_log_exn. The child feature of this feature makes the change to do that assignment.

  • Changed the Async_unix library's assignment of Monitor.try_with_log_exn to be a top-level side effect that happens if Async_unix.Std is used. This fixes a bug in which Thread_safe.block_on_async (and other bits of Async_unix) failed to to do the assignment. The assignment was part of Scheduler.go, which isn't called by Thread_safe.block_on_async. This in turn cause programs that use Thread_safe.block_on_async and do not use Scheduler.go, like inline tests, to raise if they needed to report an exception raised to Monitor.try_with that already returned.

  • Added

  • Changed Async's logging of exceptions raised to a Monitor.try_with that already returned to use Log.Global.sexp rather than For logs that use single-line sexps, that makes them much nicer.

  • Added to Async.Scheduler Time_ns analogs of cycle_start and cycle_times:

    val cycle_start_ns : unit -> Time_ns.t
    val cycle_times_ns : unit -> Time_ns.Span.t Stream.t
  • I'm tired of having to write >>| ok_exn after most calls to Process, let's just make Process provide these functions directly. Also you can't write >>| ok_exn nicely anyway when using the let%bind and friends.

  • Added a test demonstrating that Async.Process.create returns Ok when exec fails. And updated the create's documentation.


  • In the periodic check for a Writer buffer have too old data, eliminated allocation and generally improved performance.

    This eliminated a large source of allocation in a simple TCP pingpong benchmark bench/pingpong.

  • Removed allocation in the Async scheduler's code that detects the thread-pool being stuck. This involved switching it to use Time_ns rather than Time.

    This eliminates a relatively large source of allocation in a simple TCP-pingpong benchmark bench/pingpong.

  • Switched to ppx.

  • Improved the Async scheduler's to allocate a handle_fired function once, rather than every time it calls advance_clock.

  • Added Fd_by_descr.find_exn, to avoid the option allocated by Fd_by_descr.find. Used it to reduce allocation in the Async scheduler.

  • Improved Reader.load_sexp* functions to behave better when loading from a non files, e.g. a pipe. Previously, it produced an empty error message because it mistakenly attempted to read the sexp a second time in order to determine the error position. Now it produces a good error message, but without the (impossible to obtain) error position.

  • In Async_unix.Syscall, added a zero-allocation syscall interface, removing sources of allocation as observed when running a simple TCP pingpong benchmark (found in bench/pingpong).

  • Added

    val time_spent_waiting_for_io : unit -> Time_ns.Span.t

    to Scheduler which returns the amount of time that the Async scheduler has spent in calls to epoll_wait (or select) since the start of the program.

  • Changed In_thread.Helper_thread.create from:

    val create : ?priority:Priority.t -> ?name:string -> unit -> t Or_error.t


    val create : ?priority:Priority.t -> ?name:string -> unit -> t Deferred.t

    Kept around the prior function, renamed as create_now.

    Switching create to return a deferred allows it to, when there are no available threads, wait until one becomes available. This, in turn, avoids rare nondeterminstic failures in programs that make heavy use of the thread pool and create a helper thread, when the creation happens at just the wrong time, when no thread is available.

    Split out Thread_safe_ivar from the internals of Thread_pool, so that it can be used in other tests, and in particular in a new unified test added by this feature.

  • Make Unix_syscalls.Stats bin-io-able.

  • Fixed a bug in Thread_safe.block_on_async*, in which the execution context wasn't properly restored before returning.

  • Add a function in Process that expects empty output, mirroring

  • Added Reader.read_one_iobuf_at_a_time, which is like read_one_chunk_at_a_time, except that the user-supplied handle_chunk function receives its data in an Iobuf.t, and uses the Iobuf position to communicate how much data was consumed.

    This facilitates using reader in scenarios (such as with protogen) where Iobufs are expected (and presently allocated around the bigstring at each call) and the calculation of consumed bytes from the Iobuf is duplicated in few places.

  • Log.message used to always logs the message, even if its log level was too low. This has been fixed.

  • Add writer functions to schedule an iobuf to be written out.

  • Add Unix.Inet_addr.Stable.

  • Alter Async.Std.Socket.Address.Inet.Blocking_sexp to expose the polymorphic variant functions, so that you can include it in a separate polymorphic variant type.

