package omd

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


module Env : Env


reference container

reference container

list of parser extensions

val default_lang : string

list of parser extensions

default language for code blocks

val gh_uemph_or_bold_style : bool

default language for code blocks

flag: bold/emph using using underscores is by default github-style, which means that underscores inside words are left as underscore, rather than special characters, because it's more convenient. However it is also less expressive because then you can't bold/emph a part of a word. You might want to set this flag to false.

val blind_html : bool

flag: bold/emph using using underscores is by default github-style, which means that underscores inside words are left as underscore, rather than special characters, because it's more convenient. However it is also less expressive because then you can't bold/emph a part of a word. You might want to set this flag to false.

flag: if true, will not check whether a used HTML tag actually exists in HTML.

val strict_html : bool

flag: if true, will not check whether a used HTML tag actually exists in HTML.

flag: if true, will only accept known inline HTML tags in inline HTML.

val htmlcodes_set : Omd_utils.StringSet.t

set of known HTML codes

val inline_htmltags_set : Omd_utils.StringSet.t

set of known inline HTML tags

val htmltags_set : Omd_utils.StringSet.t

All known HTML tags

val unindent_rev : int -> Omd_representation.tok list -> Omd_representation.tok list * Omd_representation.tok list

unindent_rev n l returns the same couple as unindent n l except that the first element (which is a list) is reversed. This function is used for lists.

val unindent : int -> Omd_representation.tok list -> Omd_representation.tok list * Omd_representation.tok list

unindent n l returns (unindented, rest) where unindented is the consecutive lines of l that are indented with at least n spaces, and de-indented by n spaces. If l starts with a line that is indented by less than n spaces, then it returns ([], l).

(* This function is used for lists, so it does not require n *) (* spaces on every single line, but only on some specific ones of them. *)

This function is used for lists and blockquotes.

val is_blank : Omd_representation.tok list -> bool

is_blank l returns true if l only contains blanks, which are spaces and newlines.

val semph_or_bold : int -> Omd_representation.tok list -> (Omd_representation.tok list * Omd_representation.tok list) option

semph_or_bold n l returns None if l doesn't start with a bold/emph phrase (marked using stars), else it returns Some(x,y) where x is the emph and/or bold phrase at the beginning of l and y is the rest of l.

val sm_uemph_or_bold : int -> Omd_representation.tok list -> (Omd_representation.tok list * Omd_representation.tok list) option

sm_uemph_or_bold n l returns None if l doesn't start with a bold/emph phrase (marked using underscores), else it returns Some(x,y) where x is the emph and/or bold phrase at the beginning of l and y is the rest of l.

val gh_uemph_or_bold : int -> Omd_representation.tok list -> (Omd_representation.tok list * Omd_representation.tok list) option

gh_uemph_or_bold n l returns None if l doesn't start with a bold/emph phrase (marked using underscores), else it returns Some(x,y) where x is the emph and/or bold phrase at the beginning of l and y is the rest of l.

val uemph_or_bold : int -> Omd_representation.tok list -> (Omd_representation.tok list * Omd_representation.tok list) option

uemph_or_bold n l returns None if l doesn't start with a bold/emph phrase (marked using underscores), else it returns Some(x,y) where x is the emph and/or bold phrase at the beginning of l and y is the rest of l. N.B. if !gh_uemph_or_bold_style then in Github style (i.e., underscores inside words are considered as underscores).

val eat_blank : Omd_representation.tok list -> Omd_representation.tok list

eat_blank l returns l where all blanks at the beginning of the list have been removed (it stops removing as soon as it meets an element that is not a blank). Blanks are spaces and newlines only.

val tag__maybe_h1 : main_loop -> Omd_representation.tok

tag__maybe_h1 main_loop is a tag that is injected everywhere that might preceed a H1 title. It needs main_loop as argument because it is used to parse the contents of the titles.

val tag__maybe_h2 : main_loop -> Omd_representation.tok

tag__maybe_h2 main_loop is the same as tag__maybe_h1 main_loop but for H2.

tag__md md encapsulates md to make it a value of type tok. Its purpose is to inject some pre-parsed markdown (i.e., md of type t) in a yet-to-parse token stream of type tok.

