package jenga

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Industrial strength, full-featured build system


Dune Dependency






  • Jenga's Api is extended with printf and printf_verbose, and verbose is removed. These changes are in preparation for jenga/server.

    In jenga/server, builds will run on a daemonized server; the build trace is displayed on any clients which are watching. Api.printf and Api.printf_verbose allow messages from the jenga/

    The command line flag -verbose will be a client flag, not a server flag, allowing the choice of verbosity to be selected per-client. It therefore won't make sense to allow jenga/ to ask if verbose is true, so we remove verbose from the jenga Api.

    Instead jenga/root/ml can use printf_verbose for messages which are to be displayed only by a client that is watching with -verbose.

  • Make benchmark analysis script compute heap stats in addition to time.

  • Give more information about why we build Dep.action and Dep.action_stdout, because right now, the output of jenga sometimes doesn't contain the information (the summary line contains it, but it's not always printed, at least when using -stop-on-error). For instance:

    Old jenga:

    *** jenga: ERROR: (summary) a/.DEFAULT: External command failed
          - build a stdout
          + bash -e -u -o pipefail -c false
          - exit a stdout, 3ms, exited with code 1
    *** jenga: ERROR: (summary) a/ External command failed
          - build a stdout
          + .../ocamldep.opt -modules -impl

          File "", line 2, characters 0-0:
          Error: Syntax error
          - exit a stdout, 4ms, exited with code 2

    New jenga:

    *** jenga: ERROR: (summary) a/.DEFAULT: External command failed
          - build a .DEFAULT
          + bash -e -u -o pipefail -c false
          - exit a .DEFAULT, 5ms, exited with code 1
    *** jenga: ERROR: (summary) a/ External command failed
          - build a rule of
          + .../ocamldep.opt -modules -impl

          File "", line 2, characters 0-0:
          Error: Syntax error
          - exit a rule of, 6ms, exited with code 2
  • When

    • a command run by jenga forks

    • and that fork inherits the stdout/stderr pipes to jenga

    • and the fork doesn't terminate

    • but the initial process does terminate

    we are in a situation where, jenga before this feature would consider the command is still running. This makes for some annoying debug, because which command started the stray process is hard to tell, the stdout and stderr of the initial process are not visible anywhere (they are in jenga's memory), etc. Also jenga appears stuck.

    So instead, we expect the stdout/stderr to close shortly after the initial process dies, and if not, we close stdout/stderr ourselves and consider that the command failed.

    To test, I put this in a jbuild: (alias ((name DEFAULT) (deps ()) (action "(echo false >&2; sleep 4) & ")))

    and JENGA_OPTIONS='((fd_close_timeout 2s))' jenga -P complained:

    *** jenga: ERROR: (summary) lib/sexplib/src/.DEFAULT: External command failed
          - build lib/sexplib/src stdout
          + bash -e -u -o pipefail -c '(echo false >&2; sleep 4) & '
          - exit lib/sexplib/src stdout, 2.004s, stdout or stderr wasn't closed 2s after process exited (due to a stray process perhaps?)

    Also I had hydra do a full tree build (both in jane-continuous-release and jane-release) and they both succeeded.

  • Remove jenga command line flag which was -delay N

    This controlled Config.delay_for_dev which inserted a delay of N seconds before running any job in I have heard this described as the most pointless command line flag of all time!

    Reason to fix now: Another feature jane/jenga/api.printf removes Api.verbose which exposes Config.verbose to jenga/ Following both features, we can remove the Run.For_user hackery.

  • Avoid nan from divide-by-0 in jenga monitor's finish_time_estimator.

    Without this fix, we may get nan as the value of a Time.t which breaks an invariant of the Time module. This may result in a crash in Time.to_ofday.

    ("unhandled exception"
       ((exn "Option.value_exn None")
         ("Raised by primitive operation at file \"\", line 59, characters 4-21"
          "Called from file \"\", line 751, characters 8-104"
          "Called from file \"\", line 761, characters 10-48"
          "Called from file \"\", line 275, characters 31-54"
          "Called from file \"\", line 38, characters 14-54"
          "Called from file \"\", line 384, characters 30-66"
          "Called from file \"\", line 73, characters 12-15"
          "Called from file \"\", line 73, characters 12-15"
          "Called from file \"\", line 158, characters 2-42"
          "Called from file \"\", line 65, characters 64-69"
          "Called from file \"\", line 160, characters 6-47" ""))
         (((name try_with) (here ()) (id 4) (has_seen_error true)
           (is_detached true))))))
      ((pid 17688) (thread_id 4
  • Code refactoring to avoid circular module dependencies in jenga/server feature.

    There changes have no semantic effects; it's just code movement.

    1. Extract Message.Job_summary as a top level module.

    2. Extract Build.Run_reason as a top level module.

    3. Create all Effort.Counter instances in Progress.

  • The current cycle detection in is very hard to use correctly. Implement a robust cycle detection in Tenacious.

    Additionally, this feature lets the user see what jenga is currently working on by doing jenga diagnostics dump-tenacious-graph.