    Also, expose Async.Std.Socket.Address.Inet.__t_of_sexp__ to give a deprecation message, instead of a message about the function not existing.

  • Fixed a bug in Async's In_thread.Helper_thread, which wasn't finalizing helper threads, due to a bug in Thread_pool, which wasn't finalizing helper threads. The fix was to move the finalization out of Thread_pool, where we don't care about it, to In_thread.Helper_thread, where we do.

    Added Scheduler.max_num_threads : unit -> int.

  • Added to Writer.write_sexp an optional ?terminate_with argument, that specifies how to terminate the string representation of the sexp. This also makes it clear that the default behavior, ~terminate_with:Space_if_needed, might append a space to the sexp you are outputting if its representation is not enclosed in either () or "" . Sexp.output_hum an Sexp.output_mach do not have this behavior, so porting non-async code to async could introduce unexpected differences in the output.

  • Add an Async wrapper for Core.Std.Unix.getifaddrs.


  • Made Async dump core when it reports a "bug in async scheduler".

    There is no change for toplevel unhandled user exceptions, for which Async does not dump core.

  • Added Dump_core_on_job_delay.dump_core function, which exposes the core-dumping functionality in the C stubs for Dump_core_on_job_delay.

  • Made Dump_core_on_job_delay.How_to_dump an ordinary variant and moved it into Async_kernel.Config.

  • Changed Thread_safe_pipe functions that write to the pipe to take an additional argument, an If_closed.t, that says how to behave if the pipe is closed.

    The previous behavior is achieved with ~if_closed:Raise. One can also now use ~if_closed:Return to they return a variant reporting whether the pipe was closed, rather than raising.

    Returning a variant allows callers to distinguish the pipe-closed case from other errors. This change also allows us to do a a single acquisition of the Async lock, with the pipe-closed check synchronously immediately preceding the operation, avoiding a race.

  • Added Fd.with_file_descr_deferred_exn.

  • Improved the performance of Clock.every, and in particular reduced its allocation.

    It now allocates much less, especially with ~continue_on_error:false.

    Handled Clock.every's ~stop argument directly using timing-wheel alarms, rather than using Deferred.choose.

    Slightly changed the behavior of

    Clock.every' f ~continue_on_error:false

    in the corner case where f raises but its result also becomes determined. Prior to this feature, iteration would stop. After this feature, iteration will continue, because ~continue_on_error:false just looks at the deferred resulting from f. This doesn't affect:

    Clock.every f ~continue_on_error:false

    because if f raises, then there is no resulting deferred.


    +----------------------------------------------------+----------+------------+----------+----------+------------+ | Name | Time/Run | mWd/Run | mjWd/Run | Prom/Run | Percentage | +----------------------------------------------------+----------+------------+----------+----------+------------+ | [] ~continue-on-error:false | 54.21us | 91.03w | 0.36w | 0.36w | 22.06% | | [] ~continue_on_error:true | 245.80us | 93_208.27w | 7.31w | 7.31w | 100.00% | +----------------------------------------------------+----------+------------+----------+----------+------------+

  • Added to Clock.Event.t type parameters so that one can record a value in the event when it happens or is aborted, and read that value via Event.status.

    type ('a, 'h) t val status : ('a, 'h) t -> [ Aborted of 'a | Happened of 'h | Scheduled_at of Time.t ] val run_at : Time.t -> ('z -> 'h) -> 'z -> (_, 'h) t val abort : ('a, 'h) t -> 'a -> [ Ok | Previously_aborted of 'a | Previously_happened of 'h ]

  • Fixed a (never observed) race in the Async scheduler's closing of file descriptors.

    Previously, when the number of active system calls on an Fd.t reached zero, the scheduler would call a closure that would immediately schedule the close() system call in a thread. It was possible (albeit very unlikely) that that close() would run before the scheduler got a chance to update the epoll set, violating the invariant that close is only ever called on fds not in the epoll set.

    Now, the scheduler enqueues an ordinary Async job to do the close, and thus the close cannot happen until the next cycle, after the scheduler has updated the epoll set.

  • Changed Reader to treat read returning EPIPE as end-of-file rather than fail, to deal with OpenOnload.

    This fixes an issue where reading from a TCP connection can return an EPIPE if the tcp connection is immediately closed. This happens when the application is running with onload and when the tcp connection is closed immediately after creation.

