package eqaf

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Eqaf - constant time / timing side channel resistant functions


In cryptography, a timing-attack is a side-channel attack in which the attacker attempts to compromise a cryptosystem by analyzing the time taken to execute cryptographic algorithms.

In some cases, a process needs to compare two values (input value and expected password). An attacker can analyze time needed by to calculate expected password.

This side-channel attack is due implementation of which leaves as soon as possible when it reachs a difference between a and b. By this way, time taken to compare two values differs if they are equal or not.

Distribution provides a little example of this kind of attack where we construct step by step (byte per byte) expected value from time spended to execute

Distribution wants to provide some functions which protect user against this kind of attack:

  • equal like String.equal
  • compare_be like
  • compare_le which is a with a reverse operation on inputs
  • divmod like Int32.unsigned_div and Int32.unsigned_rem

These functions are tested to see how long they took to compare two equal values and two different values. See check tool for more informations.

Comparison functions


val equal : string -> string -> bool

equal a b returns true if a and b are equals. String.equal a b = equal a b for any a and b. The execution time of equal depends solely on the length of the strings, not the contents.

Big-endian comparison

val compare_be : string -> string -> int

compare_be a b returns 0 if a is equal to b, a negative integer if a if less (lexicographically) than b, and a positive integer if a is greater (lexicographically) than b.

compare_be a b returns the same order than a b for any a and b (but not necessary the same integer!). Order is defined as:

  • compare_be a b < 0 means a < b
  • compare_be a b > 0 means a > b
  • compare_be a b = 0 means a = b

About time, if String.length a <> String.length b, compare_be does not look into a or b and no comparison in bytes will be done.

val compare_be_with_len : len:int -> string -> string -> int

compare_be_with_len ~len a b does compare_be a b on len bytes.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if len is upper than String.length a or String.length b.

Little-endian comparison

val compare_le : string -> string -> int

compare_le a b is semantically compare_be (rev a) (rev b), where rev is a function that reverses a string bytewise (a = rev (rev a)).

val compare_le_with_len : len:int -> string -> string -> int

compare_le_with_len a b is semantically compare_be_with_len ~len (rev a) (rev b). With rev reverse a string (a = rev (rev a)).

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if len is upper than String.length a or String.length b.



val divmod : x:int32 -> m:int32 -> int32 * int32

32-bit unsigned division with remainder, constant-time with respect to x (not m).

  • parameter x

    Dividend (number to be divided). Can be secret.

  • parameter m

    Divisor Must not be secret. Must be 0 < m < 16384

    This function is useful for implementation that need to produce e.g. pincodes from binary values in int32 format, example: ascii_of_int32.

  • returns

    quotient, remainder


    let ct = Eqaf.divmod ~x ~m in
    let not_ct = Int32.unsigned_div x m, Int32.unsigned_rem x m in
    assert ct = not_ct ;

    That is, an attacker might be able to learn m by measuring execution time, but not the value of x.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    when not (0 < m && m < 16384).

  • see supercop/crypto_kem/sntrup761/ref/uint32.c

    Adapted from the NTRU Prime team's algorithm from supercop/sntrup761, see round-2 NTRU Prime submission to NISTPQC (March 2019).

String utilities

val find_uint8 : ?off:int -> f:(int -> bool) -> string -> int

find_uint8 ?off ~f v returns the index of the first occurrence which respects the predicate f in string v. Otherwise, it returns -1. The caller is responsible for ensuring that ~f operates in constant time. The bool_of_int function can be relevant when writing ~f functions.

val exists_uint8 : ?off:int -> f:(int -> bool) -> string -> bool

exists_uint8 ?off ~f v tests if an occurrence respects the predicate f in the string v.

ASCII functions

val ascii_of_int32 : digits:int -> int32 -> string

ascii_of_int64 ~digits ~n is a string consisting of the rightmost digits characters of the decimal representation of n. If digits is larger than the decimal representation, it is left-padded with '0'. If digits is smaller, the output is truncated.


let s1 = ascii_of_int64 ~digits:6 ~n:12345678L in
assert (s = "345678") ;
let s2 = ascii_of_int64 ~digits:6 ~n:1234L in
assert (s = "001234") ;
  • raises Invalid_argument

    when digits < 0

val lowercase_ascii : string -> string

lowercase_ascii str is str where A-Z is replaced with a-z. It is a constant time implementation of String.lowercase_ascii

val uppercase_ascii : string -> string

uppercase_ascii str is str where a-z is replaced with A-Z. It is a constant time implementation of String.uppercase_ascii

Hex encoding and decoding

val hex_of_bytes : bytes -> string

hex_of_bytes raw is raw hex-encoded in constant time. Can be used to serialize sensitive values. The contents can be secret, but an attacker can learn the length of raw by timing this function.