    Along the way, fixed jenga monitor to exit non-zero when it can't discover jengaroot.

  • Change jenga -time to prefix lines with absolute times. More standard & helpful.

  • Extend jenga Api with support for registering environment variables. These can be accessed and manipulated via RPC to the running jenga.

    This feature is necessary to support env-var discovery in build-manager via RPC, rather than the current hack of parsing the output from jenga.

    Environment variable manipulation is exposed on the command line with:

    jenga env get NAME
    jenga env set NAME VALUE
    jenga env unset NAME
    jenga env print

    The Api supports access to either the current value of a variable, or to a dependency which responds dynamically to changes made by setenv.

    Var.peek   : 'a Var.t -> 'a
    Dep.getenv : 'a Var.t -> 'a Dep.t
  • Removed update-stream RPC. Was never used by anything. It wouldn't have worked anyway because it contained interned paths.

    Removed app/jenga/lib/rpc_intf.mli - just unhelpful code duplication of the descriptions in

  • Error message when running on nfs was super-confusing.

  • Avoid double-reporting build errors originating from the action of a multi-target rule. (And in future avoid double-reporting the error to the `error-pipe' of jenga/server.)

    1. Attribute an error to the head target ONLY.

    2. Additional targets are treated as dependants of the head_target, and so (if demanded) are regarded as having failure' not error' status.

    3. Always use head-target in the "-build" line message, instead of whatever target happens (non deterministically) to get demanded first.

    4. Allow user control over the which target is regarded as the head_target, by taking the first target listed as the head_target.

  • Couple of extra messages bracketing when GC is performed & finished.

  • Stop taking nfs locks, just rely on local locks, so we're finally free from the bug of Nfs_lock where it can't remove a half created lock. Also clean things up while I'm here, no change intended in

  • Refactor code to remove distinction between types Progess.Need.t and Goal.t; removing the Progess.Need.t type by supporting the one additional case of Need.jengaroot as a Goal.t.

    Allow the user to demand a `build' of (just) the jengaroot.

  • Add support for unsetting environment variables prior to running actions


  • Fix the build of jenga and updated the examples


  • Restructure the code in a way that allows to build binaries that statically link jenga with the rules. This is useful because some debugging/profiling tools don't work in the presence of dynamically loaded code very well.

  • Switch to PPX.

  • Change the gc info output by jenga so it shows heap size and top heap size, instead of live and heap size. The live part is not super useful given how random it is. I have seen cases where jenga was using 20GB during building and jenga reported a heap size of 13GB at the end so the top heap size avoids being tricked.

  • First half of the fixes no packing: sharing the structures of dependencies, so they take less space on disk (and in memory as well, when they are loaded from disk, but not really when building from scratch given the way we will use them).

    The sexp format also has sharing, because it would also blow up in size otherwise (this is different from the interning of paths, where the interning saves a constant factor). And of course, it makes it possible to see the actual on-disk representation which is nice.

    Also fix unhelpful error (contains no information) when the db can't be loaded.

    Break the thing that avoids rerunning rules when the set of dependencies decreases. I think it was never useful anyway.

  • Better error on duplicate targets in the same rule.

  • To prevent running more than one jenga in a repository, use a local lock rather than an nfs one. We need a transition period though, so for now we use both kinds of locks. Building on nfs is slow, so I don't think there's any downside is not supporting nfs this way. And maybe inotify doesn't work. The upside is that we don't step into Lock.Nfs bugs where if a process is interrupted at the wrong time (when the two lock files are empty) the locks won't be cleaned up automatically, forcing someone to get rid of the lock files manually.

    Also rename .jenga/.jenga.* to .jenga/*, because all these prefixes are annoying.

  • Added a couple of options to turn off some part of jenga, which I used to check how they impacted performance, and could still be handy later.

  • Optionally display additional information about much allocation was done, at the end of builds. Used it to try to improve memory usage of full tree builds without actually doing full tree builds.

  • Make stat'ing faster. Hash cons some tenacious that build mtimes map to avoid a huge increase of memory use.

  • Got rid of noise when stopping jenga.

  • Some changes to the implementation of Tenacious to improve memory efficiency.

    Includes the following changes:

    • Remove strong_refs field of Heart.fragile type and instead insert links from the clients Ring.t to its parent using Ring.keep_alive.

    • Replace the Ring.t in the triggers field of Hearts.fragile with an Ivar.t since all uses of triggers were producing their own equivalent IVar.ts. Remove the functions broken by this because they were unused.

    • Make the Tenacious.t type a concrete datatype, and optimize pure computations by partially evaluating this datatype directly in the pure case.

    • Rather than building separate Heart.ts for cancellation and the result, split the cancellation heart into two hearts cancel and dep and then use dep as the result heart. This means that a tenacious is cancelled if either cancel or dep is broken, and it must return a heart representing the validity of its result combined with dep.

    Cursory benchmarking indicates a 23% improvement in maximum resident set size and a 10% improvment in (user) execution time when building the lib directory from scratch.

  • Adding some sexp_of functions, since they're always missing and it's a pain when debugging.