  • Reduced allocation of the Async scheduler's File_descr_watcher, by using callbacks to handle ready file descriptors.

  • Fixed In_thread.Helper_thread.create's error message if there are no available threads in the thread pool.

    The error message is now constructed eagerly. It had been constructed lazily, so by the time it was rendered, the state might have changed, possibly making threads available. This leads to a nonsensical-looking error message that claims that there are no available threads, immediately followed by a list of available threads.

  • Moved Log from Async_extra to Async_unix, so that the scheduler can refer to it.

  • When Writer.with_file_atomic is unable to clean up its temp file, raise synchronously rather than asynchronously.

    This eliminates complaints about an exception being thrown after a deferred has been computed.

  • Added Log.rotate to force log rotation.

    val rotate : t -> unit Deferred.t.

  • Fixed Log rotation to correctly reset the size and number of lines.


  • Made Unix.File_kind.t be Comparable, so it can be used in <:test_result< >>.

  • Reduced allocation in Async's scheduler in the common path.

    The allocation was in Raw_scheduler.be_the_scheduler.compute_timeout, which was (statistically, based on perf) the largest single allocator in one of our applications. Now, it way down the list.

    Note that the application is not a typical Async app in that it does not sit in epoll very much, due to the way we do low-latency I/O. This change will benefit everyone, but only a tiny bit.

  • Added Writer.write_bin_prot_no_size_header.

    This is needed for Async RPC as it writes a different size on its own.

  • Fixed a bug in Writer.transfer, which didn't close the pipe when the consumer leaves.

    Simplified the implementation of Writer.transfer:

    • replaced the big loop by a simple iteration function on the pipe that just stop without filling its ivar when it sees the iteration should stop for other reason that `Eof on the pipe: writer closed, consumer left or stop requested by the user.

    • replaced the various choose by a single one and deal with the closing reason only at this point.

  • Added Writer.close_started, symmetric to Writer.close_finished.


  • Made Process.env type equal Core.Std.Unix.env type, effectively adding the ``Replace_raw` variant.

  • Renamed Process.wait as collect_output_and_wait, and added a wait function that is a thin wrapper around waitpid.

    Also renamed:

    wait_stdout       --> collect_stdout_and_wait
    wait_stdout_lines --> collect_stdout_lines_and_wait
  • Added Unix.getgrouplist, a wrapper around the eponymous function in core

  • Change the Async scheduler to run external actions immediately upon dequeueing them, rather than first enqueueing them in the normal job queue.

    Also, made external actions be jobs rather than closures.

  • Changed Unix.Inet_addr.of_string_or_gethostbyname to not use a sequencer.

    We had used a sequencer to workaround bugs in winbind, which we don't use anymore.

    Reported on github:


  • Moved Scheduler.yield to Async_kernel.

  • Added Reader.load_annotated_sexp* functions.

    These are like the existing Reader.load_sexp* functions, except they return annotated sexps rather than sexps. Having annotated sexps is useful so that one can report error positions to the user when processing values built by the t_of_sexp_ functions /after/ they return. I.e. when there aren't syntax errors in the sexps, but rather semantic errors detected later.

  • Removed noise and redundancy from Reader.load_sexp error messages.

  • Added Writer.save_sexps, analogous to Reader.load_sexps.

  • Made Writer errors raised by the background flush job include the entire Writer.t, rather than just the Fd.t.

  • Added to Writer.transfer an optional argument to limit the number of values read at once from the pipe.

    The old behavior is to have no limit and remains the default.

  • Added to Writer some missing checks for functions that should ensure the input writer isn't closed.

  • Changed Scheduler.run_cycles_until_no_jobs_remain to pause so that alarms scheduled to fire in the past actually fire.

    This is necessary because of the timing-wheel, which doesn't guarantee to fire an event until alarm-precision after it was scheduled.

    Without this change, some tests unexpectedly fail, due to jobs not running that should have.


  • Added Writer.behave_nicely_in_pipeline, which makes a program behave nicely when used in a shell pipeline where the consumer goes away.

  • Modernized code style.

  • Removed spurious overrides in Signal: set and signal.

    These overrides are no longer necessary because the functions moved from Core.Signal to Core.Signal.Expert.

  • Moved async_extra's Udp.bind_to_interface_exn to Unix.


  • Changed Writer.transfer write pipe to close pipe when the writer, is closed.

