package piqilib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
The Piqi library -- runtime support for multi-format Protobuf/JSON/XML/Piq data serialization and conversion


Dune Dependency







Piqi 0.6.16 (August 05, 2022)


  - Add support for the dune build system and use it from OPAM by default
  - Switch CI setup from Travis to GH Actions

Piqi 0.6.15 (September 28, 2018)


  - Switch from ulex to sedlex
  - Rely on opam for installing third-party dependencies
  - Bump minimal supported OCaml version from 4.02 to 4.03

Piqi 0.6.14 (September 13, 2018)


  - Compatibility with OCaml >= 4.02 upto the latest version (4.07.0)


  - Fix "piqi to-proto" broken handling of .protobuf-packed

Piq language:

  - Support commas in lists: optional ,-terminators for list elements
  - Replace lisp-style name expansion syntax with infix notation:
    (<name> ...) -> <name>* [ ... ]
  - Stricter lexical model: restrict Piq words to alphanumeric ASCII and [_-./]
  - Add a new .piq-allow-unnesting record-level; specifying this flag allows to
    omit nesting for a singular scalar or labeled field
  - Add a new .piq-flag-default <value> which resolves field .foo specified
    without a value to .foo <value>

Piqi language:

  - Unify flags and boolean fields, flags are now fully equivalent to
    .field [ .name ... .optional .type bool .default false ]
  - Use new .internal flag for fields which are meant to be ingored during

Piqi tools:

  - Very early support for Protobuf2 "oneof" which can be now generated from
    Piqi variant when .protobuf-oneof <oneof-name> is specified
  - Add "piqi compile -M", similar to cpp -M
  - Add experimental support for serializing Piq AST
  - Add the ability to represent untyped Piq under piqi-any type


  - Compatibility with OCaml upto the latest version (4.07.0)
  - Remove support for OCaml < 4.02
  - Better cross-compilation setup for Windows

Piqi 0.6.13 (June 1, 2016)


- Compatibility with OCaml 4.03 (#55)
- Fix incorrection piq validation when parsing options (alavrik/piqi-ocaml#9)
- Fix piqilib not working in toplevel (#50)


- Switch to tail-recursive versions of List functions

Piqi 0.6.12 (Mar 13, 2015)

- Fix compilation warnings for OCaml >= 4.02

Piqi 0.6.11 (January 25, 2014)


  - Fix "piqi server" on Windows
  - Fix "piqi convert --piq-frameless-input"

Piqi tools:

  - Fix "piqi convert --piq-frameless-input"
  - "piqi check" now validates pb/piq/json/xml files and supports all
    input-related options of "piqi convert"

Piqi 0.6.10 (December 28, 2014)

Bug fixes:

  - Fix assert failure when checking for infinite types
  - Fix "piqi server" start on Win32 (#47)
  - Fix several Piq & getopt parsing regressions introduced in v0.6.7

Piqi tools:

  - Add --piq-relaxed-parsing option to "piqi pp" and "piqi check"

Piqi 0.6.9 (November 17, 2014)


  - Fix #46: build bytecode version of piqilib


  - Remove third-party convenience dependencies from the repo (downloading them
    during 'make deps' instead)
  - Use ocaml-base64 instead of old ocamlnet's base64 implementation
  - Add missing copyright headers and license information
  - Bring NOTICE and copyright information up-to-date

Piqi 0.6.8 (September 3, 2014)

Restore compatibility with OCaml 4.00.1

Piqi 0.6.7 (September 2, 2014)


  - Remove deprecated pa_labelscope camlp4 syntax extension

Piq language:

  - Fix handling of embedded modules
  - Rework parsing of Piq options and sub-variants


  - Compatibility with OCaml 4.02.0
  - Various code layout and build improvements

Piqi 0.6.6 (March 30, 2014)

Backward-incompatible changes:

  - Deprecate "piqi version" subcommand; use "piqi --version" instead
  - Drop support for OCaml 3.11


  - Piqi for OCaml was removed from the source code tree, because its
    development moved to

Piqi language:

  - More robust scheme for locating imported and included .piqi modules (#43)
  - Move .custom-field property from piqi-lang to piqi-spec

Piq language:

  - Improve compatibility between optional boolean fields and flags
  - New .piq-alias property for field and options
  - New .piq-positional property for fields and records

