package sqlite3_utils

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
High-level wrapper around ocaml-sqlite3


Dune Dependency






Sqlite3_utils is a high-level wrapper around the sqlite3 bindings with utils and helpers functions to manage resources and handle typing and statements.


online docs


A few examples to illustrate basic usage of this library. Let's assume you have installed the library and run:

# #require "sqlite3_utils";;
# open Sqlite3_utils;;

Most functions come with f and f_exn versions, the latter raising RcError rc where Sqlite returns the error code rc, the former returning a ('a, Rc.t) result.

Executing non parametrized statements

Here we use with_db to open a new handle and run some code with this handle, ensuring the handle is closed when our code returns (no resource leak). The function exec0_exn is a convenient form for running simple statements that take no parameters and return no values, and exec_raw_args deal with Sqlite3.Data.t values for both parameters and values returned by the cursor:

# with_db ":memory:" (fun db ->
   exec0_exn db "create table person (name text, age int);";
   exec0_exn db "insert into person values ('alice', 20), ('bob', 25) ;";
   exec_raw_args db "select age from person where name=? ;" [| Data.TEXT "alice" |]
- : (Data.t array list, Rc.t) result = Ok [[|Sqlite3_utils.Data.INT 20L|]]

Typed API

Let us re-consider the previous example but with the typed API:

# with_db ":memory:" (fun db ->
   exec0_exn db "create table person (name text, age int);";
   exec0_exn db "insert into person values ('alice', 20), ('bob', 25) ;";
   exec db "select age from person where name=? ;"
    ~ty:Ty.(p1 text, p1 int, (fun (x:int) -> x))
- : (int list, Rc.t) result = Ok [20]

We provide a ~ty argument that, in the most general case, exec, for a parametrized statement that returns values, defines the type of parameters and the type of return values. Here ty is a triple (type of params, type of result columns, function f) where f turns the list of returned columns into a single value. f can typically be used to build a tuple or record for each result row.

The module Sqlite3_utils.Ty contains combinators for declaring types (base types: text, int, blob, etc. and composition operators such as int @> text @> nil) as well as for making simple tuples.

Computing the fibonacci function

We can use sqlite to compute recursive functions with the WITH RECURSIVE form:

# let fib n =
  let q = "with recursive fib(a,b,c) as
    ( values (1,1,1),(2,1,2) UNION select a+1, c, b+c from fib where a<=?)
    select c from fib where a = ?;"
  with_db ":memory:" (fun db ->
      let l =
        exec db q ~ty:Ty.(p2 int int, p1 int, id)
          n n ~f:Cursor.to_list
      match l with
      | Ok [n] -> n
      | _ -> assert false

# fib 10;;
- : int = 89
# fib 15;;
- : int = 987

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