    Previously, Writer.transfer did not close the pipe when the underlying writer is closed. This was strange because:

    1. Callers would have to consistently check for the writer being closed and close the Pipe.Readert= themselves

    2. The analogous function Pipe.transfer closes the reader on similar circumstances.

    The absence of the close was noticed as a bug in Rpc, which assumed that Writer.transfer did the close.

  • Fixed a bug in Scheduler.yield that caused it to pause for 50ms if there is no other pending work and no I/O.

  • Exposed type equivalence between Unix.Passwd.t and Core.Std.Unix.Passwd.t.

  • Changed Writer.write_bin_prot to use the new Bigstring.write_bin_prot.


  • Added Shutdown.set_default_force, which allows one to change the default force value used by shutdown.

    This is useful for applications that call shutdown indirectly.

      val set_default_force : (unit -> unit Deferred.t) -> unit


  • Added Unix.Addr_info and Name_info, which wrap getaddrinfo and getnameinfo.

  • Improved the scheduler's error message when the thread pool is stuck.


  • Added Process.wait_stdout and wait_stdout_lines, which are like run and run_lines, but take a Process.t.


  • Added Scheduler.yield_every, which returns a function that calls Scheduler.yield every n-th call.

    This is useful in circumstances where you don't have strict control over where a deferred is examined, as in a Deferred.List.iter.


  • Added val Scheduler.yield : unit -> unit Deferred.t, which becomes determined after the current cycle finishes.

  • Improved the behavior of the scheduler's thread pool when Thread.create raises.

    With this improvement, when the thread pool is unable to create a thread, it presses on with the threads it has rather than raise. Subsequent attempts to add work to the thread pool will cause the pool to attempt to create the thread, as long as enough time has passed since the most recent thread-creation failure.

    Before this change, the thread pool wouldn't handle a Thread.create exception, and the exception would get raised to whatever code happened to be calling the Thread_pool function that tried to create a thread, e.g. Thread_pool.add_work. This caused to unexpectedly raise, and in turn In_thread.syscall to unexpectedly raise, leading to:

    "Fd.syscall_in_thread bug -- should be impossible"

    Also, changed should be impossible text to please report, since there may be other lurking rare exceptions that In_thread.syscall can raise, and we'd like to hear about them.

    We rely on thread-pool-stuck detection to report problems where the inability to create threads causes the inability of the thread pool to make progress. A tweak was needed to make that work -- now the thread-pool-stuck warning is based on whether the thread pool has unstarted work, rather than on whether the thread pool has an "available thread". The latter would no longer work, since it is now possible for the thread pool to have unstarted work and to appear to have an available thread, i.e. num_threads < max_num_threads.


  • Added Sys.when_file_changes : string -> Time.t Pipe.Reader.t.

  • Added () to some error messages.


  • In the Busy_pollers.t record, made the kernel_scheduler field be sexp_opaque.

    Did this so that one doesn't get two copies of the kernel scheduler in sexps of the scheduler, which already has its own kernel_scheduler field.


  • Improved Socket.accept to abort and return `Socket_closed when the file descriptor underlying the socket is closed.

  • Added to Socket.bind a ?reuseaddr:bool argument, preserving the default as true.

  • Added Fd.close_started, which becomes determined when close is called on an Fd.t.


  • Fixed a bug in detection of the thread pool being stuck that could overstate the amount of time the pool was stuck.

    It had been incorrectly reporting the duration of the thread pool being stuck if the pool had no work in it and then got enough jobs to be stuck. In that situation, the duration included the time span before the pool got stuck. If the pool had been idle long enough, this could even spuriously abort the program.


  • Improved fairness of the async scheduler with respect to external threads, including I/O done in external threads.

    The change is to add a thread-safe queue of "external actions" that is checked after each job.

    Previously, when a job given to finished, would take the async lock, fill the result ivar and run a cycle. The problem is that in some situations, due to poor OS scheduling, the helper thread never had a chance to grab the lock. Now, tries to take the lock:

    • if it can it does as before

    • if it can't it enqueues a thunk in the external actions queue and wakes up the scheduler

    With this change, the helper thread doing an will always quickly finish once the work is done, and the async scheduler will fill in the result ivar as soon as the current job finishes.

  • Fixed Epoll_file_descr_watcher.invariant to deal with the timerfd, which has the edge-triggered flag set.