Piqi tools:

  - Deprecate "piqi version"; use "piqi --version" instead
  - Check for infinite types (#39)
  - Rename --json-omit-null-fields to --json_omit_missing_fields
  - Rename --leave-tmp-files to --keep-tmp-files
  - (piqi to-proto) fix incorrectly handling aliases in some cases
  - (piqi convert) New options for converting from/to Piq format:
    --piq-frameless-output --piq-frameless-input --piq-relaxed-input
  - (piqi compile) add new experimental -f and -t piqi command-line options


  - Remove dependency on custom CamlP4 extensions
  - Drop support for OCaml 3.11
  - Drop support for MinGW/Msys build
  - Add proper support for MinGW/Cygwin build
  - Add support for cross-compiling win32 executable on Linux
  - Massive improvements in bootstrap and build; simpler and faster builds
  - "make install" now installs the piqi.1 manpage

Piqi 0.6.5 (October 27, 2013)

Piqi language:

  - add a new 'json-omit-missing' field property
  - add a new 'piqi' filename as a field in the compiled spec

Piqi tools:

  - (piqi call, getopt, to-proto) add --strict flag (treat warnings as errors)
  - (piqi compile) include .piqi filename as a field in the compiled spec


  - (piq, json, xml) Fix: incorrect parsing of large (> 2^63 - 1) unsigned
    decimal literals
  - (json) preserve the original int, float and string literals in embedded JSON


  - automatic checking for broken links in the generated documentation during CI
    build (thanks to Motiejus Jakštys)

Piqi 0.6.4 (April 17, 2013)

Preparation for OS packaging (thanks to Motiejus Jakštys and Spilgames):

- scripts for building piqi(1) man page and offline HTML documentation
- improvements in build scripts
- fixed tests compilation on recent Ubuntu versions


- travis-ci integration (thanks to Motiejus Jakštys and Spilgames)

Piqi 0.6.3 (April 3, 2013)


- Piqi for Erlang was removed from the source code tree, because its development
  moved to


- piqi-rpc was removed from the source code tree, because its development moved

Piqi tools:

- Fix inconsistencies in Piq syntax

Piqi 0.6.2 (March 17, 2013)

Piqi tools:

- Fix: assertiton failure in "piqi compile --normalize-names ..."

Piqi 0.6.1 (March 11, 2013)

Piqi tools:

- Fix: assertion failure in "piqi compile"
- Fix: handling of unknown fields included from other modules by "piqi compile"

Piqi 0.6.0 (February 3, 2013)

Backward incompatible changes:

  - (piqi) Remove support for "piq-word" and "piq-text" built-in types and
    provide an alternative way to control Piq representation of string values
    using a new "piq-format" property
  - (piqi) Rename "piq-any" built-in type to "piqi-any"
  - (xml) always use <value> as a top-level XML element instead of tag derived
    from specific typename
  - (json) top-level values of primitive types and enum constants encoded in
    JSON as {"value": ...} instead of {"_": ...}
  - (tools) use $PIQI_PATH environment variable for Piqi module search paths
    instead of $PIQI_DIR


  - Fix parsing of enum options with dashes from JSON
  - Support for untyped JSON and XML values in Piq, Protobuf, JSON and XML
    formats (JSON and XML formats support only untyped JSON and XML
    respectively) as values of "piqi-any" type
  - (json) "json-omit-null-fields" option now works for non-existent repeated
    fields as well: JSON fields with "[]" values are omitted from the output
  - (json) top-level values of primitive types and enum constants encoded in
    JSON as {"value": ...} instead of {"_": ...}
  - (xml) always use <value> as a top-level XML element instead of tag derived
    from specific typename
  - (piq) change ":piqtype <typename>" syntax to "(:<typename>)"
  - (pib) rename experimental "wire" encoding to "pib"
  - remove support for experimental "piq-json" encoding (similar functionality,
    including optional type hints and reversibility is provided as a part of the
    standard "json" encoding)


  - Fix #22: incorrect generation of -type for imported variants


  - New .ocaml-optional field property for more precise control of how .optional
    fields with default values are represented in OCaml records
  - Fix #23: compilation under OCaml-4.00+
  - OPAM package

Piqi language:

  - Split self-specification into two parts: portable self-spec (piqi.piqi) and
    the Piqi language superset of it (piqi-lang.piqi)
  - Ability to define untyped JSON and XML values
  - Remove support for "piq-word" and "piq-text" built-in types, and provide an
    alternative way to control Piq representation of string values using a new
    "piq-format" property
  - Allow interchangeable use of '_' and '-' in imported module paths and names
  - Rename "piq-any" built-in type to "piqi-any"
  - New experimental .deprecated flag for fields and options
  - Allow referencing automatically-generated from nested function parameters
    *-input|-output|-error definitions
  - Allow nested alias definitions in function parameters
  - (protobuf) new .protobuf-prefix property for enum definitions
  - (protobuf) rename .proto-name, .proto-custom, .proto-package properties to
    .protobuf-name, .protobuf-custom, .protobuf-package
  - (protobuf) rename .wire-type alias property to .protobuf-wire-type
  - (protobuf) rename .wire-packed repeated field/list property to

Piqi tools

  - Use $PIQI_PATH environment variable for Piqi module search paths instead of
  - Initial implementation of "piqi compile" and "piqi cc"
  - Rename "piqi convert|check|getopt --piqtype" command-line parameter to
  - Modules included and imported from modules with scoped names are searched
    in the importing/including module's directory first
  - New "piqi expand --add-module-name" that adds .module <name> property if it
    was missing
  - New "piqi expand --functions" and "--all" flags
  - New "piqi convert --gen-extended-piqi-any" flag for generating extended
    representation of piqi-any values in JSON and XML formats
  - Rename "--noboot" flag to "--no-builtin-types"


  - Remove dependency on custom changes in "xmlm" third-party library and bring
    up-to-date with latest upstream version (1.1.1)
  - Add conventional "./configure" script (fixes #20)
  - Don't build ulex, xmlm and easy-format third-party dependencies if they are
    already installed in the system
  - Improved Piq pretty-printing, especially of verbatim text literals
  - Piqi documentation is now distributed with the source code

Piqi 0.5.7 (April 29, 2012)

Backward incompatible changes:

  - The way Piqi flags are represented in JSON format changes
    from "<name>": null to "<name>": true

Piqi language:

  - "extend" statement can be applied to all kinds of Piqi entries: type
    definitions, fields, options, functions, function parameters, imports
  - Change Piqi includes to be syntax-based

Piq language:

  - Make ":piqtype" directive optional -- which makes Piq format usable for
    storing configuration files and keep them independent of Piqi type


  - Check for missing piqi binary (thanks to Bart van Deenen)
  - Make edoc work without errors
  - Optimize Protobuf record parsing from O(N^2) to O(N)
  - Improve Protobuf compatibility -- take last value instead of first when
    reading Protobuf optional or required fields
  - "piqic erlang" automatically loads and includes <f>.erlang.piqi extension
    module into each input module <f>.piqi
  - New serialization options:
    - json_omit_null_fields (default = true) -- add JSON "null" fields for
      missing optional Piqi fields
    - pretty_print (default = true) -- pretty-print JSON and XML output
    - use_strict_parsing (default = false) -- treat unknown and duplicate fields
      as errors when parsing JSON, XML and Piq formats


  - Fix #14: incorrect "piqic ocaml-ext" output when used w/o --pp flag
  - Optimize Protobuf record parsing from O(N^2) to O(N)
  - Improve Protobuf compatibility -- take last value instead of first when
    reading Protobuf optional or required fields
  - New examples for using custom types and using Piq as a config file format
  - "piqic ocaml" automatically loads and includes <f>.ocaml.piqi extension
    module into each input module <f>.piqi
  - New serialization options:
    - json_omit_null_fields (default = true) -- add JSON "null" fields for
      missing optional Piqi fields
    - pretty_print (default = true) -- pretty-print JSON and XML output
    - use_strict_parsing (default = false) -- treat unknown and duplicate fields
      as errors when parsing JSON, XML and Piq formats

Piqi tools:

  - (piqi json-pp) New --indent flag for indenting instead of pretty-printing
  - (piqi convert, check) --piqtype command-line parameter defines default type
    when reading Piq input
  - (piqi convert) Improve Protobuf compatibility -- take last value instead of
    first when reading Protobuf optional or required fields
  - (piqi convert) New --json-omit-null-fields option for including JSON "null"
    fields for missing optional Piqi fields (omitted from JSON output by
  - (piqi convert, check) New --strict flag for piqi check & convert -- treat
    unknown and duplicate fields as errors when parsing JSON, XML and Piq
  - (piqi convert, check, expand) New -e <extension-name> option to
    automatically including Piqi extension for each loaded Piqi module

"piqi to-proto" improvements and fixes:

  - Fix a problem in "piqi to-proto" with aliasing imported defs
  - Fix "piqi to-proto" for function parameters (not generating Protobuf defs
    for function parameters of primitive types)
  - Improve handling of Piqi enums by "piqi to-proto"


  - Fix HTTP GET returning internal error when Piqi imports are used
  - Add configuration options for services:
    - pretty-print JSON and XML output (default = true)
    - omit fields with 'null' values from JSON output (default = true)
    - treat unknown and duplicate fields as errors when parsing JSON or XML
      input (default = false)
    - do not include Erlang stracktraces in HTTP 500 responses when request
      handler crashes (default = true) (thanks to Thijs Terlouw)
  - Ignore content-type header part after ';' (thanks to Bart van Deenen)
  - Allow callbacks to modify Webmachine Request (thanks to Thijs Terlouw)
  - Improve "addressbook" example

Internal improvements:

  - Improve and simplify Piqi bootstrap procedure
  - Get rid of m4 as a build dependency
  - Split Piqi self-definition into two parts: piqi-spec and piqi-lang
  - Represent .piqi as piqi-spec instead of piqi-lang in Protobuf, XML and JSON
  - Symbolic representation of Piqi defaults in JSON and XML (i.e. when .piqi is
    converted to JSON and XML)

Piqi 0.5.6 (August 7, 2011)


  - Support for Protocol Buffer's "packed" encoding for primitive numeric fields
  - Windows support using MinGW

  Specific to OCaml:

    - Multi-format Protobuf/JSON/XML/Piq serialization
    - Serialization of custom types, e.g chars, bigints
    - Option for representing repeated fields and lists as OCaml arrays

  Specific to Erlang:

    - Rebar packages for Piqi and Piqi-RPC
    - Multi-core scalability and improved performance for JSON and XML
    - 30% faster Erlang binary de-serialization and other optimizations of
      piqirun.erl (thanks to Hunter Morris)
    - Serialization of custom types, e.g. bigints, arbitrary Erlang terms


  - Multi-format Protobuf/JSON/XML/Piq serialization
  - Serialization of custom OCaml types
  - Support for Protocol Buffer's "packed" encoding for primitive numeric fields
  - Support for empty records
  - Option for representing repeated fields and lists as OCaml arrays
  - Automatic topological sorting of sub-variant definitions
  - Fix: reading uint32-fixed values > 0x7fffffff from Protobuf encoding


  - Rebar package
  - Multi-core scalability and improved performance for JSON and XML
  - Optimizations of serialization runtime library (thanks to Hunter Morris)
  - Support for protocol Buffer's "packed" encoding for primitive numeric fields
  - Serialization of custom Erlang types
  - New top-level ".erlang-string-type" option for decoding strings as lists (by
    default strings are decoded as binaries)
  - The ability to turn off pretty-printing for JSON and XML output
  - Clear erlc & dialyzer warnings on R14B02


  - Rebar package
  - Make HTTP request data accessible to the application callbacks
  - Report internal errors using standard Erlang Error Logger interface
  - Limit the size and depth of error messages
  - Less strict validation of HTTP request for easier request construction by

Piqi language:

  - Allow to nest any type definition as a function parameter
  - New ".proto-custom" property for better Protocol Buffers interoperation;
    example usage:
            .proto-custom # option java_package = "";

Piqi tools:

  - Fix: add missing exception handling when parsing XML
  - Fix: handle malformed UTF-8 exception
  - Fix: incorrect Protobuf to X conversion in case of imported definitions
  - Fix: parsing empty strings represented in XML
  - Fix #7: (piqi to-proto) invalid .proto generated in case of imported aliases
  - Better warnings on unknown fields when parsing .piqi/.piq

Piqi 0.5.5 (April 12, 2011)


  - Multi-format data serialization for Erlang (JSON, XML, Protocol Buffers)
  - Piqi-RPC -- an RPC-over-HTTP system for Erlang
  - Support for XML encoding
  - Function definitions in the Piqi language
  - Piqi getopt -- type-based command-line arguments parsing

Backward-incompatible changes:

  - "piqirun" Erlang application is renamed to "piqi" (contains the old
    "piqirun.erl" and some new functionality). The new application runs a
    supervisor and some servers which are used by Piqi-RPC and multi-format data
    serialization (see below).

