package mesh-display

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Draw meshes and level curves in an OCaml Graphics window.

  • author Christophe Troestler <Christophe.Troestler\>
val draw : ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?color:int -> ?points:bool -> ?point_idx:(int -> unit) -> ?triangle_idx:(int -> unit) -> ?voronoi:'a Mesh.voronoi -> ?point_marker_color:int -> 'a Mesh.t -> unit

draw mesh display the mesh on the current OCaml Graphics window with the bottom left corner at the current position.

  • parameter width

    the width (in pixels) of the mesh image (default: 600).

  • parameter height

    the height (in pixels) of the mesh image (default: 600).

  • parameter color

    the color to draw the mesh (default: the foreground color).

  • parameter points

    whether to draw the points (default: true).

  • parameter point_idx

    a function to be executed after each point is drawn, the current position being the center of the node. Default: do nothing.

  • parameter triangle_idx

    a function to be executed for each triangle, the current point being the incentre of the triangle (the common intersection of the three bisectrices). Default: do nothing.

  • parameter voronoi

    draw also the given voronoi diagram.

  • parameter point_marker_color

    trigger the display of the point markers with the color given (default: no markers).

val display : ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?color:int -> ?points:bool -> ?point_idx:(int -> unit) -> ?triangle_idx:(int -> unit) -> ?voronoi:'a Mesh.voronoi -> ?point_marker_color:int -> 'a Mesh.t -> unit

display mesh open an OCaml graphic window and draw the mesh on it. To quit the graph and let the program continue, one must press 'q' or 'Q' or click on the graphic. See Mesh_display.draw for the meaning of the optional parameters.

val level_curves : ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?boundary:(int -> Graphics.color option) -> 'l Mesh.t -> 'l Mesh.vec -> ?level_eq:(float -> float -> bool) -> (float * Graphics.color) list -> unit

level_curves mesh z levels display a graphics window with the requested level curves. Each level is a couple (l, c) where l is the lavel value and c is the color to be used to display it. The bottom left corner of the mesh is placed at the current position.

  • parameter boundary

    specifies the color of the boundary edges given their marker value. Returning None means that one does not want the border with that marker to be printed.

  • parameter level_eq

    an approximate equality for levels that are judged not to be distinguishable. It is expected that l1 = l2 implies level_eq l1 l2. This function is mainly used not to draw the boundary edges at levels given in levels.

val display_level_curves : ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?boundary:(int -> Graphics.color option) -> 'l Mesh.t -> 'l Mesh.vec -> ?level_eq:(float -> float -> bool) -> (float * Graphics.color) list -> unit

display_level_curves mesh z levels is like level_curves mesh z levels but opens the graph and "hold" it until 'q', 'Q' or a mouse button is pressed.

val super_level : ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?boundary:(int -> Graphics.color option) -> 'l Mesh.t -> 'l Mesh.vec -> float -> Graphics.color -> unit

super_level mesh z level color fill the super-level { (x,y) | z(x,y) > l } with color.

val sub_level : ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?boundary:(int -> Graphics.color option) -> 'l Mesh.t -> 'l Mesh.vec -> float -> Graphics.color -> unit

sub_level mesh z level color same as super_level except that the sub-level { (x,y) | z(x,y) < l } is drawn.


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