  • Added Writer.write_gen, a generic functor for blitting directly to a writer's buffer.


  • Fixed Scheduler.is_running to not initialize the scheduler.

  • Added Writer.make_write, which is a general function for blitting directly to a writer's buffer.

  • Added Writer.transfer', which is like Writer.transfer but allows async actions in the callback.

    This was requested in pull request #1.

  • Added Writer.write_iobuf, which blits the contents of an iobuf directly to a writer's buffer.


  • Changed the scheduler to calibrate Time_stamp_counter every second.

  • Improved error messages in the scheduler when epoll functions raise.

  • Made Scheduler.reset_in_forked_process close the epoll file descriptor.


  • Fixed a bug in Unix.mkstemp, which had a race because it used Fd.create in a thread.

    This bug affected Writer.with_file_atomic, save, save_lines, and save_sexp, and could cause corruption of the async scheduler data structures.

  • Changed async to never do set_nonblock on std{in,out,err}, which allows Core I/O to use the standard file descriptors simultaneously with async.

    Before this change, the Core I/O libraries could (and sometimes did) fail due to Sys_blocked_io.

  • Changed Pipe.iter_without_pushback to never call f after Pipe.close_read has been called.

    The new behavior is like Pipe.iter.

    Changed the implementation of Pipe.fold_gen and Pipe.transfer_gen to be analogous to Pipe.iter_without_pushback, and in particular to process as many elements as possible before calling values_available.

  • Added ?expand_macros:bool argument to Reader.load_sexp* functions, to support the new Sexplib macros.

  • Added an optional argument to to accept nonzero exits as successful runs.


  • Added Socket.Address.Inet.to_host_and_port.

  • Changed Fd_by_descr so that it actually calls Bounded_int_table.invariant.


  • Added Fd.every_ready_to Fd.interruptible_every_ready_to which register a callback to be called every time the fd becomes ready.

    These can significantly reduce allocation.

  • Renamed Fd.ready_to_interruptible as Fd.interruptible_ready_to.

  • Changed Fd.ready_fold to use Fd.interruptible_ready_to, to improve its performance.


  • Added Reader.drain.

    val drain : t -> unit Deferred.t
  • Added Writer.with_close.

    val with_close : t -> f:(unit -> 'a Deferred.t) -> 'a Deferred.t


  • Changed Reader to treat more errno responses to a read() system call as EOF rather than raise.

    The following are now treated as EOF.

  • Improved the error message that async prints when the thread pool is stuck, including the time of the error.


  • Added value Socket.Type.unix_dgram, which represents a UNIX domain datagram socket.

  • Added UDP socket functionality: Socket.Opt.mcast_{loop,ttl} and Socket.mcast_{join,leave}.

  • Improved Fd.ready_fold to accept ?stop:(unit Deferred.t) rather than ?stop:('a -> bool).


  • Added "thread-local" storage, Scheduler.{find,with}_local, for LWT emulation.

    (** [with_local key value ~f] runs [f] right now with the binding [key ` value].  All
        calls to [find_local key] in [f] and computations started from [f] will return
        [value]. *)
    val with_local : 'a Univ_map.Key.t -> 'a option -> f:(unit -> 'b) -> 'b
    (** [find_local key] returns the value associated to [key] in the current execution
        context. *)
    val find_local : 'a Univ_map.Key.t -> 'a option


  • Added Reader.of_pipe and Writer.of_pipe, for converting from string Pipe.t's.

    These can be used to add arbitrary transformations (e.g. encryption, compression) to code that expects plain file- or socket-based readers and writers.


  • Added Process.run_lines, which runs a process and returns stdout as a list of strings.


  • Made some configuration possible via additional optional arguments to go_main.

  • Made some aspects of the async scheduler configurable via functions in Scheduler.

    val set_check_invariants                  : bool        -> unit
    val set_detect_invalid_access_from_thread : bool        -> unit
    val set_max_inter_cycle_timeout           : Time.Span.t -> unit
    val set_record_backtraces                 : bool        -> unit
  • Added a dynamic check in Pipe that a consumer is used with the correct pipe.

    Specifically, check that a consumer supplied to a read operation on a Pipe.Reader.t was previously created by add_consumer with that same reader.

  • Renamed Pipe.fold as fold_without_pushback and added Pipe.fold with an analogous type to Pipe.iter.