  - (piqic ocaml, piqic erlang) Both Piqi compilers now generate
    "<Mod>|.erl|.hrl" instead of "<Mod>.ml|.erl|.hrl". For OCaml it is
    still possible to specify the name of the output file explicitly using "-o"
    parameter. OCaml and Erlang module names can be also set using
    "ocaml-module" and "erlang-module" directly in the .piqi file.

  - (ocaml) Generated OCaml serialization functions (i.e. gen_<typename>) now
    accept 1 arguments instead of 2. Old functions accepting 2 arguments are
    renamed to gen__<typename>. The removed argument is an integer tag for a
    Protobuf field -- there's rarely a need to specify it explicitly.

Important changes in Erlang serialization:

  - Generated Erlang serialization functions (i.e. gen_<type>/2) can also accept
    only 1 argument. It is now possible to use gen_<type>(X) instead of
    gen_<type>('undefined', X).

  - Calling piqirun:init_from_binary/1 is no longer necessary as all
    parse_<typename>/1 functions will accept Erlang binaries.

Other changes:

  - (piqirun-erlang) Improved error reporting when deserializing incomplete
    data: a special 'not_enough_data' exception will be thrown in such case.
  - (json) Wrapping top-level primitive values into {"_": <value>} object to
    conform with JSON RFC4627 specification.
  - Piqi-light syntax improvements for better readability.
  - Don't generate {<field>: null} for optional fields missing in JSON records.
  - Tests will now work even if Protocol Buffers is not installed.
  - (piqirun-ocaml) Remove "Stream" layer and use channels directly in the input

Bug fixes:

  - (erlang) Fixed incorrect Erlang mapping for some built-in types (problem was
    introduced in 0.5.4 release).
  - (erlang) A proper support for records with no fields.
  - (piqic ocaml) crash on imports of built-in aliases (Issue #2).
  - (make ocaml-install) Fixed installation of OCaml libraries which conflicted
    with installation of OCaml dependencies (Issue #1).

New functionality (XML support):
  - "piqi convert" can now convert data between Protobuf, XML, JSON and Piq
    formats. Other Piqi commands that rely on conversion functionality, such as
    "piqi getopt", can work with XML as well.

New functionality (XML, JSON and Piq serialization for Erlang):

  - "piqic-erlang-ext" -- a command-line Piqi compiler (an extended version of
    "piqic erlang" command). It generates Erlang code for
    serializing/deserializing data XML, JSON, Piq, Protobuf formats.
  - piqi_tools.erl -- Erlang bindings for Piqi tools implemented as Erlang
    port running "piqi server".

New functionality (miscellaneous):

  - Support for serializing top-level values of primitive types (ocaml, erlang,
    piqi tools, all formats).
  - (piqirun-erlang, piqirun-ocaml) New functions for encoding/decoding
    length-delimited blocks (gen_block/parse_block). Compatible with similar
    functionality in Protocol Buffers.
  - (piqic-ocaml, piqic-erlang) Support for generating default values for types:
    'piqic ocaml|erlang --gen-defaults ...'.
  - A new "piqi getopt" command interprets idiomatic command-line arguments as
    Piq data object (according to a Piqi type spec) and converts it to JSON,
    XML, Piq and Protobuf formats.
  - Piqi-RPC -- an PRC-over-HTTP system for Erlang (see below).
  - Performance tests for Erlang serialization to/from Protobuf, JSON, XML, Piq.