Hex has two valid forms, lowercase and uppercase. This function produces lowercase hex characters exclusively.


let secret = "--Hi\x24" in
let serialized = hex_of_string secret in
(* serialized is now "2d2d486924" *)
  • parameter raw

    is the source buffer. raw is not mutated by this function.

val hex_of_string : string -> string

hex_of_string raw is hex_of_bytes raw as a string

val bytes_of_hex : string -> bytes * int

bytes_of_hex hex is raw, error decoded in constant time. Can be used to e.g. decode secrets from configuration files. The contents can be secret, but an attacker can learn the length of hex by timing this function.

Error handling: The second tuple element error is non-zero when the length of hex is not a multiple of 2, or hex contains invalid characters. Implementations should ensure that `error = 0` before using raw. The function signals errors this way to allow implementations to handle invalid input errors in constant time.

  • parameter hex

    The hex-encoded octet string. Accepts characters 0-9 a-f A-F. Note that 0x prefixes or whitespace are not accepted.


    let serialized = "2d2d486924" in
    let secret, error = string_of_hex serialized in
    assert (error = 0);
    (* secret is now [--Hi$] *)
val string_of_hex : string -> string * int

string_of_hex hex is bytes_of_hex hex, but returning a string instead of bytes. See bytes_of_hex regarding handling of invalid input errors.

Low-level primitives


val one_if_not_zero : int -> int

one_if_not_zero n is a constant-time version of if n <> 0 then 1 else 0. This is functionally equivalent to !!n in the C programming language.

val zero_if_not_zero : int -> int

zero_if_not_zero n is a constant-time of if n <> 0 then 0 else 1. This is functionnaly equivalent to !n in the C programming language.

val int_of_bool : bool -> int

int_of_bool b is equivalent to if b then 1 else 0. Internally it cast with %identity instead of branching.

val bool_of_int : int -> bool

bool_of_int n is equivalent to if n = 0 then false else true.


val select_int : int -> int -> int -> int

select_int choose_b a b is a if choose_b = 0 and b otherwise. This comparison is constant-time and it should not be possible for a measuring adversary to determine anything about the values of choose_b, a, or b.

val select_a_if_in_range : low:int -> high:int -> n:int -> int -> int -> int

select_a_if_in_range ~low ~high ~n a b

  • is a if low <= n <= high (in range)
  • is b is n < low || high < n (out of range)

This function only works for positive ranges:

  • parameter low

    invariant: 0 <= low <= max_int

  • parameter high

    invariant: low <= high <= max_int

    This function can be used like select_int but using an integer range instead of zero/non-zero to select.

    It operates in constant time and is safe to use with secret parameters for low, high, n, a, b.


    let a = 123 and b = 456 in
    let x = select_a_if_in_range ~low:10 ~high:20 ~n:10 a b in
    (* x = 123 *)
    let x = select_a_if_in_range ~low:10 ~high:20 ~n:0 a b in
    (* x = 456 *)
    let x = select_a_if_in_range ~low:10 ~high:20 ~n:20 a b in
    (* x = 123 *)
    let x = select_a_if_in_range ~low:10 ~high:20 ~n:21 a b in
    (* x = 456 *)
    (* Constant-time subpatterns can be expressed by nesting,
       Below is a constant time version of:
       match 3 with
       | 1 | 2| 3 | 4 ->
          begin match 3 with
          | 2 | 3 -> 111
          | _ -> 222
       | _ -> 333
    let n = 3
    select_a_if_in_range ~low:1 ~high:4 ~n
      (select_a_if_in_range ~low:2 ~high:3 ~n
    (* evalutes to 111 because [1 <= n  <= 4] selects the inner pattern
       and [2 <= n <= 3] selects the first branch ("a") of the inner pattern.
    (* The applications can also be composed in constant time,
       note that all the branches are always evaluated, so large
       expressions can get slow:
    |> fun n -> select_a_if_in_range ~low:1 ~high:5 ~n
       (n * 10)
       (n - 100)
    |> fun n -> select_a_if_in_range ~low:20 ~high 30 ~n
       (n * 100)
    (* evaluates to [4 *10 + 3] *)
    (* Below the normal, non-constant time version: *)
    |> (function
         | n when 1 <= n && n <= 5 -> n * 10
         | n -> n - 100)
    |> (function
        | n when 20 <= n && n <= 30 -> n * 100
        | n -> n + 3)

    Another example of how to use this can be found in the implementations of lowercase_ascii and bytes_of_hex.


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