package noise

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

HandshakeState as defined in v34 5.3.

type t
val make : name:string -> pattern:Pattern.t -> is_initiator:bool -> hash:Hash.t -> dh:Dh.t -> cipher:Cipher.t -> s:Private_key.t option -> rs:Public_key.t option -> e:Private_key.t option -> psk:Cstruct.t option -> t
val e_pub : t -> Public_key.t option

The public key corresponding to e.

val set_re : t -> Public_key.t -> (t, string) Stdlib.result

Set re, returning an error if was set before.

val s_pub : t -> Public_key.t option

The public key corresponding to s.

val set_rs : t -> Public_key.t -> (t, string) Stdlib.result

Set rs, returning an error if was set before.

val is_initiator : t -> bool
val pattern : t -> Pattern.t
type key_type =
  1. | Static
  2. | Ephemeral
val mix_hash : t -> Cstruct.t -> t

Delegate mix_hash on the underlying Symmetric_state.t.

val mix_hash_and_psk : t -> Public_key.t -> t

Call mix_hash, and if a PSK is used, call mix_key as well.

val mix_key : t -> Cstruct.t -> t

Call mix_key on the underlying Symmetric_state.t and initialize the Cipher_state.t with the result.

val mix_dh_key : t -> local:key_type -> remote:key_type -> (t, string) Stdlib.result

Perform a key exchange using the local and remote key types, and call mix_key using the result.

val mix_key_and_hash_psk : t -> (t, string) Stdlib.result

Call Symmetric_state.mix_key_and_hash with the PSK.

val decrypt_and_hash : t -> Cstruct.t -> (t * Cstruct.t, string) Stdlib.result
val encrypt_and_hash : t -> Cstruct.t -> (t * Cstruct.t, string) Stdlib.result
val handshake_hash : t -> Cstruct.t option

Get the handshake hash, if the handshake is over.

val split_dh : ?clear:bool -> t -> Cstruct.t -> Public_key.t * Cstruct.t

Extract a DH key at the beginning of the specified buffer. The key size depends on whether it is expected to be encrypted or in clear.

  • if clear is true (it defaults to false), assume it is clear
  • otherwise, depends on Cipher_state.has_key
val setup_transport : t -> t

Call Symmetric_state.split and setup a one-way or two-way transport depending on the pattern.

val receive_transport : t -> Cstruct.t -> (t * Cstruct.t, string) Stdlib.result

Receive a message, based on the configured transport.

val send_transport : t -> Cstruct.t -> (t * Cstruct.t, string) Stdlib.result

Send a message, based on the configured transport.

type state =
  1. | Handshake_step of Pattern.step list * bool

    Next steps, and is it the last message

  2. | Transport

    Handshake is over

val next : t -> t * state

Determine the next step, "popping" the next list of handshake steps.


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