  • Fixed a bug in Pipe.merge, which did not always close the resulting pipe when the merge was finished.

    This had prevented medusa regtests from working correctly.

  • In Writer, changed the default buffer_age_limit for files to ``Unlimited`.

    THis was done for the same reason that we treat files specially in flush on close -- slowness will likely be resolved eventually with a file, unlike with a socket.


  • Changed the scheduler to detect when the thread pool is stuck, i.e. when all threads are blocked and haven't made progress.

    Added default handlers for when the thread pool is stuck, and the ability for the user to configure their own handlers.

  • Changed low-level I/O to not use nonblocking I/O for char devices.

    This fixes a problem due to epoll not working with /dev/null. For example:

    let () =
      Reader.read_line (Lazy.force Reader.stdin)
      >>> fun _ ->
      shutdown 0
    let () = never_returns (Scheduler.go ())

    had failed when run like:

    + ./z.exe </dev/null
    ("bug in async scheduler"
     ((Unix.Unix_error "Operation not permitted" epoll_ctl "")
  • Made Unix.openfile use fstat to determine the kind of file for a file descriptor rather than assuming it's a regular file.

  • Improved the ASYNC_CONFIG option detect_invalid_access_from_thread by having it include a backtrace in the error message.


  • Renamed Reader.read_one_chuck_at_a_time_until_eof as Reader.read_one_chunk_at_a_time, and added a new case to the handle_chunk callback.

    The name change is to reflect that one can stop early, before EOF.

    The new handle_chunk case allows one to specify the number of bytes that were read in the Stop case.

    Also, changed read_one_chunk_at_a_time to use do_read instead of just locking the file without unlocking it. This allows subsequent read operations to read from the file.


  • Changed aync's scheduler to use epoll rather than select by default.

    This is based on a dynamic test to see whether timerfd_create works.

  • Added support for "busy polling".

    This runs a thread that busy loops running user-supplied polling functions. The busy-loop thread is distinct from async's scheduler thread, but it acquires the async lock so that the user-supplied function can do ordinary async operations, e.g. fill an ivar.

    Busy polling is useful for a situation like a shared-memory ringbuffer being used for IPC. One can poll the ringbuffer with a busy poller, and then when data is detected, fill some ivar that causes async code to handle the data.

  • Added Async.Fd.clear_nonblocking.

    This clears the nonblocking bit on the file descriptor underlying the fd, and causes async to treat the fd as though it doesn't support nonblocking I/O.

    This is useful for applications that want to share a file descriptor between async and non-async code and want to avoid Sys_blocked_io being seen by the non-async code.


  • Fixed a performance problem in the scheduler due to repeated calls of Timing_wheel.min_elt.

    Timing_wheel.min_elt is an important part of async, since the scheduler calls it once per cycle to know when to timeout for epoll or select. This causes a problem if min_elt is slow and called repeatedly, which happens in an application where the next clock event is a second out, and yet there are lots of cycles per second.

    Timing_wheel.min_elt now caches the minimum element, which eliminates the problem.

  • Fixed async's clock to work on 32-bit machines.

    With the change to Timing_wheel in 109.22, async no longer worked on 32-bit machines, due to the clock overflowing. This is because it is initialized to Time.epoch, and can only handle 6 days.

    The fix now in place is to start the clock at () rather than Time.epoch.

  • Added many functions to Async.Sys so that it looks more like Core.Sys.

  • Changed Reader.read_one_chunk_at_a_time_until_eof to not destroy the reader buffer.

    Destroying the buffer failed if user code held on to the buffer.


  • Changed Reader.close so that it frees the reader buffer using Bigstring.unsafe_destroy.

    This is an improvement over the previous situation, in which the buffer wasn't freed until its finalizer fired.

  • Fixed a bug in Reader.read_bin_prot.

    It was missing a try-with that could cause it to raise without cleaning up the reader.


  • Added Unix.remove.


  • Set close-on-exec for both ends of the pipe used to wake up the scheduler.


  • Reworked a number of Reader functions to improve performance by avoiding deferreds.

    This is a followup to the Reader improvements in 109.14, and eliminates some last vestiges of performance degradation that had been introduced in 109.04.

  • Added function Reader.lseek : t -> int64 -> mode:[< Set | End] -> int64 Deferred.t.

    lseek t offset ~mode clears t's buffer and calls Unix.lseek on t's file descriptor.

