package bloomf

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Bloom filters

bloomf is an implementation of Bloom filters in OCaml.

Bloom filters are memory and time efficient data structures allowing probabilistic membership queries in a set. A query negative result ensures that the element is not present in the set, while a positive result might be a false positive, i.e. the element might not be present and the BF membership query can return true anyway. Internal parameters of the BF allow to control its false positive rate depending on the expected number of elements in it.

Generic interface

type 'a t

The type of the Bloom filter.

val create : ?error_rate:float -> int -> 'a t

create ~error_rate size creates a fresh BF for which expected false positive rate when filled with size elements is error_rate.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if error_rate is not in ]0, 1[, or size is negative.

val add : 'a t -> 'a -> unit

add t e adds e to t.

val mem : 'a t -> 'a -> bool

mem t e is true if e is in t.

val clear : 'a t -> unit

clear t clears the contents of t.

val size_estimate : 'a t -> int

size_estimate t is an approximation of the number of elements stored in the bloom filter. Please note that this operation is costly (see benchmarks).

Functorial interface

The functorial interface allows you to specify your own hash function.

module type Hashable = sig ... end

The input interface for Bloomf.Make.

module Make (H : Hashable) : sig ... end

The output interface for Bloomf.Make.


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