package easy_logging

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Functor to generate a Logging module over a Handlers module.


module H : sig ... end


type level =
  1. | Debug
  2. | Trace
  3. | Info
  4. | Warning
  5. | Error
  6. | Flash
  7. | NoLevel
val show_level : Easy_logging__.Logging_types.level -> string
val pp_level : Format.formatter -> Easy_logging__.Logging_types.level -> unit
val level_of_string : string -> (Easy_logging__.Logging_types.level, string) result
val debug : bool ref
class logger : ?parent:logger option option -> string -> object ... end
val root_logger : logger
module Infra : sig ... end
val _tree_to_yojson : Infra.t -> [> `Assoc of (string * [> `List of 'a list | `String of string ]) list ] as 'a
val tree_to_yojson : unit -> [> `Assoc of (string * [> `List of 'a list | `String of string ]) list ] as 'a
val handlers_config : H.config ref
val set_handlers_config : H.config -> unit
val get_logger : string -> logger
val make_logger : ?propagate:bool -> string -> level -> H.desc list -> logger

Innovation. Community. Security.