Tag used for the lines that *might* be titles using setext-style.

val hr_m : l -> l option

hr_m l returns Some nl where nl is the remaining of l if l contains a horizontal rule "drawn" with dashes. If there's no HR, then returns None.

val hr_s : l -> l option

hr_s l is the same as hr_m l but for horizontal rules "drawn" with stars instead.

exception NL_exception
exception Premature_ending
val read_until_gt : ?bq:bool -> ?no_nl:bool -> Omd_representation.tok list -> Omd_representation.tok list * Omd_representation.tok list
val read_until_lt : ?bq:bool -> ?no_nl:bool -> Omd_representation.tok list -> Omd_representation.tok list * Omd_representation.tok list
val read_until_cparenth : ?bq:bool -> ?no_nl:bool -> Omd_representation.tok list -> Omd_representation.tok list * Omd_representation.tok list
val read_until_oparenth : ?bq:bool -> ?no_nl:bool -> Omd_representation.tok list -> Omd_representation.tok list * Omd_representation.tok list
val read_until_dq : ?bq:bool -> ?no_nl:bool -> Omd_representation.tok list -> Omd_representation.tok list * Omd_representation.tok list
val read_until_q : ?bq:bool -> ?no_nl:bool -> Omd_representation.tok list -> Omd_representation.tok list * Omd_representation.tok list
val read_until_obracket : ?bq:bool -> ?no_nl:bool -> Omd_representation.tok list -> Omd_representation.tok list * Omd_representation.tok list
val read_until_cbracket : ?bq:bool -> ?no_nl:bool -> Omd_representation.tok list -> Omd_representation.tok list * Omd_representation.tok list
val read_until_space : ?bq:bool -> ?no_nl:bool -> Omd_representation.tok list -> Omd_representation.tok list * Omd_representation.tok list
val read_until_newline : Omd_representation.tok list -> Omd_representation.tok list * Omd_representation.tok list

read_until_... are functions that read from a token list and return two token lists: the first one is the tokens read until a specific token is met, and the second one is the remainder. The particularity of these functions is that they do consider backslash-escaped characters and closing characters. For instance, read_until_gt "1 < 2 > 3 > 4" returns "1 < 2 > 3 ", " 4": note that the ">" before " 4" has disappeared and that read_until_gt takes a tok list (not a string) and returns a couple of tok list (not a couple of strings), the string notation is used here for concision.

Until otherwise noted, those functions do *not* consider backquote-trapped sections. For instance, read_until_gt "1 < 2 > 3 `>` 4" returns "1 < 2 > 3 `", "` 4". If you use these functions, you should make sure that they do what you think they do (i.e., do look at the code).

If the expected characters are not found, the exception Premature_ending is raised. For instance, read_until_gt "1 < > 3" raises Premature_ending.

If no_nl is true (default value for no_nl is false) and '\n' occurs before the splitting character, then NL_exception is raised.

val read_title : main_loop -> int -> r -> p -> l -> (r * p * l) option

read_title main_loop n r p l returns Some(r,p,l) if it succeeds, None otherwise.

read_title main_loop n r p l expects to read a n-level hash-declared title from l, where the hashes have *already* been *removed*. If n is not between 1 and 6 (included), then it returns None.

main_loop is used to parse the contents of the title.

r and p are the classical "result" and "previous" parameters.

val maybe_extension : Omd_representation.extensions -> r -> p -> l -> (r * p * l) option

maybe_extension e r p l returns None if there is no extension or if extensions haven't had any effect, returns Some(nr, np, nl) if at least one extension has applied successfully.

val emailstyle_quoting : main_loop -> r -> p -> l -> (r * p * l) option

emailstyle_quoting main_loop r p l returns Some(r,p,l) with r being the updated result, p being the last parsed token and l being the remaining tokens to parse. If emailstyle_quoting fails, then it returns None, in which case its user is advise to investigate why it returns None because there's possibly a real problem.

val maybe_reference : main_loop -> Omd_representation.ref_container -> r -> p -> l -> (r * p * l) option

maybe_reference tries to parse a reference, a reference definition or a github-style short reference (e.g., foo as a shortcut for foo), and returns Some(r,p,l) if it succeeds, None otherwise.

maybe_link tries to parse a link, and returns Some(r,p,l) if it succeeds, None otherwise.

val parse_list : main_loop -> r -> p -> l -> r * p * l

parse_list main_loop r p l parses a list from l.

***Important property*** It is considered in Omd that a sub-list is always more indented than the item that contains it (so, 2 items with different indentations cannot have the direct same parent).

Since Omd_parser.parse doesn't build paragraphs, if you want Markdown-style paragraphs, you need to apply this function to the result of Omd_parser.parse.

val bcode : ? -> r -> p -> l -> (r * p * l) option

bcode default_lang r p l tries to parse some code that's delimited by backquotes, and returns Some(r,p,l) if it succeeds, None otherwise.

val icode : ? -> r -> p -> l -> (r * p * l) option

icode default_lang r p l tries to parse some code that's delimited by space indentation. It should always return Some(r,p,l), if it returns None it means that it's been misused or there's a bug.

val main_loop_rev : ?html:bool -> r -> p -> l -> r
val main_loop : ?html:bool -> r -> p -> l -> Omd_representation.t

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