New functionality (Piqi-RPC):

  - Support for function definitions in the Piqi language, all the Piqi tools,
    compilers, OCaml, Erlang and Protocol Buffer mappings.
  - A new "piqi server" command that talks Piqi-RPC over Unix pipe and exposes
    data conversion functionality.
  - A new "piqi call" -- Piqi-RPC command-line client that interprets
    command-line arguments as input parameters for remote functions and
    communicates with Piqi-RPC servers via HTTP or Unix pipe.
  - piqi-rpc -- an Erlang application containing runtime support libraries and
    HTTP interface for Piqi-RPC.
  - "piqic-erlang-rpc" -- a command-line Piqi compiler and server stubs
    generator for Piqi-RPC/Erlang.
  - A new "piqic expand" command. It is similar to "piqi expand" but also sets
    piqic-specific fields, such as OCaml and Erlang names.

Piqi 0.5.4 (December 19, 2010)

Now it is possible to embed Piqi type definitions into Piq streams to produce
self-describing data bundles. Piq streams with embedded type definitions can be
represented in Piq, Piq-JSON and Wire formats.

Piqi tools:

  - New "piqi convert --embed-piqi" flag for embedding type information into
    serialized Piq streams.
  - Use hash-based wire codes for Piqi self-specification instead of
    automatically-assigned ordinals to ensure forward and backward compatibility
    of serialized .piqi specs with regard to future Piqi language extensions.
  - Many internal improvements in Piqi compiler compiler, Piqi library
    initialization and serialization of .piqi specs.


  - (ocaml, erlang) Generating more optimal code for variant parsing.

Bug fixes:

  - Fixed an integer overflow bug in piqirun-ocaml library on 32-bit platform.
  - Fixed missing location information in errors or warnings while converting
    from JSON.
  - Fixed incorrect field ordering during Piq input/output when Piqi
    specification explicitly defines non-ordinal wire codes.

Piqi 0.5.3 (October 19, 2010)

Added initial support for Piqi-light -- lightweight EBNF-like syntax for Piqi
data definition language.

Piqi tools:

  - New "piqi light" command for printing .piqi in Piqi-light syntax.
  - Improved pretty-printing of .piqi by transforming output Piq AST. Mainly
    affects "piqi expand".
  - Added support for "-o" option to "piqi to-proto", "piqi of-proto" commands.
  - Improved floats reversibility in Piq (unified this part with JSON
    generator). Affects "proto convert -t piq".


  - (ocaml) Simplified generated OCaml type definitions.

Bug fixes:

  - Timely reset location DB to allow garbage collection of objects. Affects
    "piqi convert" and "piqi pp".
  - Fixed several problems with "piqi expand".
  - Fixed printing order for "unknown field" warnings.

Piqi 0.5.2 (September 13, 2010)

Added Erlang support:

  - "piqic erlang" -- a new piqic backend for for generating Erlang type
    specifications and encoding/decoding functions.
  - "piqirun-erlang" -- runtime support library.


  - (ocaml, erlang) Normalize Piqi identifiers by default, i.e. convert
    "CamlCase" identifiers to "caml-case".
  - (ocaml, erlang) Don't generate codecs and types for unused definitions from
    the boot module.


  Backward incompatible changes:

  - Combined piqirun-ocaml library into one "piqirun" OCaml module (previously
    there were two: "piqirun_gen" and "piqirun_parse").
  - Improved piqirun-ocaml buffer initialization interface (unified it with

  Other changes:

  - Ignore duplicate fields instead of producing an error.

Piqi tools:

  - Generate warnings instead of errors on duplicate fields when reading from
    Piq format.
  - Ignore duplicate fields when reading from wire format.

Platform support:

  - Now builds and runs on Mac OS X (fixed some build portability problems).

Piqi 0.5.1 (August 17, 2010)

Major changes include support for JSON encoding and providing compatibility
with OCaml 3.12.0.

Piqi tools:

  - "piqi convert" command now supports two new encodings: "json" (plain JSON)
    and "piq-json" (JSON with Piq type annotation for top-level objects).
  - A new command: "piqi json-pp" for pretty-printing JSON files.

Piqi language:

  - Added support for "json-name" property for type definitions, fields and
    options. When specified, it will be used as a name for correspondent JSON
    field names instead of "name".
  - Renamed "ignore-field" top-level directive to "custom-field".

Other changes:

  - Provided compatibility with the latest OCaml release (3.12.0). Improved
    support for older OCaml versions >= 3.10.

Piqi 0.5.0 (July 9, 2010)

First public release.

Innovation. Community. Security.