  • Adding direct support for Even now that Tenacious is smarter, this still creates less binds. Doesn't seem to make much of a difference (perhaps 3-5% less allocation, on a null build of lib), but if nothing else, it's much less surprising to think that Dep.Map becomes Tenacious.Map.

  • Added Dep.List.concat.

  • Make it possible to turn off the behavior where jenga rejects commands that output on stderr.

    It increases slightly the footprint of the in memory db, but the difference is tiny compared to the rest of the memory usage.

  • Added a few tests about Jenga_lib.Api.Reflect


  • Treat output to stderr by an action as a failure.


  • Make .jenga.db be format version aware, and store .jenga files in a subdirectory.

  • Switch md5 computation to use a C binding, fixes #10.

  • Move jem.exe to jenga.exe monitor, jenga_offline.exe to jenga.exe offline, jenga.exe -cat-api to jenga.exe cat-api.

  • Remove Path.dotdot.

  • Adjust behaviour of Path.Repo.is_descendant to be more consistent.

  • Repo-root invariance: remove Path.Abs.the_root, Path.Rel.to_absolute_string, Path.Rel.create_from_absolute, and make Path.relative Path.the_root ".." fail.

  • Add a flag -sandbox-action to jenga build to run the action in an environment that (attempts to) detect missing dependencies or overly large sets of targets.

  • Don't interpret paths of shape ./foo.ext as aliases.

  • Always interpret Dep.path path as the file at path rather than the default alias for the directory at path

  • Make jenga look for the variable JENGA_OPTIONS, and use it to add a debug setting.

  • Fix handling of directories created during the build.

  • Basic support for symlink resolution.

  • Add an option to the monitor command to only display a single snapshot of the progress, rather than a continually updated pipe.

  • Fix a deadlock where File_access throttle and directory lock are obtained in the wrong order.


  • Interns strings, significantly reducing memory use.


  • Fixed byte-compile targets to avoid stale artifact deletion of .for-byte-compile.cmt file when compilation fails.

    This avoids polling jenga trigger loop.

  • Show Removed stale build artifact messages only when -act flag is given.

  • Extended Jenga API with val file_existence : Path.t -> unit t.

    file-existence has same relationship to file-exists as glob_change has to glob_listing.

  • Fixed memory leak in tenacious hearts by using weak references and finalizers.

    • Strip code for obsolete versions of hearts.

    • Strip code for OLD_TENACIOUS=true.

    • Ensure Ring support preemptive calls to detach. Add ring tests.

    • Keep message showing Live(Kb-delta).

  • Fixed curly braces in globs.

  • Throttled calls to, to fix the too many open files bug.

    Throttled calls to from sharing the same throttle used for all FD access, with ~max_concurrent_jobs:500

  • Added to jenga -progress ~save=XXX, the number of calls to in Progress.saves_run.


  • Support for user control of stale-artifact deletion, by allowing specification of an artifact-determination policy.

  • Expose jenga's internal (and better - only quotes when necessary) definition of Shell.escape in Api

  • Removed from the API, superseded by Action.process.

  • Changed RPC interface as needed for build manager to switch from scraping error messages to RPCs.

  • Fixed jenga's per-rule memo table, which mistakenly kept stale values.

  • Show what target is being demanded, useful for debugging rules.

  • Run user action when persistent format changes.

  • When filtering buildable targets by globs, pay attention to the kinds allowed by the glob.

    Specifically, if the kinds don't include `File (i.e. only include `Directory) then we should not see any buildable_targets in the filtered list.


  • Don't show noisy glob..changed messages except with -show-glob-changed flag.

  • Support shared build rules via ${jenga}/share.

  • Detect cycle in dep scheme instead of hanging.

  • Made standalone actions atomic, just like actions associated with target files.

    Running actions and recording the result in the persistent .jenga.db should be performed atomically for standalone actions, as it is for actions which are associated with target files


  • Switched API to composable generator schemes.

  • Support -api flag to show the embedded API.

  • New examples.


  • Fixed problem that caused rule failed to generate targets.


  • Switched to un-version-numbered API.

  • Renamed Tenacious_sample_lib.Tenacious to Tenacious_sample_lib.Tenacious_sample to avoid conflicts in the public release.

  • Write buildable_targets.list (on alias .info).


  • Introduced jenga API v3, a small cleanup of v2 which has been planned for a while.


  • Fix a hang.

    Jenga could reach a state with a non-zero todo-count, but have no jobs actually running, and then hang in this state forever. The hang would be evident from a progress line with not all targets built and with j=0+0 such as:

      todo: 17 (100406 / 100423) j=0+0 con=149956 act=3303, finish at: 16:20


  • Improved the error message when the same library is defined multiple times.

  • Fixed an issue where jenga sometimes would sometimes complain about a self cycle when uses a module Foo.

  • With -no-notifiers, jenga doesn't use inotify to watch for file changes. This is useful for linting

  • Allowed writing jenga rules which restrict dependencies from an initial conservative approximation to a more accurate set discovered after an action is run


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