package cgroups

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type ('ty, 'attr) t
exception Expected_root of string * Hierarchy.cgroup
exception Subsystem_not_available of CGSubsystem.t
exception Subsystem_not_attached of CGSubsystem.t * Hierarchy.cgroup
val get : ('a, [> `Get ]) t -> Hierarchy.cgroup -> 'a
val set : ('a, [> `Set ]) t -> Hierarchy.cgroup -> 'a -> unit
val reset : ('a, [> `Reset ]) t -> Hierarchy.cgroup -> unit
val release_agent : (string, [ `Get | `Set ]) t
val notify_on_release : (bool, [ `Get | `Set ]) t
val mk_get : CGSubsystem.t -> string -> (string -> 'a) -> ('a, [ `Get ]) t
val mk_set : CGSubsystem.t -> string -> (string -> 'a) -> ('a -> string) -> ('a, [ `Get | `Set ]) t
val mk_reset : CGSubsystem.t -> string -> (string -> 'a) -> string -> ('a, [ `Get | `Reset ]) t

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