package jsonm

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Codec with comments and whitespace.

The uncut codec also processes whitespace and JavaScript comments. The latter is non-standard JSON, fail on `Comment decoding if you want to process whitespace but stick to the standard.

The uncut codec preserves as much of the original input as possible. Perfect round-trip with Jsonm is however impossible for the following reasons:

  • Escapes unescaped by the decoder may not be escaped or escaped differently by the encoder.
  • The encoder automatically inserts name separator ':' and value separators ",". If you just reencode the sequence of decodes, whitespace and comments may (harmlessly, but significantly) commute with these separators.
  • Internally the encoder uses U+000A ('\n') for newlines.
  • `Float lexemes may be rewritten differently by the encoder.

Uncut data model

The uncut data model is the same as the regular data model, except that before or after any lexeme you may decode/encode one or more:

  • `White w, representing JSON whitespace w. On input the sequence CR (U+000D) and CRLF (<U+000A, U+000A>) are normalized to U+000A. The string w must be a sequence of U+0020, U+0009, U+000A or U+000D characters (' ', '\t', '\n', '\r').
  • `Comment (`S, c), representing a JavaScript single line comment c. c is the comment's content without the starting // and the ending newline. The string c must not contain any newline.
  • `Comment (`M, c), representing a JavaScript multi-line comment c. c is the comment's content without the starting /* and the ending */. The string c must not contain the sequence */.

Warning. encode does not check the above constraints on w and c.


val decode : decoder -> [ `Await | `Lexeme of lexeme | `White of string | `Comment of [ `S | `M ] * string | `End | `Error of error ]

decode d is like decode but for the uncut data model.

val pp_decode : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> [< `Await | `Lexeme of lexeme | `White of string | `Comment of [ `S | `M ] * string | `End | `Error of error ] -> unit

pp_decode ppf v prints an unspecified representation of v on ppf.


val encode : encoder -> [< `Await | `Lexeme of lexeme | `White of string | `Comment of [ `S | `M ] * string | `End ] -> [ `Ok | `Partial ]

encode is like encode but for the uncut data model.

IMPORTANT. Never encode `Comment for the web, it is non-standard and breaks interoperability.


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