package bistro

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type error = [
  1. | `Msg of string
module Gc : sig ... end
module type Backend = sig ... end
module Make (Backend : Backend) : sig ... end
include sig ... end
val gc_state : t -> Gc.state option
val protect : t -> 'a Bistro.workflow -> unit
val start : t -> unit
val eval : t -> 'a Bistro.workflow -> ('a, Execution_trace.t list) Lwt_result.t
val eval_exn : t -> 'a Bistro.workflow -> 'a Lwt.t
val error_report : t -> Execution_trace.t list -> string
val stop : t -> unit Lwt.t
val create : ?np:int -> ?mem:[ `GB of int ] -> ?allowed_containers:[ `Docker | `Singularity ] list -> ?loggers:Logger.t list -> ?collect:bool -> Db.t -> t
val simple_eval_exn : ?np:int -> ?mem:[ `GB of int ] -> ?allowed_containers:[ `Docker | `Singularity ] list -> ?loggers:Logger.t list -> ?collect:bool -> ?db_path:string -> 'a Bistro.workflow -> 'a
val build_file_exn : ?np:int -> ?mem:[ `GB of int ] -> ?allowed_containers:[ `Docker | `Singularity ] list -> ?loggers:Logger.t list -> ?collect:bool -> ?db_path:string -> output:string -> 'a Bistro.file -> unit

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