  • Added function Writer.bytes_received : t -> int.

  • Added function Unix.mkfifo : ?perm:file_perm -> string -> unit Deferred.t, which was mistakenly missing.

    This is a simple wrapper around Core.Unix.mkfifo.


  • added Async.Unix.fcntl_{get,set}fl.

    Made Reader and Writer detect if they are passed a file descriptor with incorrect permissions (O_WRONLY for Reader, O_RDONLY for Writer).


  • The epoll-based scheduler now supports sub-millisecond timeouts, using Linux_ext.Timerfd.

    Async still uses the select-based scheduler by default. We plan to switch the default to epoll in a few weeks, once we have done more testing.

  • Eliminated module Work_group, which was for limiting the number of threads used by jobs.

    This was a little-used module that significantly complicated the implementation of the Async thread pool.

    One should consider using a Throttle instead.

    Along the way, fixed a bug in Async helper threads in which the finalizer could fire too early, causing an unhandled exception. The fix involves relaxing the requirements on when Thread_pool.finished_with_helper_thread functions can be called, allowing it to be called while the helper thread still has work, but so long as no future work will be added.


  • Fixed major performance degradation (since 109.04) in* functions.

  • Added function Rpc.Implementation.map_inv.

    val map_inv : 'a t -> f:('b -> 'a) -> 'b t
  • Add functions Reader.file_lines and Writer.save_lines.

    These deal with files as lists of their lines.

    val Reader.file_lines : string -> string list Deferred.t
    val Writer.save_lines : string -> string list -> unit Deferred.t
  • Added a ?wakeup_scheduler:bool optional argument to functions in the Thread_safe module.

    The default is true, which continues the behavior that has been in place since 109.09. However, once can use ~wakeup_scheduler:false to reduce CPU use, in return for increased latency (because the scheduler won't run a cycle immediately).


  • Added Writer.write_line, which is Writer.write plus a newline at the end.

  • Added ?close_on_exec:bool argument to {Reader,Writer}.open_file and Async.Unix.open_file.

    Made the default close_on_exec:true for Reader and Writer.

  • Added a compare function to Socket.Address.Inet.


  • Fixed a bug in Fd.syscall_in_thread.

    The bug could cause:

    Fd.syscall_in_thread bug -- should be impossible

    The bug was that syscall_in_thread raised rather than returning Error.

  • Changed Tcp.connect and Tcp.with_connect to also supply the connected socket.

    Supplying the connected socket makes it easy to call Socket functions, e.g. to find out information about the connection with Socket.get{peer,sock}name. This also gives information about the IP address after DNS, which wouldn't otherwise be available.

    One could reconstruct the socket by extracting the fd from the writer, and then calling Socket.of_fd with the correct Socket.Type. But that is both error prone and not discoverable.

  • Added Writer.schedule_bigsubstring, which parallels Writer.schedule_bigstring.


  • Added a check to fail if Scheduler.go is called more than once.


  • Added Shutdown.do_not_finish_shutdown_before. This allows one to add unit Deferred.t's that will delay the shutdown from finishing. The implementation is more efficient than using at_shutdown.


  • Added module Thread_safe_pipe, for streaming data outside async into async. This a more efficient and feature-ful way to send a sequence of values from outside async into async than Thread_safe.pipe, which has been eliminated.

  • Changed functions in Thread_safe to always wake up the scheduler. Changed Thread_safe.run_in_async{,_exn} to not run a cycle, and instead rely on the scheduler to run the cycle.


  • Added module Async.Process This is a new module for creating and dealing with child processes.

  • For, replaced the temp_prefix argument with temp_file.

  • Added Ivar.invariant function.

  • Added value Scheduler.fold_fields This lets one fold over the fields in the scheduler, eliminates an annoying place in catalog browser that reached into the internals of async to compute the sizes of the scheduler fields


  • Changed the async scheduler so that if there are no upcoming events, it times out in 50ms rather than waiting forever.

  • Improved Reader.read_one_chunk_at_a_time_until_eof:

    • the callback need not consume everything

    • add \Eof_with_unconsumed_data` as a possible result

    • grow internal buffer of the reader when needed

  • Added Shutdown.exit, removed Shutdown.shutdown_and_raise.

  • Added Scheduler.force_current_cycle_to_end.


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