package ocaml-in-python

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Self : sig ... end
include module type of struct include Self end
type t = Self.t =
  1. | Any
  2. | Var of int
  3. | Arrow of param * t
  4. | Tuple of t list
  5. | Constr of Path.t * t list
and param = Self.param = {
  1. label : Ppxlib.arg_label;
  2. ty : t;
val hash : int -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val subst : (int -> t) -> t -> t
val map_param : (t -> t) -> param -> param
type arity = {
  1. params : param list;
  2. result : t;
val map_arity : (t -> t) -> arity -> arity
val wrap : t -> Py.Object.t
val unwrap : Py.Object.t -> t
val of_python : Py.Object.t -> t
val arity_of_type : t -> arity
val format : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val to_string : t -> string
val to_core_type : t -> Ppxlib.Parsetree.core_type
module Hashtbl : sig ... end
val to_value_converter_ref : (?name:string -> Env.t -> Path.t Path.Map.t -> t -> value_converter) Stdlib.ref
val to_value_converter : ?name:string -> Env.t -> Path.t Path.Map.t -> t -> value_converter
val converters_of_arity_ref : (Env.t -> Path.t Path.Map.t -> arity -> converters_of_arity) Stdlib.ref
val converters_of_arity : Env.t -> Path.t Path.Map.t -> arity -> converters_of_arity
val value_converter_of_function_ref : (?name:string -> Env.t -> Path.t Path.Map.t -> arity -> value_converter) Stdlib.ref
val value_converter_of_function : ?name:string -> Env.t -> Path.t Path.Map.t -> arity -> value_converter
val types : t ExtensibleArray.t
val type_table : int Hashtbl.t
val to_index : Hashtbl.key -> int
val of_index : int -> t

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