package prbnmcn-linalg

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

prbnmcn-linalg: metaprogramming-friendly linear algebra

This library (linalg for short) is a DSL allowing to construct and run computations on vectors and matrices, independently of their underlying representation. Concretely, this allows, given the description of a program in linalg, to either run this program on float arrays or bigarrays, or even to generate code.


As a first example, we show how to standardize a vector. We start by computing the mean and standard deviation.

open Linalg
module V = Vec.Float

let mean vec =
  let dim = Tensor.Int.numel @@ V.idim vec in
  let tot = V.reduce ( +. ) 0.0 vec in
  tot /. float_of_int dim

let stddev vec =
  let m = mean vec in
  let shape = V.idim vec in
  let idim = 1. /. float_of_int (Tensor.Int.numel shape) in
  let delta = V.sub vec (V.const shape m) in
  sqrt @@ (idim *. V.reduce ( +. ) 0.0 (V.mul delta delta))

To test this out, we have to come up with a vector. Here's how to create a vector out of a float array.

let in_of_array (a : float array) =
  let n = Array.length a in
  let shape = Tensor.Int.rank_one n in
  Vec (shape, fun i -> Array.unsafe_get a i)

in_of_array returns an "input vector". The Vec constructor packs two things:

  • a shape, which embodies the valid indices into the vector as well as how to iterate on this vector,
  • a function which associates an index to a value.

    let test_array = [| 1.; 2.; 3. |]
    let () =
      let vec = in_of_array test_array in
      assert (mean vec =. 2.) ;
      assert (String.equal (string_of_float (stddev vec)) "0.816496580928")

    How about writing back to the array? We need to create an "output vector" as follows:

    let out_of_array (a : float array) =
      let n = Array.length a in
      let shape = Tensor.Int.rank_one n in
      OVec (shape, fun i v -> Array.unsafe_set a i v)

    Using these ingredients, let's write a function that standardizes a float array:

    let standardize array =
      let vec = in_of_array array in
      let ovec = out_of_array array in
      let mean = mean vec in
      let std = stddev vec in
      let shape = V.idim vec in
      V.(ovec := smul (1. /. std) (sub vec (const shape mean)))
    let () =
      let vec = in_of_array test_array in
      assert (mean vec =. 0.) ;
      assert (String.equal (string_of_float (stddev vec)) "1.")


Abstract vectors

In linalg, vectors, matrices and higher tensors are represented as pairs of functions encoding getters and setters. In the following, we call these "abstract vectors" to distinguish them from 1d vectors. The corresponding types are Linalg.vec, for "getters" aka "input vectors", and Linalg.ovec for "setters" aka "output vectors".

(** Type of generic input vectors (vectors from which we {e get} elements) *)
type ('s, 'i, 'e) vec = Vec of 's * ('i -> 'e)

(** Type of generic output vectors (vectors to which we {e set} elements). *)
type ('s, 'i, 'e, 'w) ovec = OVec of 's * ('i -> 'e -> 'w)

The first type parameter 's corresponds to the shape of the vectors: for 1d vector, this could correspond to a contiguous interval of indices 0; ...; n-1 while for matrices, this could be the cartesian product of two such intervals, denoting every possible position in the matrix. This generalizes to higher dimensions, and even to non-regular indexation schemes.

The second parameter 'i corresponds to the type of indices, typically we will consider integers, or some representation of integers (eg 'i could be a computation yielding an integer).

The third parameter, 'e corresponds to the type of elements. We're most used to manipulating float-valued vectors and matrices, but it could also be Complex.t or even some other vector, or some computation yielding a value!

We see that values of type vec are essentially functions from inputs to elements. The role of the 's component is to check that accesses to a vector are in the domain of that vector: obviously, the way this is performed will depend on the concrete implementation we will use for shapes.

The type ovec has an additional type parameter 'w, which corresponds to the outcome of writing an element in a particular position. When performing run-of-the-mill computations, 'w will correspond to the type unit, but again this could be something more complicated.

Tensor shapes

A shape specifies the domain of definition of an abstract vector and how to iterate on it. Shapes are related by shape morphisms: transporting vectors along those morphisms generalizes "reshaping" in other libraries.

Grid-like shapes, which are most common in practice correspond to the Linalg.Intf.Tensor module type. The module Linalg.Tensor.Int implements this signature for the case of 0-based indexing, column major tensor-like shapes.

Vectors and Matrices

The functors Linalg.Vec.Make and Linalg.Mat.Make are implemented on top of this infrastructure. These functors are further instantiated in directly usable modules:

(TODO) Reshaping

TODO: document how to reshape matrices and etc

(TODO) Metaprogramming

TODO: document how to use linalg to generate code

Technical notes

Our approach is essentially to program numerical algorithms in tagless final form, abstracting away the typed syntax of the language in which the algorithms are implemented.

This effort is largely inspired by the work of Oleg Kiselyov et al. on meta-programming. The idea to represent vectors as pairs of input/output vectors, along with many other ideas, was drawn from his book Reconciling Abstraction with High Performance: A MetaOCaml approach.

If using MetaOCaml is a viable option for you, we encourage you to use it instead: indeed, our approach boils down to that of MetaOCaml, but without the nice syntax and extra safety brought by the scope extrusion check.

On the plus side, we can use the mainline OCaml compiler.


  • Linalg linalg: metaprogramming-friendly linear algebra

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