package lambda-runtime

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type api_gateway_request_identity = {
  1. cognito_identity_pool_id : string option;
  2. account_id : string option;
  3. cognito_identity_id : string option;
  4. caller : string option;
  5. access_key : string option;
  6. api_key : string option;
  7. source_ip : string;
  8. cognito_authentication_type : string option;
  9. cognito_authentication_provider : string option;
  10. user_arn : string option;
  11. user_agent : string option;
  12. user : string option;
type api_gateway_proxy_request_context = {
  1. account_id : string;
  2. resource_id : string;
  3. stage : string;
  4. request_id : string;
  5. identity : api_gateway_request_identity;
  6. resource_path : string;
  7. authorizer : string Stdlib__Map.Make(Stdlib.String).t option;
  8. http_method : string;
  9. protocol : string option;
  10. path : string option;
  11. api_id : string;

    The API Gateway REST API ID

type api_gateway_proxy_request = {
  1. resource : string;
  2. path : string;
  3. http_method : string;
  4. headers : string Stdlib__Map.Make(Stdlib.String).t;
  5. query_string_parameters : string Stdlib__Map.Make(Stdlib.String).t;
  6. path_parameters : string Stdlib__Map.Make(Stdlib.String).t;
  7. stage_variables : string Stdlib__Map.Make(Stdlib.String).t;
  8. request_context : api_gateway_proxy_request_context;
  9. body : string option;
  10. is_base64_encoded : bool;
type api_gateway_proxy_response = {
  1. status_code : int;
  2. headers : string Stdlib__Map.Make(Stdlib.String).t;
  3. body : string;
  4. is_base64_encoded : bool;
include LambdaRuntime with type event := api_gateway_proxy_request and type response := api_gateway_proxy_response
val lambda : (api_gateway_proxy_request -> Context.t -> (api_gateway_proxy_response, string) Stdlib.result) -> unit
val io_lambda : (api_gateway_proxy_request -> Context.t -> (api_gateway_proxy_response, string) Stdlib.result Lwt.t) -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.